"You bastard knight, why do you want to help others? It's just a stranger. If you die, you will die! You will only make the people in the city suffer along with you!" The boy looked at Ji Bai viciously. "Expose your location to the vampire soldiers patrolling outside, and they will promise to release my sister!"

"You said they angered the residents of the town because of my behavior?

"Isn't that it? Now not only have all the parties involved been arrested, the whole city has been sealed off, and door-to-door investigations are being conducted, anyone they think is suspicious will be put in jail regardless of whether you are suspected or not!" the boy said angrily. "My sister, she was also imprisoned by those vampires!"

"Besides her, there are many, many other townspeople. That vampire lord's purpose is not to find the murderer at all, but to vent his anger on the defenseless civilians. Do you know that all this was caused by you?" The boy glared bitterly. Looking at Ji Bai. "You think you are saving people, but in fact not only can you not save people, you will also implicate more people!"

I see. "

"What did you understand again? ?"

Ji Bai put away his sword and stood up. "go back."

"Go back? Go back to where?"

"City of Venus."

"Huh? Bastard knight, your head is broken, are you going to die?"

"Then you want me to sit back and do nothing." Ji Bai didn't even look back.

"Haha! Okay, go ahead. Do you really think that you are great if you can kill a few vampire soldiers? Do you think you are strong enough to save humans? ? That is the vampire lord. You can kill these idiots. Soldiers are not a kind of creature, they are count-level vampires!"

Ji Bai ignored the boy and walked away alone.

"Wait!" The boy caught up with Ji Bai and hugged his leg.


"I want to go with you!"

"No." Ji Baibo shook his head without hesitation.

"I just want to go with you! I can't feel at ease until I'm sure my sister is safe!"

"Didn't you say you wanted to go back and save people? Okay, let me watch how you save people!"

"No." No matter what, Ji Bai would only say these two words. "You're gone, I can't take care of you."

"I don't need you to take care of me!


"Can you only say these two words?" The boy hugged Ji Bai and refused to let go. "Anyway, I just want to go back with you. Even if you drive me away, I will go. If you can, kill me!"

Just let it go.

"You agree to let me follow? ?" The boy's eyes lit up.

"Follow the command and don't cause trouble.'

"Okay! Don't worry, I will hide in a safe place when you fight with them." Seeing that Ji Bai finally agreed, the boy agreed.

"Has the interrogation come out?" In the Earl's Mansion made of glazed stones, a young man in rich clothes stood with his hands behind his back, facing away from the judge.

"Your Excellency, Earl, not yet. The suspect is surprisingly tough. It seems that he wants to protect the criminal who killed the young master to the end."

"But it doesn't matter! I will execute her immediately and make sure to pry open her mouth." The judge rubbed his hands, nodded and bowed.

"Then I'll just wait for the good news."

"Yes! Thank you for your patience." The judge walked out of the Earl's Mansion and immediately changed his facial makeup when he went down to the dungeon.

From being groveling and flattering before, he became vicious and vicious.

"Aren't you going to give an explanation, accomplice?" He came to a cage and looked viciously at the bloody girl inside who was hung on a rope, with an iron hook piercing her shoulder blade.

"I, I said what I should say, what I know, I said it all. I really don't know that person.

"The girl said weakly.

"Huh? Are you still going to be tough?" The judge grinned a cruel smile. "It seems like you haven't suffered enough, right?

"Very good, I want to see how tough you can be!" Under the judge's order, two jailers brought up a machine that looked like a meat grinder.

"Do you know what this is?"

"This is the Skinner." The Inquisitor grinned. "He will pull your skin up from the tissue bit by bit, and wrap it up in endless pain. You will turn into a bloody monster, but you will not be able to die. You can only keep this despair and pain forever. Bear it!"

"No, I've said everything I need to say. I really don't know who that person is and where he went!"

The girl wanted to cry but had no tears, and shook her head desperately.

"Okay, okay." The judge looked at the girl meaningfully. "It looks like you won't talk until you die."

"Well, this time, I have a good show. Someone, please bring a chair." After falling behind, the judge looked at the girl teasingly. "This is the last chance."

"I, I really don't know who he is!"

"Very good, put on the torture device."

"The city gate is closed, and there are soldiers guarding the door. How do you plan to get in? ?"

"Go in." After saying that, Ji Bai took off his hood and drove straight in.

