"Captain, I want you to understand that this world is far from a nightmare that can be ended by killing just one person.

"This is far from a nightmare that can be ended by killing just one person." Ji Bai clenched his fists. "I think I know what to do. The miserable screams outside the cage are calling him, someone needs him again.

He had to pick up the pace.

And just when he wanted to exit this prison, there was a sudden commotion under the interrogation board.

Ji Bai stopped.

"Come out, I see you.

The people under the chopping board trembled even more when they heard this.

"With such a big butt exposed outside, do you still think you won't be discovered?" Ji Bai's emotionless voice was like a cold sharp blade pressed against the fat man's back, and he immediately rolled away like a ball. come out.

"Sir, please forgive me, please forgive me!" As soon as the fat man came out, he knelt in front of Ji Bai and kowtowed to apologize.

"Who are you?" Ji Bai looked at the latter's clothes.

"I, I'm just a little jailer in the prison. I'm just trying to make ends meet. Give me a way to survive.

Ahhh!" Blood splattered everywhere, and the fat man covered his cut off finger in pain.

"You're not going to tell me the truth." Ji Bai leaned over. "I have been in prison for some time before, and the clothes you are wearing are obviously not those of the jailer, but those of the inquisitor."


"Did you do that?" Ji Bai glanced at the miserable corpse aside.

"Well, the little one is just following orders. There is nothing he can do about it! The vampires above are extremely vicious and will kill my whole family if we disagree with them. I have no choice but to do it for the sake of my own life and that of my family."

"Are you a human?"

"Yes, yes, I am a human too, we are all human! It is not easy to make a living under my vampire hands. You

"You have always enjoyed superior treatment. Like a vampire, you treat your own kind as livestock, right?"

"Ah? You, what are you talking about? How could it be possible? ? I have always been a human being and I have never forgotten it." Hearing this, the fat man forced his lips to smile.

"How about it? After being superior for so long, have you ever considered thinking about the problem from a different perspective?"

"Ah? What do you mean by changing the perspective? ?" Before the fat man could understand, his field of vision shook. He was lifted up by Ji Bai and then hung on the iron hook used for execution.

"Ahhh!" The rusty iron hook penetrated the fat man's white fat, and the fat man shouted in pain.

"How is it? How is the vision of the executioners? Can you see more from this position? ?"

"Quick, put me down! I, I will give you everything, I can give you anything! Wealth, status, identity, I can give you everything!"

"Are wealth, status, and status important to me?" Ji Bai left without looking back. "No, you're gone, that's the most important thing."

He slowly lowered the girl who was still hanging on the iron hook and let her lie flat on the ground. Ji Bai covered her body with a piece of linen cloth.

At this time, bursts of mournful cries came from outside the prison.

Ji Bai knew that the real war was coming.

Under the vampire's indiscriminate arrest warrant, almost all the human civilians in the city entered the dungeon. The entire dungeon was filled to the brim. Anyone who did not spit out some useful information would have to die in the prison. This behavior is no longer acceptable. It's different from massacre.

Outside the dungeon, just as Ji Bai thought, these civilians who had regained their freedom, ignored Ji Bai's dissuasion, and ran around like a group of headless flies were treated like cabbage by the vampire sergeants who came after them, like knives in front of them. of fish meat.

"You bastard knight, what should I do now?" Meier hugged his sister and looked timidly at the sight of flesh and blood flying everywhere, bile mixed in the blood, and the broken limbs, and his face became even more ugly.

Ji Bai said nothing, and with a wave of his giant sword, a long wind swept over him.

A woman and child fell to the ground holding her child, surrounded by vampire sergeants. In the next moment, three vampire sergeants flew out like kites with broken strings.

The young man in black robe attracted the attention of everyone present, including the vampire soldiers who were chasing the civilians.

When they saw the rebels, they all abandoned the unarmed civilians and walked towards Ji Bai. The civilians were able to have a chance to breathe and find a place to hide.

The civilians who rushed out later looked around and saw that the momentum was not right, so they consciously hid behind Ji Bai. Chang Feng took up the young man's black robe, and he walked towards the fully armed vampire army alone.

The vampires were not afraid of a mere domestic animal. They raised the fanged scimitars in their hands and brutally slashed at Ji Bai's neck and other vulnerable places, blowing out strong winds with their strong strength.

"Bang!" The giant sword made of messy materials blocked Ji Bai's body like a shield, while he himself was as stable as a mountain, holding the nameless vampire's blade unmoving, and then he exerted force with his legs, and he held the sword. They pushed out.

