Blood Princess and the Knight

30~ Ruoya who can’t let go

"Senior Ruoya, senior Ruoya~"

What are you doing? Your expression is so disgusting, don’t come near me!"

"Senior Ruoya, you have had a day of classes, are you tired? You must be. Do you need me to help you stretch your legs and squeeze your shoulders?"

No, you should look in the mirror and see how disgusting you are now!" Zoya rolled her eyes.

"Hey, I understand. It's already time for dinner. Senior Ruoya, you must be hungry, right? What do you want to eat?

What about food? I'll bring it to you. "

"There's something wrong with you.

"Something's wrong? No, I'm quite right."

"To be courteous for nothing, it's either adultery or theft." Ruoya flipped her red hair and narrowed her eyes.

"How can this be considered being attentive? I have always felt sorry for Sister Ruoya." With that said, Nuoqiu moved into Ruoya's arms very affectionately.

"Oh, by the way, Senior Sister Ruoya must be hungry already. Tell me what you want to eat tonight. I'll go run errands!"

"Tell me what you want me to do." Ruoya sighed.

"Oh, Senior Sister Ruoya is so happy. This is what happened."

"What?! No, no, how can this be allowed?! I will drown out of boredom with that guy!"

"Please, please, senior Ruoya, we are all roommates in the same dormitory, and meeting each other is fate. Since we are roommates, don't be so stiff." Nuoqiu shook Ruoya's hands coquettishly.

No, no, I don't want to be at the same table as that guy. "

"Please, Senior Sister Ruoya, please, or else, I'll take care of your clothes too! Just throw them all to me to wash.

"What do I want you to do with my laundry? I have a dedicated maid, but no one can do it as well as you do.

Ruoya pushed Nuo Qiu's face away with a look of disgust.

"Well, then, I can give you a bath, or wash your feet! No matter what it is, just call me!"

"Why should I need someone to do these things for me? It's not like I don't have hands myself." Ruoya pinched her forehead in distress. "Okay, but it's just this once, there will be no next time."

"Okay! Then, it's a deal.

"Classmate Yelena, are you free tomorrow noon?"

What's the matter? "Yelena's shoulders trembled slightly when Nuo Qiu came to her door. It seemed that the incident left enough psychological shadow on her. Now she can't show any momentum towards Nuo Qiu.

"Ah, the situation is like this,

"How about it, classmate Yelena, can you spare the time?

"If you can't squeeze it out, you have to squeeze it out." Yelena said with a sad face.

"Ah? What do you mean?"

"Nothing. If this is your order, I will not refuse." Yelena shook her head.

"An order? This is not an order." Nuo Qiu didn't understand what Yelena was thinking. Why would such a thing involve an order? And what order did he give to Yelena?

I always feel that since that day, Yelena's attitude towards him has become more and more different.

"Senior Bai Ming, let's have a picnic at noon today!"

, can I not go?”

"No." Nuo Qiu refused with a smile and took the initiative to hold Bai Ming's hand. "Until Senior Bai Ming makes friends, you have to listen to me."

"Why do I have to make friends?" Bai Ming was puzzled. "Is it because I'm not strong enough?"

"You are really a fool, Senior Bai Ming. People are social animals. How can we live in this world without friends? If you don't talk to people all day long and only know how to train and fight, then you Isn't it just a robot? If you continue like this, one day you will have a big mental problem."

"Oh." Bai Ming nodded, with the expression that whatever you say means it.

"Let's go, let's go, today is a holiday, everyone can't wait."

Everyone?" Bai Ming tilted his head.

Somewhere on the outskirts of the imperial city.

Above the green grass, under a small tree.

"Hello." Yelena mechanically greeted the two arriving people. Next to her, Ruoya crossed her arms and turned her head away. Although she looked impatient, she still kept her promise and came to have a dinner under the small tree.

"Have a picnic with them?" Bai Ming stopped.

"Of course, we are all roommates. We see each other without looking up. We must have a good relationship with each other." Nuo Qiu said with a smile.

I shouldn't have come. "Bai Ming looked away.

"Hey, Facial Paralysis Dairy Cow, what did you say?" Hearing this, Ruoya couldn't sit still, and she was annoyed as she had a lot of objections to Bai Ming. "Please don't steal my lines. That's what I want to say. Do you think I am willing to have lunch with a single-celled life that is extremely boring and self-righteous?"

"I spent my precious lunch break sitting on the same picnic mat with you, a disgraceful being. Why don't you thank me with gratitude?"

"Oh, then I really thank you." Bai Ming didn't even look at Ruoya.

