"On this city, I can't tell which one of them is a knight. Sure enough, is it just a rumor?" The vampire marquis glanced contemptuously at the group of human soldiers on the city wall who were assisting in the defense.

"Your Majesty, the Marquis, we have arrived at the gates of Venus City. The livestock are resisting. Please give us instructions." "No hurry, no rush." ​​The Vampire Marquis waved his hand slowly. "Let the soldiers enjoy this massacre and leave indelible pain to those humans."

"I obey your orders."

"Loyal attendants of the Queen, bring fear to these rebellious livestock."

The vampire army launched a fierce attack. They wore soft and sticky armor like blood vessel cuticles, and with their pale skin and wrinkled faces, they looked like evil ghosts returning from hell.

They had ferocious smiles on their faces, as if they didn't pay attention to the humans who were blocking them. The people on the city wall were just a group of animals waiting to be slaughtered.

"The vampires are attacking the city! Hurry, leave all the stones and wood behind!" Mad shouted as he saw the ladders erected on the city wall.

The rebels hurriedly threw the rocks and wood they had prepared in advance from the ladder. However, it was difficult for physical attacks to hurt the vampires. Even if they fell, it would not matter at all. For this group of monsters, it only took a moment for them to be scratched. It will heal.

So he burned a large pot with local materials on the city wall, poured oil and water into it, and poured the hot oil soup down.

For vampires, fire is their weakness. Killing vampires in this way has a certain effect. Many vampires were fried in oil soup until they were covered in smoke and blood burst out.

"Stupid humans." Looking at this scene, the Vampire Marquis sat on the claw chair with his head in his hands and smiled teasingly. "Order the following wizard troops to use magic spells to blow open the city gate."


The armored vampire soldiers retreated, replaced by a vampire mage in gray robes holding a cane.

They prayed, and the combined chants drowned out the roaring wind.

"Oops!" Mad, who was experienced in fighting vampires, could tell at a glance what these vampires wanted to do. He quickly called his subordinates to find a bunker and squat down, hiding behind the city wall and not coming out.

"Whoosh whoosh!" Several fireballs flew out, splashing sparks on the city tower and leaving dark scorch marks on the surface of the thick city wall.

Venus City was once one of the main capitals of the subjugated human kingdom. It had been baptized by wars, and its city walls had been reinforced and thickened countless times. It still remained firm despite the bombings of vampires.


However, the vision of heaven and earth caused by the curse is shocking to people. Not everyone is so receptive and can accept it instantly.

"This, is this a vampire..."

"What kind of creature are we fighting??"

"I, I clearly remembered to cut off the vampire's hand just now, but it seemed that it grew back again not long after!"

The people above the city were in panic, and the rebels gradually lost their will to fight. Although the spell could not penetrate the city wall, it had already penetrated their will.

"Get up, get up! The vampire army is coming, catch them up quickly!" Mad was anxious, waving the weapons in his hands and forcing his subordinates to fight.

However, now that people are distracted and fighting spirit is low, a small part of the resistance is mercenaries, and most of them are just farmers who don't have enough to eat or are oppressed. After witnessing the horror of the vampire army, they didn't go through much psychological process. They were so frightened that they couldn't walk.

Seeing this, Mai De became more and more anxious.

How are we going to drive away the vampires with this group of guys who can't even hold weapons? Seeing that the vampires are about to climb up from the city wall, Mai De is very anxious. Is it okay to let vampires with regenerative abilities climb the city walls?

He didn't care how hot the oil pan was. He used enough strength to lift the oil pan and buckle it down the ladder. The whole oil pan was placed on the heads of the vampires. The flames burned on their bodies and they screamed as they slid down. up the long ladder.

"See? Vampires also know pain. Even monsters can be killed. Stand up and keep fighting!" Mad took a deep breath and tried to boost morale. However, before he could finish his words, he It felt like my back had been slashed.

Fortunately, he used his many years of combat experience to escape, but he was still scratched. "Hehehehe..." The vampire soldiers who climbed onto the city wall looked at him mockingly.

"The vampires are on the tower, stop them!" Mai De held his sword to fight against the enemy, but before his shoulders could exert any force, he felt a sense of weakness.

The blade is coated with poison!

"Ah!" The vampires who climbed up the city tower turned into real evil ghosts. The human resistance army was defeated. Almost the moment they saw these monsters rushing to the city entrance, the human resistance army no longer had any Feeling like resisting, he abandoned his armor and fled in panic. He was then caught up and killed by a vampire in two steps.

