"Domestic animal, do you really think you can defeat me??" The blood curse magic lifted Ji Bai's body, followed the vampire count's movements from top to bottom, and slammed him into the ground.

The knight knelt down on one knee. As soon as he stood up, he was bombarded by blood magic. The blood cells and plasma clots were overwhelmed, echoed, and exploded.

The armor's skin jingled like raindrops hitting the glass window.

The knight stood with his sword in hand, ignoring the incoming spell, and ran towards the vampire count.

"Is this [Holy Martial]?" The vampire count's eyes narrowed into a long slit, looking at the charging Silver Knight.

The armor was covered in cracks and ashes, and its original color had faded. It looked like it had experienced hundreds of battles and endured unimaginable destruction.

The Vampire Count increased the spell output and changed the one-handed spell to a two-handed overload spell. Ji Bai did not retreat but advanced, ignoring the spell that was cast on him.

The curse is noble knowledge that humans can never understand, and it is also the capital of vampires to destroy humans. The count never thought that the curse he was proud of could not do anything to this scarred armor.

It clearly looked like him, so fragile that it could break at a touch, yet as stable as a mountain.

The broken giant sword was close at hand, but the vampire Earl didn't think that this broken sword that couldn't even split wood could hurt him.

However, at the critical moment, the Holy Word wrapped around the giant sword gave him a chilling feeling, and he immediately spread his black wings and dodged away regardless of the vampire count's pride.

However, it was too late. As if he was expected to run away, Ji Bai jumped up first and pointed his long sword straight at the sky, like a falling star.

The vampire count had nowhere to dodge, so he had to confront Ji Bai head-on.

"Crack!" It was like the sound of a blunt instrument cutting pigskin, and something fell down.

"Damn domestic animals..." The vampire count looked at Ji Bai fiercely, his eyes falling to the side, which was his arm that had just been chopped off.

"Haha, I admit that I did underestimate you." The vampire count looked down at Ji Bai. At this moment, his size more than doubled, fibers and tissues regenerated from the fracture, and an arm regenerated at a speed visible to the naked eye. , breathtaking.

At the same time, a layer of black cuticle was attached all over his body.

"If you can force me to show up in my true form, I'll give you a little praise. You will still have to die here as a domestic animal!"

'This is the [Blood Demonization] exclusive to vampire nobles. After it is turned on, all potentials will be unleashed. A hard cuticle will be attached to the epidermis, making it not afraid of swords. The regeneration speed will be greatly increased, and the mobility will also be greatly improved. . Tianhui's voice echoed in Ji Bai's ears.

Needless to say, it was the unknown knowledge recorded in Tianhui's mind that inspired him.

A pair of black wings covered the sky and the sun, and mist suddenly rose in the sky, shrouding the remaining dusk. He was like an evil sculpture. When he came, all humans could no longer resist.

The dark figure was as tall as a building, as if the only purpose of his existence was to blaspheme the so-called gods. The surrounding citizens could not resist the spreading coercion and majestic evil power. They knelt down towards him, not even daring to raise their heads. Breathing was an offense to this evil god.

"Interesting..." Looking down at the knight who remained unmoved under his own pressure, the vampire Earl smiled ferociously.

His hair was flying, and his wings were spread out and suspended in the air, suddenly sweeping up and down. Under the mist, the black wings were like a pair of sharp blades.

As if just a gust of wind passed over Ji Bai's shoulder, a long claw mark appeared on his armor.

A blood-red spell formed from the vampire count's closed hands, and thousands of sharp blood blades flew out from it.

Ji Bai rolled sideways, constantly avoiding spell attacks, dodging in the violent storm.

He jumped onto the beam next to him, and the frantic bloody blades destroyed the residential buildings one after another. When he was about to destroy his foothold, he jumped up, rushed towards the vampire count, and jumped to the back. on the person's back.

Ji Bai raised his sword and struck hard, but the blunt sword bounced back from the cuticle. After several attempts, not only did he fail to hurt the vampire count, but the sword broke into pieces.

"Will you tickle me again, domestic animal?" came the mocking and teasing voice of the vampire count in front of him.

Ji Bai was thrown down, rolled on the ground, and slid for a distance before stopping. ‘Master, normal attacks are meaningless against vampires, don’t forget their weaknesses. Tianhui's voice came to her ears, and the white-blond girl hugged Ji Bai from behind, her long silk-like hair moving in the wind.

Ji Bai held Tian Hui's soft and boneless palm in his hand, and a pair of sharp eyes shot out from the gap in his helmet. He aimed at the vampire count's heart.

At this moment, raindrops were falling, and a heavy rain fell from the sky.