Haha, thank you and don’t even look at people, who are you fooling? ? You are indeed a Shenglun who is full of muscles and muscles. He is useless except for fighting. He has no small courtesy and no righteousness. He must not embarrass all the nobles of Gulan when he goes out. "Light..." Ruoya showed no signs of weakness and gave Bai Ming an unceremonious sneer.

"Corroded maggots

. "Bai Ming - murmured in a low voice, lowered his head, his beautiful eyes fell on the ground, and stamped his feet.

"Who are you calling a maggot? ?"

"Ah?" Bai Ming tilted his head and looked at Ruoya in confusion. "I'm pointing to this one on the ground. Why does your Excellency Ruoya insist on taking the right seat?

"You cow!" Ruoya became angry with shame, stood up and glared at Bai Ming.

"Ah, okay, okay, stop arguing, stop arguing, we are here to eat, right? Haha, calm down, calm down." Nuo Qiu squeezed his sweat and hurriedly dissuaded him.

He really didn't expect Bai Ming, who usually seemed to be a rigid and rigid person, to be so capable of irritating others. He really underestimated her.

"Humph!" Zoya sat down angrily and turned her head away.

Bai Ming didn't say much and turned a blind eye to Ruoya.

Yelena watched the whole show, and even had a pleasant smile on her lips. She seemed to be happy to see these two people quarreling. She was just being a person having fun and had nothing to do with herself.

Well, none of these three people are cheap. It would be even harder for them to have a good relationship.

Nuo Qiu sighed inwardly.

Obviously in his opinion, Ruoya and Bai Ming are actually very good people. Ruoya is a sharp-tongued person who is mean on the surface and can be thorny to everyone, but in fact she can be regarded as the best among the three. She would basically be willing to help with anything if she said a few soft words, and she even thought about helping Bai Ming privately.

Needless to say, Bai Ming, the Shenglun family's ancestral rigidity and dullness.

Both of these people are the kind of people who have their own moral bottom line and will never do anything outrageous. In Nuoqiu's view, they are both classified as "good people", but why do they dislike each other?

Fortunately, the process followed the script compiled by Nuo Qiu, and several people took out the tableware and ingredients.

Lunch is sandwiches, juice, beef patties -

Eating together is undoubtedly one of the ways to enhance feelings. However, what Nuo Qiu didn't expect was that before they had been quiet for half a quarter of an hour, the scene became filled with the smell of gunpowder again.

"Oh, Nuo Qiu, it's not easy for you to invite this giant Buddha over." After the four of them took off their shoes and sat on the picnic cloth, Ruoya started to drink the white tea again.

"You have to know that this great god usually doesn't even say that she is invited, even if she is asked to say a word to anyone, she is busy with everything, as if no one will waste her time, haha."


"Then we have to see who it is." Bai Ming glanced sideways at Ruoya. "Different road non-phase plan.

"Yes, yes, no one is worthy of talking to you, right? The genius Miss Bai Ming?" Ruoya sneered. "For you, even saying one more word to others is too much. The entire Kingdom of Quran, no, the nobles of all the countries in Barand are completely corrupt. Only your Holy Lun can emerge from the mud and remain untainted. That's it. ?"

"I don't know." Although Bai Ming said he didn't know, the look in his eyes had some profound meaning, which made Ruoya's teeth itch with anger.

What she hates the most is Bai Ming.

"I won't eat!" Ruoya stood up and hummed. "With this annoying guy around, the texture and chewiness of the food have deteriorated, and I can't eat it!"

"Don't be like this. We are all students of the same college and under the same roof. It's fate." Nuo Qiu didn't know how to lighten the atmosphere. He could only repeat the old rhetoric over and over again, as if he was repeating it. machine.

"This is not fate, this is called bad luck." Ruoya threw the sandwiches in her hand one by one and looked at Bai Ming who was kneeling next to her, chewing something like a hamster with disgust.

"I was unlucky enough to be assigned to the same dormitory as two guys with extremely weird personalities."

"Ah?" Yelena raised her eyebrows while holding a piece of bread. Although she felt like she had been shot while lying down, to be honest, she was not surprised that Ruoya was dissatisfied with her.

To be honest, she may feel the same as Bai Ming and Ruo Ya, and she has long wanted to change dormitories.

But she didn't care. After all, she had some idea of ​​her own personality, and knew that girls with any personality would probably find her strange, so she didn't care which dormitory she would move to.

"Friends should be like other people, go to the coffee shop together, go out for picnics, go to class together, go back to the dormitory together, and talk to each other about everything. Originally, I was full of longing for my college life." Ruoya With his head lowered, his murmuring voice could be heard by everyone present.

"I was obviously very enthusiastic about my two roommates at the beginning, but who knew."

"Why, why is my college life so unfortunate to be assigned to these two aliens who are so different from human beings? ?"

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