The giant sword swept across, sweeping away all the nearby vampires like garbage.

The sound of gold and iron mixed together, the blunt sword fought with a group of scimitars, Ji Bai's movements were like a fisherman in a wooden boat in the stormy sea, slashing, hacking, and killing.

The giant sword dragged on the ground and exploded into countless sparks.

The simple movements were so smooth and smooth, and his body moved along with the giant sword, using the inertia brought by the giant sword to dodge attacks and fight back -

Among all the vampire soldiers, no one can get close

He was three meters away.

The beaten vampire soldiers retreated steadily, gradually daring not to approach the center of the swirling storm.

When the vampires were helpless, a loud thunder crashed to the ground.

Ji Bai looked behind him, his eyes focused.

It was an old vampire wearing a noble dress and holding a cane. Just looking at his appearance, he looked like a well-mannered gentleman.

However, what he did had nothing to do with the word 'gentleman'.

At this moment, he was holding a little boy under six years old in his hand, looking at Ji Bai who was not far away jokingly, and gave him a contemptuous smile.

"Thinking of overthrowing the rule of the vampire clan with one person, you are a stupid domestic animal." The vampire count held one hand behind his back, ignoring the little boy at his hand who was about to suffocate.

""Child, my child! Please, please save my child!" The little boy's mother was crying beside her. However, everyone present could not protect themselves, so how could they help a stranger?

"Haha, humans are really weak and ugly." The vampire count glanced at the humans who lowered their heads with disdain.

While the vampire count was mocking everyone, he nonchalantly slapped away Ji Bai who was attacking him.

"Cough! Ji Bai took several steps back, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and stood with his sword in hand.

"You are the Radiant Knight in their rumors, aren't you?" the Vampire Count snorted coldly.

"Knight, ah, I haven't heard this title for a long time. Anyone who inherits their name should die.

"So, do you really think you are a knight?" The vampire count's eyes instantly became ferocious and terrifying. "Want to save them? I want you to look like you killed my child."

The vampire count held the boy's neck tightly, and the little boy struggled in pain.

"Hahaha, if you want to blame, just blame the man in front of you. He thinks he is strong, and he thinks he can protect everyone and stand up for others. In fact, if you don't do anything, nothing will happen. Everyone will. Stay safe and sound." The Vampire Count guided the conversation.

Hearing this, all the citizens raised their heads. They looked at Ji Bai with different eyes, but none of them were friendly.

"How about hahahaha? It must feel very uncomfortable to be resented by your own kind? After all, you risked your life to come back to save them, but they don't seem to appreciate your kindness?"

Ji Bai stood up again.

The vampire Earl raised his palm and his eyes deepened. “Kneel down, human.

A red beam of light fell on Ji Bai, and countless bright red particles flew out from it, which were inhaled by the vampire count.

Ji Bai suddenly felt weak and could only kneel down and use his sword to support him.

Not only that, he also felt that his life force was disappearing at a perceptible speed.

"Have I given permission for you to get up?" the vampire Earl said jokingly.

"You think you are invincible after killing a few soldiers? Do you think the combat power of vampires is only as weak as you think?"

"A true master vampire can turn you into a pile of bones in an instant, and I will be your last

'Owner. 'The blond girl helped Ji Bai's arm.

"I said I wouldn't

"It's too late." The blonde girl looked at the little boy in the count's hands. "If you continue like this, you will bleed to death, and the child cannot be saved."

‘Make your decision, Master, you have never been the kind of person to be indecisive. '

"Where has the previous arrogance gone? In the final analysis, he is just an animal." The vampire count looked at Ji Bai, who was kneeling down, mockingly, and kept taunting him.

The sound of cracking metal.

As if with the sound of bones breaking, Ji Bai stood up little by little.

The silver hurricane baptized him into a bright silver knight's armor.

"The Vampire Count narrowed his eyes. His blood magic seemed to be blocked in some way and could no longer take effect.

"Sorry." The silver knight raised his head. "Compared to the most powerful vampire I have ever seen, you are nothing."

"Whoosh!" Golden chants surround the giant sword, circle by circle, like a mantra, like a joyful nun in a church or a solemn praying believer.

The blood magic was completely shattered. Ji Bai charged forward, jumped up, and shattered the ground near the count.

The little boy was saved, but the vampire count disappeared.

"Domestic animals, do you think you can really defeat me?" A moment later, the bat transformed into a bat, and the earl appeared behind Ji Bai, using magic to lift it up and carry it into the air together.

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