"Li'er, what are you writing again?"

"Ah, Commander Ji Bai! It's nothing. Look, Commander, what is this." The somewhat shy young man showed the diary in his hand to Ji Bai.

"What? What is this painting? A big cake?"

"It's not a big cake, it's a wool bed." The young man named Lier said with some dissatisfaction.

"Oh, so, why are you drawing this thing?" Ji Bai was puzzled.

"Captain, after world peace, every household will be able to use such a clean and tidy bed, as well as bright furniture, live in a house that can be protected from wind and rain, and don't have to live like a domestic animal. The young man's eyes were filled with excitement. The color of longing.

"You haven't even defeated the Vampire Queen yet, and you're already looking forward to your future life?"

"Hey, the young man smiled sheepishly. "I just thought that the world in the future might really be as quiet and peaceful as the one in the fairy tale, so I couldn't help but use my imagination.

"This kind of thing will happen naturally after killing the vampire queen.'

"No, Mr. Leader." Lear suddenly became serious. “Our original intention is not to kill the Vampire Queen, but to bring justice and peace to this world and everyone in this world.

"If we forget our original intention for one day, we will definitely become worse than vampires, and we will be the ones who endanger the world."

"Is it such an exaggeration?" Ji Bai tilted his head, unable to understand the meaning of Li Er's words.

"Of course! So Commander, no matter what time, we should never forget our original intention and essence. Don't forget our original intention. This is the purpose of our knights." Lear said seriously.

“To create a world where no one is bullied, we should protect everyone we meet and lend a helping hand to them without hesitation.”

"Bullying and other things, this kind of thing will naturally not happen after killing the vampire queen." Ji Bai said naturally.

"I told you it's not like this." Li'er held his forehead, a little speechless at Ji Bai's single-threaded way of thinking.

"Forget it, Captain, one day you will understand that the structure of this world was not created by the Vampire Queen."

"Oh." Ji Bai nodded as if he understood.

As soon as the scene changed, Leer fell into a pool of blood on the battlefield of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. Not only Leer, but also other members of the Knights.

In the entire knight order, no one survived except

"Captain, run away quickly, you are no match for the Vampire Queen." The blood-stained palm held Ji Bai's hand, and Leer squeezed out a smile at him. "Bringing justice to the world, to everyone, I will not be able to witness the arrival of that day."

Live with the faith of all of us and bear witness for us."

The swaying and bumpy carriage awakened Ji Bai's sleepy consciousness, and he was immersed in the ocean of memories, and he was a little unable to extricate himself.

He opened the notepad in his hand, and on that page was a drawing of a bed that looked like a pie.

"Young man, the sword in your hand is extremely broken. Several different materials are mixed into the sword, causing the overall center of gravity of the sword to be unstable and uneven. It is also so blunt that it is difficult to even chop wood. I am afraid that it is no longer possible. used.

"The man next to him spoke to him.

Ji Bai looked at the remaining morning glow on the horizon and remained silent, turning a deaf ear to it.

"This smells like blood on your sword. Just now, you killed someone, right?" The burly middle-aged man was not annoyed when Ji Bai didn't speak, and said with a smile.

"The person you are killing is not a human being." Ji Bai said a rare word, and then fell silent again.

"Haha, there is no need to explain. Just now, the Venus City garrison was dispatched to search the whole city. I guess there must be something going on in the city. Although the announcement has not been made out yet, some people with more prominent identities must be dead. vampires, otherwise they wouldn't be able to go to war so aggressively." The burly uncle analyzed.

"The intelligence network in my city told me that a young man rescued a tavern girl and killed a vampire noble. According to the description, the young man's characteristics seem to be very similar to yours."

"And this carriage is from the villages around Venus City to Lime City.

"What do you want to say?"

"Haha, young man, don't be nervous." The uncle patted Ji Bai's shoulder affectionately. "It's really an outstanding skill to be able to break through the siege of a group of vampire soldiers."

"How are you? Are you interested in joining us?" After looking around to make sure there was no one around, the uncle rolled up his sleeves and showed him the mark on his arm.

Ji Bai didn't recognize this kind of mark, so he shook his head.

"Let me introduce myself. I am young Shenmai, the deputy leader of the human resistance around Venus. I am very optimistic about your skills. Your eyes tell me that you have a strong hatred for vampires. What we need How about someone like you? Join us and you will find many like-minded companions.”

