"The Sage Village near Lime City is hidden in the jungle. It is said that it was the residence of the Sage." "But this is just a rumor after all. No one has really seen the Sage there." Arriving at the Sage Village Later, Ji Bai found that this place was even poorer than he imagined.

The villagers were dressed in tattered linen clothes and in rags, like a group of refugees who had fled. The countryside was deserted and famine was rampant. When passing through the village, Ji Bai saw more than one child lying on the roadside, with a yellow face and thin skin.

The villagers passing by did not react at all when they saw outsiders entering the village, and they had no intention of helping the children who fainted on the ground. They were accustomed to this, and their eyes were filled with numbness, as if they had lost hope in life. Living is just living.

However, many villagers still cast their eyes on Ji Bai and whispered, seeming to be discussing the origin of this strange person.

"are you OK?"

"Uh-huh." Sensing the aroma of the food, the fainted little boy gradually regained some consciousness. He sat up and looked at the cheese in Ji Bai's hand, his eyes full of desire.

After obtaining Ji Bai's permission, the boy took the cheese away without hesitation. After devouring it, the boy seemed to have regained some strength.

"Thank you, kind sir." After eating the cheese, the boy began to look at Ji Bai's face, wondering what he was thinking.

"Is this the Sage Village?" Ji Bai asked.

"Yes, sir, are you here to see the sage?"

Ji Bai tilted his head, thinking that he seemed to have never told the boy that he was here to see the sage.

"We often have visitors here, and they come to see the sage just like you." Seeing Ji Bai's puzzled expression, the boy explained.

"Then they haven't been found?"

"No, it can't be said that we haven't found it. The sage you are looking for is on the hill at the innermost part of our village." The boy pointed in the direction of the village.

"Really, then have they all got their own answers?"

"I don't know about this." The boy shook his head and looked at Ji Bai's face, hesitating to speak. "Sir, what answer do you want?"

"I want to know how to kill the Vampire Queen." Perhaps looking at the boy's innocent eyes, Ji Bai subconsciously expressed his intention.

""Hearing this, the boy was stunned, and then he couldn't help laughing. "Sir, the answer you are looking for is too outrageous, isn't it?"

"Is it outrageous?"

"Of course, sir, think about it, if the sages can even kill the Vampire Queen, why can't we even eat?"

"Before killing the Vampire Queen, shouldn't we first think about how to fill our stomachs?" """ Ji Bai was speechless, looking at the endless desolation and fell into silence.

Yes, if the sage was really in this village, he would probably have too much to take care of himself. "Sir, if you come to the sage to solve your problem, you may be really disappointed." "By the way, sir, are you coming from the direction of Venus?"


After Ji Bai replied affirmatively and asked the little boy the specific location of the sage, he went up the mountain. The mountain is not high, and it didn’t take long to reach the top.

A pavilion and a huge stone are all that can be seen on the top of the mountain. Sage, are you not at home?

Ji Bai approached the huge stone and found writings carved on it.

"It is better to ask yourself than to ask me." This is the meaning of the line of writing carved on this stone. Apart from this, there are no other clues.

Was this left by the sage? It was left specifically for those who came here to look for him? An irresponsible answer, but thinking about it, the sage has no obligation to answer these people. In fact, it is still undetermined whether there has been a sage in this village.

The pavilion, including the boulder, was most likely designed by the village to attract visitors. "This doesn't look like it was designed by the local villagers." Tianhui suddenly appeared.


"The style of this pavilion has a bit of elven architectural style. Even if the local villagers fake the residence of a sage, they should not build a foreign-style building."

"How do you know this is the elf style?" Ji Bai asked.

"I don't know, but the knowledge stored in my body tells me this." Tianhui's words were vague.

Ji Bai has become accustomed to Tianhui always telling some strange knowledge from time to time. He once tried to get Tianhui to tell everything she knew, but Tianhui's knowledge seemed to be in a dormant state, and he could only touch the relevant things. It only appears on occasion, and cannot be remembered at other times.

"Sage, is he an elf?" Ji Bai thought. "Let's go to the Elf Land to look for it."

"But the Elf Land is too big."

"You have to find it even if it's too big. This is the only way to defeat the Blood Queen. I have no choice."

After checking that there was nothing unusual in the pavilion, Ji Bai chose to go down the mountain.

"Today, the land of elves has also been eroded by the vampire army. Although it is still resisting, it can only struggle to support itself.

"On the way down the mountain, Tianhui gave Ji Bai a popular science guide.

