Heavy rain.

The armored knight stood alone in the heavy rain, alone, as if he was the only one left in the entire city. The rain washed away the scars and stains on his body, soaking his vision.

"Master..." Her arms as white as lotus roots embraced him.

The blonde girl snuggled up behind him and held him tightly in her arms. In the heavy rain, there were only two people hugging each other.

"We meet again after a long separation, Mr. Ji Bai." In a tavern, a strong man dressed as a mercenary arrived belatedly and sat down opposite a man in an armor and cloak. "I didn't expect that we would meet again not long after we were separated."

"Yeah." Ji Bai didn't say much.

"Do you want to drink?" As soon as he arrived at the tavern, the mercenary felt that he was addicted to alcohol. He couldn't make it without having two drinks.

"I don't drink, you can drink." Ji Bai shook his head.

"Oh, then I won't drink anymore. Let's talk about business directly. Why did Mr. Ji Bai come to see me this time?" The mercenary uncle said seriously.

This time, Ji Bai took the initiative to invite the leader of the resistance, Mai De.

After hearing that the person who invited him was Ji Bai, Mai De came without any hesitation.

"How do you feel about this town?" Ji Bai did not directly change the topic, but asked the other party's views on this city.

"Well, it used to be a very vibrant city, but now it has become lifeless." Mad thought for a moment and expressed his thoughts. "Well, ever since those vampires took over the city, it's been no different than a sewer."

"In other words, if this city is handed over to humans again, it will definitely regain its former vitality. Is this what you mean?" Ji Bai raised his eyes.

"Of course, no matter how bad it is, it will definitely be better than now. Those vampires are aliens after all. Just imagine, how could they look at us with the eyes of our own race?" Mai De said righteously.

"Okay, Mr. Mader." Ji Bai said seriously. "I need you and your help now." After saying that, Ji Bai stood up from his seat and bowed deeply to Mad.

"Our help? Mr. Ji Bai, if you have anything to say, you'd better sit down and talk."

"The vampire ruler of this town has been killed. As expected, this city will probably be captured by vampires soon."

"By then, this place will be devastated. Citizens living here, their homes are here, and they cannot escape even if they want to."

"Mr. Radiant Knight, what do you mean, let us resistance forces help defend this town??" Mad crossed his arms and frowned.

"I'm sorry I can't agree to this. Firstly, I have to be responsible for my subordinates. I can't let them face the vampires. Secondly, as I told you earlier, people's hearts are rotten, even if they help this town. The residents will not be grateful to us and will even blame us for rescuing them from their shackles.”

"To sum up, I'm afraid I can't help you with this."

"This favor is not for nothing." Ji Bai said slowly. "After doing this, you will be the saviors of this town. I think you need something like a base very much, right?"

"Using Venus City as your base is a good choice, right?"

Can you give me some time to think?" After a long silence, Mai De seemed to be moved, but he still hesitated.

Facing the vampire army is no joke. If the vampires who come to attack the city are counts or above, then they will have nothing to do.

"I can help deal with the vampire nobles. You just need to deal with the vampire army and protect the people." Ji Bai paused.

"Vampire noble, come and deal with Mr. Ji Bai. Can you deal with the vampire noble?" In terms of threat level, the vampire army is obviously not as scary as a count-level vampire. That is a powerful unit capable of destroying a city by one person.

Mai De felt that it was better to ask about this kind of thing clearly in advance, otherwise it would not only be Ji Bai who would be unlucky, but they would also be dragged into the water.

Although he knew that Ji Bai was very strong, it was only in the human category, and comparing him to a vampire was too exaggerated.

"If you agree, I will do my best. Of course, even if you don't want to, I won't force it." Ji Bai has no extra words. He never tries to plead with anyone. This time, he is not asking for help for himself.

"Wait, Mr. Ji Bai." Mai De stopped Ji Bai. "I agree to your request." Ji Bai turned around silently.

Mai De walked up to Ji Bai, stretched out his hand towards him, and clenched it into a fist. "Let's have fun cooperating." Ji Bai didn't hesitate, stretched out his fist and touched Mad's hand.

Regardless of the reason why Mad agreed to his request, he was very grateful to him.

"Now that I have involved you, you are the only people I can think of who can help this town."

