In the third era of Barand, in 585, the vampire army conquered all human kingdoms.

The human front was pushed flatly, and the erosion of this group of uninvited guests was as fast as ink spreading in the water. No one expected that the human coalition would be so vulnerable.

Under the devastating offensive of the vampire army, the last trace of peace in the world was completely destroyed. Since then, the entire human race has been ruled and enslaved by vampires.

Year 605 of the Third Age.

Venus, once the capital of the kingdom during the human kingdom, has become a sewer for rats and vermin, like cheese infested with maggots.

"Coffee snap!" The glass wine glass hit the ground and broke into several pieces.

"I didn't expect to encounter such a thing in this broken town. What an unexpected surprise." The young man in a decent dress, who looked like an elegant aristocrat, held the girl's chin and made the timid eyes look at her. On yourself.

"Your eyes are very beautiful." The noble young man said intoxicatedly. "It's like a brilliant galaxy. It's so addictive that I can't help but want to add it to my collection."

"First, sir, don't do this..." The girl working in the tavern looked pale, and her smooth feet could not stop trembling.

The diners in the tavern looked at the scene indifferently, and no one dared to step forward to help.

The two attendants with fangs and blades standing behind the aristocratic young man are enough to prove the young man's identity - a vampire aristocrat.

In this town, it has long been common for vampires to bully others, and people have long been accustomed to this scene. Even if they feel pity for the girl, they dare not say a word about it for fear of getting burned.

For this world, they no longer expect justice. They only complain about why they are not vampires and not a privileged group of people.

"You are beautiful, really beautiful." The vampire noble played with the girl's cheek intoxicatedly. "It's a pity that you are a human being. No matter how beautiful you are, you will wither one day, just like this rose."

The vampire noble raised the rose in his hand to the ground. "Beauty will eventually pass away. How desolate and cruel is this? Please be sure to let me keep your beauty forever."

"Don't worry, the antiseptic potion I personally prepared is very effective. I hope you can adapt to your new environment from now on." The vampire noble said with an evil smile. "Before that, I must drain your blood."

"No, don't..."

"Ah? Why do you refuse? Why do you refuse??" The vampire noble's expression gradually became surprised. "I am helping you. I am helping you retain your precious beauty. Why do you refuse??"

With that said, the vampire noble grabbed the girl and pulled her out of the tavern.

"No, no..." The girl cried helplessly and looked to the surrounding people for help, but what she received was avoidance and ignorance.

At this moment, her heart fell into the ice cave.

"Hey, waitress, why haven't my drinks been served yet?" At this moment, a voice interrupted at an inappropriate time.

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at the man in cloak who made the noise in the corner, and couldn't help but sweat for him.

"I've been waiting here for ten minutes and I still haven't received my drink. I'm a regular customer. Miss waiter, can you explain to me what's going on?" The man ignored the dissuasive looks of the diners around him and stood up. .

"Hug, I'm sorry, this guest, I" the girl looked at the man in embarrassment.

"If you are really sorry, why are you still standing there, other than going to get a drink?" The man tilted his head.

"Domestic animal, didn't you see that my master is talking to her?" the guard beside the vampire noble said coldly. "If you want to save your life, just sit back and stop meddling."

"Domestic animals, who are you talking about?" The man raised his dull eyes, and looked at the vampire attendant with his blue eyes without sadness, as if looking at a corpse.

For some reason, at the moment he was targeted by the man, the vampire attendant subconsciously stood on his back and broke into cold sweat, as if the sickle of death was very close to him.

"You are looking for death." A human dared to be so arrogant, so the attendant drew out his fanged scimitar and struck at the man.

If nothing goes wrong, the next moment, this ignorant man's head will fall to the ground and all the blood will be drained away.

"Only!" Amidst the harsh metal collision, a tattered metal heavy sword was drawn from the cloak.

It was a dull, rough-made metal heavy sword, with a variety of materials mixed on it, including low-quality brass, iron mixed with copper, and pig iron full of rust.

It was as if countless materials were smashed into the shape of a 'sword'.

Also due to the wind pressure from the collision of the weapons, the man's hood was lifted, revealing dark golden hair.

"What?" "Surprised that the man could intercept his attack so easily, the vampire's movements slowed down for a moment. It was precisely because of this moment that the broken knight's heavy sword split open the refined fanged scimitar, ruthlessly Hit the attendant on the neck.

