"My sword is stained with the blood of countless knights, including the last knight when that empire still existed."

"It doesn't matter whether you are a knight or not, you will eventually become the dead soul under my sword." The blood sword that seemed to be alive flew into the hands of the Marquis just as he finished speaking.

"Domestic animal, are you going to fight me with that inferior, broken sword? Haha, it seems that this Marquis has been underestimated!" The Marquis's skin was covered with a layer of black cuticle, which was shocking. In the meantime, his body size has more than doubled, and now Ji Bai can only reach his thighs.

- A pair of huge wings shot out of the sky, and the Marquis turned into a living monster. He jumped up and slashed down with the giant sword in his hand.

Ji Bai rolled to dodge, and the aftermath sent him flying backwards.

In an instant, the sky collapsed, the earth shattered, the mountains collapsed, and layers of violent waves were set off centered on the point where the Marquis fell. Ripples rolled up around the protruding arms. The earth trembled and groaned, as if the sky was about to collapse.

"Do you see the gap between us, hamster?" The Marquis's voice became thick and rough, and he looked at Ji Bai who stood up from the collapsed beams with a grin.

"If it were anyone else, I would mercilessly twist off their heads, but you are not a human being. Feel lucky that I am interested in you."

"Now, I give you a chance, a chance to surrender to me."

Ji Bai said nothing, drew his sword, and then pointed it at the Marquis as his only response. "Is this your answer? What a pity." The Marquis shook his head and struck the ground with his sword.

Violent fluctuations broke through the earth like roaring waves. Ji Bai jumped onto the beam, using the beam as a springboard to jump into the sky.

Faced with an enemy with such a huge gap, he advanced instead of retreating, and drew out the broken long sword without hesitation. “Don’t overestimate your own capabilities.”

The two giant swords collided in the air, and the Vampire Marquis smashed Ji Bai into the ground like he was playing polo.

"Click, click." With his feet sinking into the ground, Ji Bai struggled to support the bloody sword hanging above his head. Accompanied by a crisp sound, just like a bone cracking, a crack appeared on the damaged long sword.

Under the crushing force of the Vampire Marquis, the cracks gradually enlarged.

Ji Bai squatted down, threw away his sword and rolled over. A sharp bloody edge flashed above him. He took a few steps back and the sword in his hand had been broken into two pieces.

"Human, is this all you can rely on?" The Vampire Marquis sneered at his overestimation. Even though the sword in his hand was broken into half, Ji Bai turned a blind eye to it. He charged at the Vampire Marquis again, waving the broken sword in his hand that could not harm the vampire at all.

Seeing the knight at his feet charging towards him desperately, the Vampire Marquis cast his gaze mockingly and contemptuously. He thought he would be an opponent who could cheer him up a little, but he didn't expect Jingran to be so boring. For this kind of opponent, he doesn't even need to take action, he can simply kick it away.

Seeing that Ji Bai had dodged several feints as he expected, the Vampire Marquis showed a smile of success and trampled Ji Bai hard under his feet.

"It's over, little knight." This was a duel without any suspense. The blood-soaked giant sword slashed towards Ji Bai, intending to give him the final blow, but was blocked by Tianhui.

The blood sword kept ravaging and rubbing Tianhui's skin. He watched helplessly as Tianhui was damaged bit by bit, but Ji Bai was helpless.

At this moment, he recalled the night when his companions died, helplessly watching the members die in the hands of the Vampire Queen, and the feeling of powerlessness in his heart only increased.

‘Are you giving up now?’ At this moment, the picture in his mind changed, and he saw a lovely silver-haired girl sitting on the throne, looking at him with a mocking and teasing look.

Ji Bai knew this girl. She was the person he missed day and night. He missed her so much that he wanted to kill her with his own hands.

At this moment, the silver-haired girl was sitting on the throne, crossing her legs and supporting her head with her hands. She put a cherry into her mouth and looked at Ji Bai playfully.

‘Is this the only extent of your desire for revenge? ’

‘Don’t end it so easily. After all, you are the human being I like. '

After saying that, the Vampire Queen's scarlet eyes flashed with cold light, a specious smile appeared on her lips, and she stretched out her hand towards Ji Bai.

'Ji Bai doesn't want to admit that he is a loser who left his companions and ran away, so just work hard in my direction. Don't you want revenge? '


"Huh??" The Vampire Count's eyes widened. When he thought the winner had been decided, he felt resistance coming from under his feet.

That human being is getting up from it

The knight overturned the Marquis and grabbed the hilt of the sword that was broken into two pieces on the ground.

Crimson threads extended from the broken edge of the sword blade, forming a brand new crimson giant sword.

"Is this?? Could it be that?!" The Marquis looked at the giant sword in Ji Bai's hand in shock.

Waving the giant sword in his hand, the armored man knelt down on one knee and stood up. A cold light flashed in the seam of the helmet.

"It's just a domestic animal, it's just a domestic animal!" The Marquis looked at Ji Bai who was charging towards him in disbelief. For some reason, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

"A mere human being!" the Marquis roared towards the sky.

A streak of blood shot up into the sky and flashed past Ji Bai's sword. This sword seemed to cut through the space.

"Swipe!" Two scarlet giant swords intersected, and the knight and the vampire were facing each other, falling into a stalemate. "Kakaka!"

The Marquis' body was broken into two parts from the waist, like a collapsed building, and fell on the roadside like a large piece of garbage.

The knight fell to the ground, and his armor was also cut with a deep crack, hurting his abdomen, but this was not his biggest concern.

"Ahem, are you okay?" Looking at the blond girl beside him, Ji Bai ignored the bleeding belly and crawled to her side.

"Master, the armor will be fine." The blonde girl's expression remained blank. “I can’t get hurt because I can’t feel pain.”

"What happened!?" When the rebels who came later saw this scene, their eyes widened.

"Vampire Marquis, dead??" Looking at the huge vampire corpse broken in half on the ground, Mad swallowed.

Is this the vampire's Marquis? Just looking at his corpse makes me shudder, let alone letting people deal with such a monster.

"Lord Chief, where is Mr. Ji Bai?"

"Ji Bai, you, did you do this?" Mai De looked at the broken corpses on the ground complicatedly, and ordered someone to help Ji Bai up.

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