Less than an hour after the fighting began, the war became one-sided, and the rebels were beaten without any room for resistance.

The vampires did whatever they wanted on the city wall. They hung their severed heads on the city wall and screamed. The people hiding in the houses almost fainted when they saw this.

The will to fight was completely lost, and the vampires won the siege.

Med originally thought that his resistance army could resist for a while, but he didn't expect to be so vulnerable to the clutches of vampires.

"Oh no, it's really bloody." The smoker sitting on the claw seat

The Vampire Marquis could no longer bear his temper. He stood up from the bench and stretched his muscles.

"My hands are itching just to see it." He spread his wings and jumped up.

"Quick! Seal the city gate!" Those responsible for guarding the city gate are the elite of the resistance army, that is, the original group of mercenaries. Compared with the farmers who only have hoes, they can be said to be real warriors. Facing the Vampires are not afraid and remain determined to fight even if the situation is over.

Under the crazy attack of the vampires one after another, when the wooden city gate was about to be pushed open, they used their bodies to block the vampires who were about to break through, preventing them from moving inside the city.

Suddenly, a mercenary who was fighting with the vampire's sword fell down. Not only that, his body also turned into a pile of bones at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This is..." His comrades' eyes widened, and then they turned their attention to the huge black figure holding the scarlet giant sword.

"Vampire noble!" Everyone present suddenly stood on their heads. I saw the Vampire Marquis inserting the scarlet giant sword into the ground.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" At the same time, the bodies of the mercenaries exploded into a bloody mess, and the red factor was sucked into the giant sword.

"Boring." The Vampire Marquis shook his head. "Is there no opponent here that can excite this Marquis? ?"

"Bang!" With an explosion, the city gate was breached. Vampires swarmed into the city like locusts.

"Damn it!" Watching all this, Mai De spat unwillingly.

Just as the vampire slashed at him with a knife, the unexpected pain did not come. Under the dull gaze, the vampire fell.

"Ji Bai? Where did you go just now??"

"Get rid of their "tails"." The silver one actually carried the huge sword with a broken blade and jumped off the city wall without looking back.

"Just like we agreed." Ji Bai left these words and left.

"Vampire, suffer death!" Several rebels who had hatred against vampires rushed towards the vampire Marquis regardless of their own safety.

"Precious courage, but unfortunately your life is too weak." The Marquis sighed. Before several rebels even got close to the Marquis, they exploded into a bloody mass and were absorbed by the scarlet giant sword. "Isn't there anything that can be called "combat power" in this town??" After glancing at the rebels surrounding him, but none of them dared to take a step forward, the Marquis seemed to be bored.

He stomped the ground lightly, and all the surrounding resistance soldiers fell to the ground and exploded into a pile of bloody debris.

"Mr. Butler, I'm tired. I have to go back and rest." The Marquis yawned and stretched impersonally.

“So what will the city do?”

"It's up to you to deal with it as you please. I don't really like taking care of things. There are too many animals. Just looking at the names makes me tired. It would be better to have fewer animals. Well, it would be better to have them all gone." The Marquis said indifferently.

"I understand what you mean." The butler in formal dress nodded and saluted respectfully.

"Hmm?" At this moment, the Marquis suddenly felt something strange. When he turned around, the guards who were waiting beside him were picked up by one hand and thrown to his feet.

"Interesting." The Marquis said with great interest as he looked at the invisible human being in a closed silver helmet. "Hey, livestock, what's your name?"

Ji Bai didn't answer him. The person responsible for answering him was the huge sword with a broken blade.

"Ha." Seeing Ji Bai attacking him, the Marquis sneered, and the blood sword spurted out blood like a living creature. "Clang!" There was a sound from the armor, like waves hitting a rocky reef, and then nothing happened. "Oh?" The Marquis looked at Ji Bai in surprise, and then realized what was going on.

"I see."

"You are the so-called Radiant Knight they talk about, right?" The Marquis looked at Ji Bai jokingly. "It's really not easy to find humans who have awakened their bloodline in this era."

The Marquis pulled out the bloody sword that had been stuck on the ground and looked at Ji Bai provocatively. "You call yourself a knight?"

"Not claiming to be so."

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter if you call yourself someone else or you have a nickname, it doesn't make any difference."

"My bloody sword has been soaked in the blood of countless knights, including the last knight who died under my sword."

"It doesn't matter whether you are a real knight or not, your blood will become the nourishment for my sword anyway!"

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