Rain dripped down the gaps in the armor. In the majestic heavy rain, the knight and the vampire faced off, and then it was about to break out.

"Brush!" "Click!"

Both sides hit each other at the last moment.

The vampire count's black claws hit the seam of Ji Bai's helmet hard. An inconspicuous crack appeared on the forehead of the helmet, making a clear "click" sound.

The armor is not 100% able to block any form of attack. At least the magic attack will be reflected back to the body to some extent. Blood overflowed from the corner of Ji Bai's mouth and slipped out along the breath. It was obvious that he had suffered a lot of hidden injuries before. At the same time, Ji Bai's sword pierced deeply into the vampire count's heart, stirring up layers of golden flames and evaporating the turbulent rainwater.


The knight's eyes were still dull, but filled with some kind of determination. "The vampire count's eyes widened.

The knight remained silent and twisted the sword to let the golden flames burn fully, crushing the vampire's heart into pieces.

"Ahhh!" Bloody foam kept coming out of the corners of the vampire Earl's mouth, and the golden flames burned his organs.

The heart is the source of all energy for a vampire. It is like an energy reactor. The release of spells and regeneration abilities are all inseparable from the vampire's heart.

If the heart is irreversibly damaged and has no time to regenerate, then the vampire will be semi-disabled even if it is not dead.

And what Ji Bai hopes for is not just that this vampire is half disabled.

As the entire sword was drawn into the vampire's body, only a gap was exposed in the winged iron helmet, which was very close to the count's face.

"Boom!" Bai Ji moved the vampire count down and nailed him to the ground with a sword. The golden flames wrapped around the sword blade burned even more intensely, as if the vampire was used as burning firewood.

"Oh!" The vampire count who was nailed to the ground roared and wanted to pull the sword out of his body.

However, the previous stirring had already damaged his heart to pieces, and the Cursed Eye was so damaged that he could no longer mobilize it.

He could only reach out and grab Ji Bai's arm and squeeze it tightly.

The knight remained silent, kneeling on one knee, holding the sword in both hands, with his head slightly lowered. The gaze from the gap in his helmet stared at the painfully struggling vampire, without sadness or joy, until it burned to ashes.

The rain fell suddenly, the wind swept across, and the embers were scattered, not even the slag was left.

Seeing the death of the lord, the vampire soldiers fled in all directions and were completely defeated. Amidst a burst of noise, the town returned to calm again.

Everyone looked at each other in shock, seemingly still awake from the shock.

However, what the knight who fought so hard to defeat the demon received was not the tears of gratitude from the people. "Crack!" A rotten egg exploded on the knight's body.

Ji Bai lowered his head and looked at the egg white that exploded in the arm armor, then silently shifted his gaze to the young man who threw the egg at him.

"You, you do-it-yourself guy, do you know what you're doing??"

"You killed the vampire count, do you know that we are the ones taking the blame for you?!"

"Let the vampires know that the vampire ruler of this town died suddenly, and they will definitely send an army to cleanse the city! Where will we live from now on?" The young man yelled at Chao Ji Bai, who hated him deeply.

"You can just find a hole and slip in. As for us, what should we do with our families?"

"Yes, the vampire count is dead, and no one will provide me with protection from now on. If we are targeted by other vampires, wouldn't we be doomed!"

"You bastard, do you think you are doing the right thing? Please, collect your excess justice! That kind of thing is outdated in this world and era!"

"Why bother the vampires? We can survive as long as we obey them, so why bother them?"

The rhythm was picked up, and more and more people stood up and denounced Ji Bai. Some even threw stones and rotten eggs at the knight.

More and more things are being thrown at me.

The eggs and bricks that hit the knight did not cause any real damage to the knight, but they were far more harmful than the vampire count did to him.

The heavy rain washed away the knight's dirty armor, and the latter looked up. "This is not justice…"

"You keep your mouth shut about justice, have you, a selfish guy like you, really thought about our true feelings? We just talk about your boring ideals, and we don't want to listen at all!"

The knight was silent, and then slowly spoke after a moment. "My ideal is to protect all of you." "It's still! It's still an ideal. Why don't you look at yourself and what you have become? Are you still an ideal? Can vampires be defeated? Can they be provoked? ??You have to die for your own ideals, but don’t get involved with irrelevant people??”

"I won't hurt you, I will find a way."

"Think of a way? What way do you think of it? If you really have the strength to wipe out all the vampires, would it take you so long to defeat an earl? Since you don't have that strength, don't provoke them..." The aggressive civilians He roared at Ji Bai, looking even more ferocious than the dead vampire count, speaking and accusing others in such a righteous and aloof manner.

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