"It's okay. After all, it's idle time. We should really stretch our muscles. The reward shouldn't be less for us, right?" Mai De laughed and patted Ji Bai's shoulder.

"Your Majesty the Marquis, according to accurate information, there has indeed been a rebellion in the city of Venus, the territory under Count Tullison. Now the city of Venus is unsupervised and out of order." In the dark hall, a steward in a formal dress Reporting to the red-haired vampire sitting on the Claw Throne.

"Where is Count Turison?" the red-haired vampire said casually.

"Count Tullison and his heirs are missing, but according to feedback from our intelligence network, they are probably in danger."

"Pfft, hahaha! Come on, that idiot, do you want to be more stupid? He was actually killed by his own livestock. How stupid!" The red-haired vampire couldn't help but laugh.

"Forget it, I don't mind avenging this stupid fellow." The red-haired vampire stood up and stretched his body. "Although that guy Turison is a fool, he can't easily defeat him if a human comes out. What's the name of the human who killed him?"

"Not yet, but according to our intelligence network, a name called 'Radiant Knight' has been mentioned recently by the citizens of Venus City."

"Oh? Radiant Knight? Knight?..." The red-haired vampire narrowed his narrow eyes.

"Haven't things like knights disappeared with that decadent empire a long time ago? Are there still knights in this era? Haha, it's probably because they are deceiving the world and stealing their reputation."

"But this does arouse my interest." The red-haired vampire pulled out a scarlet giant sword from a black-bottomed blood pool.

This giant sword seemed to be like a living thing, trembling, squirming, and extending.

"Whether it's a counterfeit or a remnant, everything is gone. I'll accept his blood."—One by One—One

"Don't be afraid, we are the human resistance. From today on, you will no longer be oppressed by vampires. You are free!"

"From now on, we will be responsible for maintaining the security and peace of this place and providing protection for you. We will provide you with a stable life as soon as possible. Please rest assured."

"As for the questions you are most worried about, such as whether the vampire army will come over, we will give you exact answers here."

"No matter whether they come over or not, we will protect you and keep you safe!"

The next day after the agreement with Ji Bai, Mai De organized a meeting for all the citizens of the town to the square in the center of the town to clarify the intentions of their visitors.

After hearing this, most of the people still had doubts about their identities. However, now, no one would question a group of people who claimed to protect themselves. Even if they were just trying to protect themselves, how could they not embrace them even if they had already extended their legs?

It's better than death anyway.

Although the people are not interested in the rebels, since they say they can protect themselves, they can just live with it. Anyway, if something goes wrong, there will be others to take care of, and if we die, we will all die together, so they are not afraid.

And these rebels have indeed kept their word. They have worked hard these days, repairing the broken city walls, setting up various traps outside the city, and patrolling the city 24 hours a day, even led by rebels. The leader of the army, Mai De, took the lead in patrolling.

To prevent vampires from attacking the city at night, they even lived on top of the city without coming down.

All the rebels are tense. They know that success or failure depends on this single move. Whether they can gain a foothold in this chaotic world in the future depends entirely on today's battle.

As if a battle was inevitable, one early morning, the sound of trumpets shook the earth and woke up all the rebels sleeping at the top of the city.

Nervously, they hurriedly got up from the top of the city and looked down. The city below was already completely dark. "Chief, the vampire army is approaching the city! "

"Do you still need to explain this to me?" Mai De rolled his eyes at his subordinate. "Quickly notify everyone and prepare for counterattack! Don't let the vampires step into the city."

Soon, the news of the vampire siege spread throughout the town, and people in the town were panicked.

"Don't worry, please stay at home. Please rest assured that our rebels will protect you!" The rebels comforted the people on the streets and asked them to go home.

However, due to the fear of vampires, people marched on the streets one after another, each one more restless than the other, and even shouted to escape from the city.

"Escape from the city? Who can escape now? The vampires have surrounded this city. There may be a chance of survival if you stay in the city. If you leave the city, there will be no way to survive!"

On the other side, the confrontation between the resistance forces and the vampires continues.

The leader of the red-haired vampires was sitting on a large open-air carriage, and his contemptuous eyes swept over the busy rebels at the top of the city.

"I'm thinking about the humans on the city wall. None of them seem to be knights. Is it really just a rumor?"

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