“That, that, thank you Ruoya lowered her head, her voice was thin and low, it seemed that for her, saying this sentence was already the limit.

Unfortunately, Bai Ming didn't hear what she said. He kicked the broken sea monster's hand away. He was obviously holding only a branch. He was dressed very casually, just like a battle-hardened knight. .

The breeze lifted her blond hair and swayed in the light of the fire

Ruoya stared blankly at Bai Ming's back. For some reason, she felt that Bai Ming was a little handsome at this moment.

"It's really difficult, Senior Sister Ruoya, what's wrong with you?"

"No, it's nothing." Ruoya put aside her reddish cheeks, found a pair of glasses from somewhere, and put them on herself.

She had never thought that Mu Yu's head could be so handsome. Surrounded by so many sea monsters, Ruoya should be very scared. What she hated most were monsters and unknown creatures.

However, at this time, to her own surprise, she was not much afraid, but she felt a little comfortable.

Nuo Qiu and Yelina, who were holding spears, were guarding Ruoya on both sides. Bai Ming was standing in the middle, and no one could get in their way.

This roommate, who was usually her most disgusting and dissatisfied, became the most reliable barrier to protect her at this moment.

I didn't expect that they would be so handsome and reliable.

It was from this moment that Ruoya gradually changed her view of her roommate.

She suddenly remembered something her mother had said to her.

A person's concern for her should not just be reflected in words. As the saying goes, a friend in need is a friend indeed, and the key to whether she is popular or not is how many people are willing to lend a helping hand to her and treat her with sincerity when she is in trouble.

What she didn't expect was that when she was at her most vulnerable, none of her roommates, who usually spoke coldly to her or even ignored her, and had bad attitudes, abandoned her. When she was most helpless and worthless, they still treated her. He stood firmly in front of her.

Ruoya is very smart, and it was at this moment that she learned that certain concerns and emotions would not be expressed on the surface.

"Ah? You're blushing?" While Yelena was dealing with the sea monster, she caught a glimpse of Ruoya's red face, and her teasing intention arose. "It's really strange. Is it possible that Miss Ruoya has fallen in love with Miss Bai Ming? She obviously hates her the most, but she actually

"Stop talking! I, how can I blush? This, this is too hot, it's really caused by too much heat!" Ruoya hurriedly defended.

"Now is not the time to chat." Bai Ming's cold words interrupted the conversation between the two. "The fishmen are attacking from behind.

"Behind?" The three of them turned around and were shocked.

Several fishmen climbed up the rock wall behind them. Through the firelight, their outlines could be seen clearly, and they jumped down from top to bottom.

Bai Ming casually picked up a branch from the ground. The two branches intertwined and shone with silver light.

[Shenglun Sword Judgment: Sin-Eating Baptism]

[Sheng Lun Sword Judgment: Moonlight Duo]

Two chains with black matter split out, forming a large net. The sea monsters that jumped down touched the black chains, and their bodies exploded like balloons that had expanded to the limit.

"It's amazing." Nuo Qiu, who was looking down at him, said blankly. "Is this a curse? ?"

"It's not a magic spell, it's a derivative of swordsmanship." Yelena explained. "I've heard for a long time that the Shenglun family can turn their own sword intent into [substance], and today I finally saw it for real."

Bai Ming rose into the air and kicked hard on the rock wall. Bai Ming swooped down, and the two branches in his hands turned into indestructible sharp blades. He slaughtered the sea monsters as if he were in an uninhabited land.

In this situation, Nuo Qiu remembered a game called Wushuang in his previous life. These sea monsters were like those in the game who couldn't attack and would just stand there stupidly and let the protagonist fight.

"Why, the branches can be so sharp?" Ruoya also widened her eyes. This scene was an eye-opener. In the past, she thought that she was a bit overweight, at least she could be evenly matched with Bai Ming. However, after After seeing Bai Ming's true strength today, she no longer had this idea.

Nuo Qiu had the same mentality. He also thought that he was about to reach the ceiling of Bai Ming's strength. Now it seemed that he had to thank Bai Ming for his mercy and non-killing.

"Twigs? You see clearly, the branches Bai Ming uses to kill sea monsters are not branches."

"Ah?" Ruoya and Nuo Qiu were stunned when they heard this, and then looked intently at the branch in Bai Ming's hand.

A gust of breeze hit Nuoqiu's cheek, and she understood.

The sword blade in Bai Ming's hand is not a branch, but her sword intention.

The two branches in her hand never really came into contact with the enemy. They just used it as a medium to blow up waves of sword wind, cutting into pieces all the sea monsters approaching at close range.