Exactly, this extremely blunt sword cut the blood vessels in the attendant's neck, and the blood flowed immediately.

"How could this person actually hurt a vampire?" The diners were all shocked by the fight.

As we all know, ordinary swords cannot hurt vampires. Only [Holy Martial Arts] can truly injure or even kill these monsters.


"The vampire attendant groaned in pain

~Yan, the neck was cut open, even if it is a blood-sucking person with strong regeneration ability

Ghosts are not immune to pain.

Veins popped out on the man's hand, and the heavy metal sword trembled, and then it continued to cut deeply, until there was a sound of wind breaking, and the vampire attendant's head was cut off with a sword.

"Interesting." Not at all angry because the man killed his attendant, the vampire noble bared his fangs and looked at the man like he was looking at an interesting worm.

"You don't know how to live or die!" Another attendant also rushed towards the man.

Just hearing a sound that broke through the air, the vampire attendant was lifted up, and the powerful force even broke through the roof of the tavern.

"Human, what's your name?" The vampire noble smiled and stepped forward.

The dark-blond man said nothing, and stared at the vampire noble without saying a word.

Speaking of which, I haven't fought in person for a long time. You may be a good pastime for me, but not necessarily. "The vampire nobles transformed into small black bats.

"That's right, devil

"It's true that the vampire diners immediately hid under the table when they saw this, for fear that this battle would be disastrous.

and innocent.

Only vampire nobles can use magic spells, and the destructive power of magic spells can destroy any form of protection. In the face of magic spells, even the armor made by legendary human craftsmen is just a pile of scrap metal. Not to mention the fragile human body.

"Forget it, you kill two of my guards, and I will let you die slowly under the pain of corrosion." The vampire noble said cruelly.

The dark bat swooped down from the sky and rushed towards the man.

The man turned over the table to dodge, but was still affected by the aftermath of the explosion. Looking at the scars on his arms corroded by the curse, these little bats got into his tissue, eating away at his flesh and blood, and even the white bones could be seen.

The man turned a blind eye to such a serious injury and didn't even blink.

"Oh, why don't you show any pain??" Seeing this, the vampire noble said in confusion. "As a dying person, shouldn't you show your despair? ?

Without saying a word, the man chopped the metal sword into pieces on the ground. He knelt down on one knee and wrapped it in a layer of silver whirlwind. The particles contained in it clung to his skin, forming a broken silver knight's armor. .

The corrosion of the curse has stopped.

"That armor

"Blonde hair, a mixed sword, and a badly damaged silver helmet. It's unmistakable, he is [Radiant Knight] Ji Bai!"

While everyone was exclaiming, the man stood up and stood with swords in both hands. The blue knight's tassel did not move in the wind, and the sight that shot through the seam of the helmet made people tremble.

"Ah, it's really a suit of armor that has no style at all." The vampire noble shook his head. "Probably, having some resistance to magic? But that's not enough. Otherwise, it's just a trick!"

Swarms of bats bombarded and landed on the knight's armor, making a "ding-ding-ding-ding" sound, but the knight in the storm remained motionless.

"How is this possible? ?" The vampire noble took a few steps back, gritting his teeth. Just as he was about to leave the tavern, he felt his heart heat up.

The heavy sword in the knight's hand burned with golden flames and penetrated deeply into the chest of the vampire noble.

"Ahhh!" The vampire noble yelled crazily. He had met many human resistance armies in daily life. However, those incompetent resistance armies did not have the skills to kill vampires. Killing them was like chopping melons and vegetables.

He had a strong disdain for weak and humble creatures like humans, but unexpectedly, he might really die at the hands of humans today.

Why, why could this person hurt him?!

"Human, you, dare, kill, me..." The vampire aristocrat looked at the cold light in the seam of the helmet with a ferocious face.

"I am the son of the vampire lord of this area. If you dare to kill me, my father will not let you go.

If you dare to offend the noble vampires with your mere human body, you are slapping Scarlet Queen Lilias in the face!"

"Lilias?" The knight tilted his head as if he heard something interesting, his eyes and words

Still dull. "Your queen will go down to accompany you sooner or later. You should go to hell to find a good place for her first.

"Swipe!!" The long sword dragged out a string of sticky red, and the vampire noble fell to the ground, lifeless.

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