"Are these also things stored in the knowledge base?"

"No, these are the rumors I've heard recently."

"How did I not hear it being said?"

"Master, you are indifferent to the things around you. Of course I have never heard of it." Tianhui seemed to be referring to something else, but Ji Bai did not understand the meaning.

At the foot of the mountain, Ji Bai found someone waiting for him, the little boy who had received his favor.

"Kind sir, have you found your answer?"

Ji Bai shook his head.

"It's a pity that it's a little late to see the sky. Do you want to stay at my house?" the little boy invited sincerely.

"I won't disturb you?"

"Don't bother me. I'm the only one in my family." The little boy smiled. "My mother passed away some time ago.".

Is it. "Ji Bai nodded, without saying anything else. He gave some of his dry food to the little boy and followed the little boy into a small wooden house at the end of the village.

As soon as I stepped inside, a cold wind blew.

There was no decent furniture in the house, just a pile of wooden boxes with no known purpose.

"Bang!" The door was closed, but the little boy was nowhere to be seen.

Almost in an instant, the sound of swords was heard that made one's hair stand on end.

Ji Bai's eyes turned cold, and the rusty hybrid sword swung out, causing a gust of wind in the air.

"Boom, boom, boom!" The strong wind destroyed the wooden boxes placed nearby, and several soldiers in black cloaks appeared. They were all pale and gloomy.

"Capture the wanted criminal." The leading vampire looked at Ji Bai calmly.

Ji Bai looked around. Vampire soldiers had surrounded him.

"A little silver coins and food can make human beings kill each other and betray each other. They are really pathetic creatures.

The leading vampire shook his head and looked at Ji Bai with disdain.

Ji Bai said nothing, and the sword in his hand roared out. The heavy sword relied on its heavy mass to knock back a series of approaching vampire soldiers.

Horizontal cuts, picks, and chops without any skill at all seemed like simple movements, but in fact, Ji Bai's arms still burst with veins. The simple and rough slashes were accompanied by bursts of airflow. These air currents swept out by the excessive force hit the vampire's face, which was enough to beat them to the head and bleed.

Seeing this, the vampire leader drew his sword and confronted Ji Bai, but Ji Bai bent down and struck him with a sweeping blow, causing him to lose his center of gravity. When he looked up, the poor-looking hybrid sword was very close to his head. .

"Boom!" It sounded like a magic spell exploding, and there was a headless corpse on the ground.

It wasn't that the head was chopped off, but that the giant sword directly smashed and destroyed it, just like an iron rod hitting a watermelon.

The vampire leader died suddenly on the spot without even activating his self-healing ability.

When the other vampires saw this, not only did they not flee, but they became even more ferocious.

"Domestic animals, you are looking for death!" The vampire soldiers rushed one after another-

A broken giant sword and a man covered in blood were like a wall they couldn't overcome, impregnable.

Ji Bai's attack was simple and crude. With the nerve reflexes of vampires surpassing humans, they could completely grasp the trajectory of his attack. However, even if they mastered the trajectory of the attack and knew Ji Bai's next move, they were unable to deal with it.

Block in advance, and the roaring sword will destroy them and their weapons.

This battered hybrid sword is not sharp at all, and cannot even cut through wooden stakes. It is very simple to use, directly crushing the enemy in the most brutal way, as if what the man is holding is not a sword at all, but A mace.

The vampire soldiers had never seen a human being with such strength. The air around the whirling sword was distorted, and everyone who dared to touch it became distorted.

The man under the cloak looked like a god of death.

Soon, incomplete corpses appeared in the wooden houses in the countryside. Some of them were cut off at the waist, but their upper bodies were still crawling, like cockroaches.

"Why are you running?" Ji Bai grabbed the boy who was about to run away and caught him back with an expressionless face.

"Tsk! Needless to say, if you're not dead, you must be settling accounts with me, right?" the boy said through gritted teeth.

"Why do you want me dead?"

"Why? Ha, ha! You, don't you think it would be good for everyone if you died?" the boy yelled crazily.


"You killed the vampire noble in Venus City, right? ? Do you know that because of this incident, the entire residents of Venus City were implicated by you? ?" the boy roared, and then cried. "My sister, the sister in Venus City is also implicated by you because of this matter, do you know?"

"Do you hate me?"

"You still have to say?!"

"Then, do you hate vampires?" Ji Bai asked.

"Huh? Why should I hate vampires?! Didn't it happen that you angered them and caused my sister's death? ?"

"You bastard knight, everything is your fault, you know that?!"

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