"People in front of you, stop. The city of Venus has been closed recently. No one is allowed to enter, etc." The human soldier guarding the gate felt more and more familiar to Ji Bai and could not help but frown slightly.

"Stop, sir, I always feel that you look familiar. Please stop at that person and accept our explanation."


The violent wind was Ji Bai's only response. Before the two human guards could figure out what was going on, they felt their upper bodies falling into a pool of blood.

Looking at the towering city gate, Ji Bai took a deep breath, held the sword in both hands, and struck suddenly.

"Boom!" The sound hitting the wall was earth-shattering.

"Quick, hurry up and call for reinforcements! Someone is attacking the city!" The soldiers on the wall waved flags and shouted when they saw this. There was a loud "bang" and the overwhelmed city fell to the ground.

"The soldiers looked in shock as they entered from the main entrance single-handedly without any infiltration skills.

Invading Ji Bai.

Everyone instinctively felt a sense of crisis in this man, and all the soldiers were afraid to move forward.

The people responsible for guarding the gate are a miscellaneous army composed of humans. The real main force is the vampire army stationed here and the vampire count.

A vampire at the earl level can push down a city or even a country by one person. One person alone can increase the overall strength of a force.

As for Ji Bai, there was only one, plus a huge sword that was damaged and looked bad.

"Quick, hurry up and call for support! The south city gate can't be defended!" The human motley crew was defeated by Ji Bai. The ugly giant sword was like an insurmountable wall. The human soldiers hadn't gotten close yet. They will be minced into a pile of minced meat.

"Intruders have invaded the prison! Go and inform the lord!"

"Crack!" The rusty iron door of the prison was chopped into pieces with a sword.

This door is used to close animals, not humans.

Cut the iron door in the cell into pieces.

Seeing that there was a big commotion in the prison, the citizens who were locked up in the prison hurriedly ran outside the prison.

"Farewell my concubine, please speak out, trying to dissuade these citizens who are desperately trying to escape from the prison is in vain.

Thinking they were free, they ran out like crazy, and Ji Bai couldn't stop them at all.

"Bastard knight! My sister is in that cage, I saw her!" He was about to go to stop the citizens, but the little boy suddenly shouted and ran towards a cell.

In order to prevent the other party from getting into trouble, Ji Bai had no choice but to follow behind and split open the little boy's sister's cell. The siblings hugged each other and cried.

Ji Bai suddenly smelled a fishy smell that was so thick it was right next door.

He looked along and found a bloody man hanging in the cage next door.

The scalp and skin on her body were all stripped off, but even so, she was still not dead. Her shoulder blades and sternum were pierced, and her limbs were cut off, hanging on an iron hook like a piece of dried meat.

But this is not dried meat, this is a living thing

As if he sensed someone coming, that person looked at Ji Bai with his skinless eyes, his eyes filled with endless hatred for some unknown reason.

"I hate you, I hate her inarticulate words. "But now, I just ask you to give me relief, please, let me die!

Hearing this, Ji Bai was silent for a moment and took out a sharp knife from the chopping board.

He suddenly remembered what the leader of the resistance army, Med, told him. They had no intention of resisting. The hearts of the residents of this city had already been corrupted.

At the same time, he also remembered what Leal said to him.

‘Can the world usher in tranquility and peace just by overthrowing the rule of vampires? Captain, things are not that simple. ’

'We who uphold our original intentions may do bad things with good intentions, let alone abandon our original intentions?'

It would be nice if Joelle was here.

He is always so smart, so sensible, and knows what to do and what not to do.

In order to understand at first, Lear still didn't understand when he was dying, but now, he suddenly understood.

Stupid methods like killing and revenge cannot save this world on the verge of collapse.

He did as he was told and gave the girl a good time.

"Thank you, sir." The boy's sister thanked him devoutly.

"Thank you? Why thank me." Ji Bai shook his head. "Maybe I did it wrong from the beginning."

"Or should I turn a blind eye to this and sacrifice people to save more people.

“Does justice mean sacrificing fewer people to save more people?”

"Is the justice we have always insisted on this absolutely rational thing? ?"

"Um, sir, what are you talking about?" Unable to understand Ji Bai's soliloquy, the boy's sister asked doubtfully

May I have your name?"

Ji Bai leaned over and asked the boy.

"Me? My name is Meyer."

"Meier." Ji Bai stood up. "Let's go, I'll escort you out."

"If it's too late, it might be too late."

"how about you?"

Ji Bai didn't answer and walked straight out of the dungeon.

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