"Compared to us, Bai Ming's height has reached the point where he can extend his thoughts and turn them into [sword blades]. Are we obviously afraid?" Yelena is different from Nuoqiu Ruoya. She knew it from the beginning. How strong Bai Ming is, and he clearly understands the gap between himself and Bai Ming.

So that day, after Bai Ming secretly warned Yelena not to take action against Nuo Qiu, she really didn't dare to take action. Just when Ruoya and Nuo Qiu looked at it blankly, a fish-man corpse fell in front of them, frightened. They jump.

"It's a war, be serious, don't be in a daze." Yelena said, waving her spear. "If I can't take care of you, I can't protect you."

"Senior Ruoya, try your best to avoid the battle and leave this place to me.

Just be a classmate with Yelena. "

Ruoya nodded deeply.

"Ah, actually I have wanted to say it for a long time, why is Miss Ruoya called senior, but I am a classmate? Obviously I am also your senior in a strict sense, right, little brother Nuoqiu. "Yelena smiled and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"Yelena is too talkative. Do you want your secret to be made public?" Nuo Qiu said angrily.

"Oh, pretend I didn't say that.

Looking at the three girls fighting side by side, Ruoya's expression gradually became more reassuring.

Maybe she's been wrong about this all along

She has always been lucky, because she was lucky enough to have such a roommate. If she had been given another classmate as her roommate, maybe she would have really fallen into trouble this time.

Having misunderstood such excellent roommates, it was only today that she realized how reliable they were. Ruoya felt ashamed of her previous judgment. At the same time, she also felt very lucky that she could discover their good qualities before completely severing relations with them. , thus not allowing the misunderstanding to continue.

"There are more and more fish-men. If you continue like this, they will kill you." Bai Ming said.

"so what should I do now?"

"Let's fight out." Bai Ming glanced at the roommates behind him who were fighting alongside him.

"Ah, why are you just saying it now? It should have been like this a long time ago."

"Nuo Qiu, I'm here to protect Ruoya. You can let go and follow Bai Ming to fight a bloody path." Yelena smiled at Nuo Qiu. "Maybe only you two can accomplish this kind of thing."

"Okay, senior Ruoya, I'll leave it to you." Nuo Qiu didn't understand what Yelena's last sentence meant, but now was obviously not the time to think about this.

His eyes intertwined with Bai Ming's in the air. It was just a look. In an instant, both sides understood what the other meant. Two blond girls and two Shenglun faced a group of people baring their teeth at them, back to back. Grinning sea monster-

He used a spear and two branches to kill among the sea monsters, tearing out a big hole.

Nuo Qiu watched Bai Ming's back to prevent her from being attacked by a sneak attack, while Bai Ming opened and closed to break through and tear at the center of the sea monster.

Fighting side by side with Bai Ming, as blood rushed into his brain, Bai Ming's attack speed became faster and faster, and ghosts gradually appeared on the spear in his hand.

‘Right, left, straight ahead, flank. Bai Ming's voice echoed in her ears, but Bai Ming actually didn't make any sound.

The communication between the two is all spiritual, which is amazing. They can hear each other's voices, remind and encourage each other. In this dark jungle, they all have each other. .

It’s not just Nojo who benefits.

Nuo Qiu's voice echoed in Bai Ming's ears all the time. At this moment, she remembered every word Nuo Qiu said to her.

No one likes to be alone, and people always long for the recognition and companionship of similar people.

This feeling was the first time for Bai Ming, who had always been alone, but she didn't hate this feeling, on the contrary, she liked it a little.

Maybe what Nuoqiu said is really right.

There is light and we find the exit. " Nuoqiu shouted.

"Classmate Yelena!"

Behind her, Yelena was already ready. She grabbed Ruoya, who had not yet reacted, and rushed towards the exit.

Ahead, two blond girls walked side by side, running towards each other and opening a path ahead.

Finally, the four of them faced the white light and rushed out of this strange forest.

Looking at the sunset in the sky, the four people fell to the ground, all of them had no strength.

They didn't speak to each other, but tonight, they established an invisible link called a bond between them.

The four of them looked at each other, and they all saw the latter's embarrassed face covered with sweat, and couldn't help laughing.

In a glorious white palace.

"Hmph~~" The white-haired girl sitting on the throne looked at the picture on her palm with a smile.

"Hmm, we have completed another world."

"In this world, Ruoya did not die under the attack of the outside gods, and Yelena was not expelled from the family. The most important thing is that Bai Ming has friends who truly understand her!

"Well, Lady Solanya is so amazing." The pink-haired maid stood beside her and applauded expressionlessly◎

"How about you show some expression? Forget it, let's see what the next world is.

(Kami Makihime’s painting is about to be drawn~~ She’s so handsome (astringent))

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