"Why bother?"

"Young man, you don't think you can eliminate vampires by yourself, do you?" Uncle Madd narrowed his eyes.

"I never said I wanted to destroy vampires."

"Don't want to eliminate vampires? Young man, you don't look like one of those insensitive residents. Then you should know that if vampires are not eliminated day by day, humans will never be able to gain true freedom and power."

"So what." Looking out the window, Ji Bai looked indifferent. "All I want is revenge.


Young man, if you were just out for revenge, you shouldn't have done such dangerous things before.

"The uncle paused. "In this era, their hearts have been corrupted and become insensitive. It is not worth risking their lives and wealth to save such a group of people. "

"So, you rebels choose to turn a blind eye to this?"

"This is a helpless move. As I said, the hearts of those people are already rotten." The burly uncle said meaningfully. "It doesn't matter if you don't understand what this sentence means now. You will understand it sooner or later."

I save them not because I like them. "Ji Bai said word by word.

"Oh? What's that for?"

Ji Bai said nothing, put the dilapidated notepad into his arms, and stood up.

He has arrived.

"It's been a pleasure traveling with you, but do you really not want to join us?"

"Forget it, I won't force you to join if you don't want to. How about leaving your name?"

"Ji Bai." He stopped and paused.

"Ji, Bai? Mai De always felt that this name sounded familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

"Oh! I remembered, you are the [Radiant Knight] Ji Bai?" However, when Mai De reacted, Ji Bai had disappeared and the carriage had gone away.

"You're not hurt." As he walked to the main road, Ji Bai seemed to be muttering to himself or talking to someone, but it was clear that there was no one around him.

"Armor will not hurt you." A beautiful figure appeared beside him.

It was a girl in a white dress, her arms were as white and flawless as lotus roots, her naked feet were suspended in the air, her brilliant white blond hair hanging down from her heels, swinging behind her.

The beauty of the blond girl is breathtaking, like a beauty that only exists in paintings, and her holy and flawless temperament is like a saint favored by God in an epic chapter.

Ordinary mortals may completely forget about those rouge fans and fall in love with this girl after just one glance. However, it is a pity that only Ji Bai can see her.

She is the soul body of [Tianhui], to a certain extent, she is Tianhui.

"Next time, I won't call you out."


"Your injuries are too serious."

"But this is my duty." The girl said expressionlessly. "The duty of a master's armor."

If the armor is completely broken, will you still exist?

"The armor is my body. If the armor is broken, I should also disappear." The girl said without thinking.

"Aren't you scared?"

"Why should I be afraid?" The white-blond girl didn't understand. "This is my mission as an armor, but you, Ji Bai, why do you care so much about a piece of armor?"

"But I'm afraid." Ji Bai looked at the girl expressionlessly. “I’m afraid that one day I’ll wake up in the morning and never hear your voice again, and I’m afraid that you’ll die.

"The armor will only break, not die." The blond girl shook her head and corrected Ji Bai's statement.

"In the battle with the Vampire Queen, you broke through to protect me and suffered a lot of injuries."

"This is just damage. I won't be injured like humans, and I can't even feel pain." The white-blond girl looked calm.

I won't let you show up to protect me anymore. "

"But without me, you wouldn't even be able to defeat the low-level vampire nobles." The white-blond girl circled around Ji Bai, hung upside down in the air and poked Ji Bai's nose.

"This kind of thing, work hard, it's from the head office."

"Don't die, you are my only companion." Ji Bai's voice was a little deeper.

"I don't understand what you mean, Master. I'm just a piece of armor. It belongs to you [Holy Martial]. You shouldn't treat me the same way you treat humans."

One person and one spirit body, walking aimlessly on the country road.

"Master, I don't think a sage should live in a place like this."

"After all, I have to give it a try." Ji Bai looked at the sky. "This is my only chance for revenge."

After seeing that woman's strength, Ji Bai should no longer talk about defeating the Vampire Queen.

That is simply not a force that humans can fight against.

But that's the case.

"I must kill the Vampire Queen." Ji Bai vowed. "No matter what



"Nothing, I just want to know where you will go after you kill the Vampire Queen.

"This question is too far away. Right now, I just want to focus on the present.

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