The vampire threat around Venus City was completely eradicated, and Venus City was officially taken over by the resistance. After that, all the industries and farmers here belonged to the resistance leader Med.

Humanity finally took an important first step towards the cause of freedom for its own race, and the Battle of Venus became one of the classic battles that sounded the clarion call of resistance.

As the greatest contributor to the Battle of Venus City, the knight did not ask for any reward, and he proposed to leave afterwards.

"Are you really going to leave, Ji Bai?" Mai De tried to persuade him to stay. "You are the biggest hero this time. If you are willing, with your ability, you can be my deputy or something. Everyone recognizes your strength."

"No need." Ji Bai shook his head and rejected Mai De's request.

"Are you really not going to try to find a group of like-minded companions? Maybe it will be much easier than being a lone ranger." Mai De still did not give up on winning over Ji Bai. "We, the rebels, already have a city as the foundation of our existence. As long as we provide protection for these citizens, they will continue to provide us with food and wine. As long as you stay with me, I guarantee that you will live a life that is superior to others." Life."

"Really." Ji Bai turned around and glanced at Mai De meaningfully. The sparkle in his eyes seemed to have glimpsed a bright future. There was even a hint of greed in that sparkle, which did not escape Ji Bai. White eyes.

"Are we really like-minded?" Ji Bai asked something that Mai De couldn't understand. "What do you mean? We are all human beings and we are all fighting to liberate our fellow humans. Aren't our goals the same?" Mai De was puzzled.

"That's right, we are of the same race." Ji Bai nodded. "So, take good care of the local people, and never forget that we are the same race, and our ultimate goal is to free our fellow race from the sea of ​​suffering."

"Isn't this natural?" Mai De didn't understand why Ji Bai suddenly said this, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with Ji Bai's tone.

"Yes." After a long time, Ji Bai nodded. "Feel free to lend me a forging furnace."

"You want to recast your sword? No, your sword is too broken, the materials are too mixed, and it's too blunt. If it breaks, it can't be used anymore."

"Let's just do this. If you don't want to stay, at least let us forge a new sword for you." "No, no need." Ji Bai flatly refused. "I don't need it, just find me a forging furnace."

"Your Excellency Ji Bai, even if you recast this sword, it will be meaningless. The materials used are destined that this sword will never last long." Mai De shook his head.

"This sword carries their souls and hopes." Ji Bai was silent for a moment. "I'm not giving it up no matter what."

"No matter how many times it's shot down, it keeps fighting."

Well, if you insist. Seeing that he could not persuade this dull and rigid knight, Mai De sighed. "Your Excellency Ji Bai, where do you plan to go from now on?"

"The land of elves." Ji Bai didn't hide it. "The land of elves? What are you doing there?" "Looking for a sage." Ji Bai looked up at the sky.

"Sage? I don't know which sage you are looking for, but my suggestion is that you'd better not go to the Elf Forest recently."


"The Elf Forest is currently going through a war, and the vampire power has spread to the land of elves that is isolated from the world. It's not safe for you to go, but I know that I can't persuade you." After that, Mad said mockingly to himself. .

The forge whirred, and time passed by invisibly.

"Goodbye." The knight took the re-welded hybrid sword and said goodbye to Mad without looking back. "etc."

"Is there anything else?" Ji Bai paused.

"Can you tell me why you are so strong?" Mad asked the question that had been bothering him. Ji Bai, a human being, was so strong that he didn't look like a human being. He was different from mortals like them. He could kill a marquis vampire with only that broken and inferior sword. This strength was obviously beyond the scope of a human being. The power he had unleashed earlier It even made Mai De doubt Ji Bai's human identity.


‘Human, I don’t know why, I like you very much. '

‘Try to escape my curse. I want to know how long you can live. 'After saying that, the fangs of the Vampire Queen quickly enlarged in the field of vision, and the kiss of death fell deeply on his shoulder.

"This is a curse." Ji Bai said meaningfully.

"Curse, curse? Haha, Lord Ji Bai is joking. If power is a curse, then I would rather be cursed myself." Mai De said with a dumb smile.

"Do you need strength?" Ji Bai suddenly asked.

"No one would hate this kind of thing, right?"

"Then there must be a reason. What do you need the strength to do?"

"This naturally wants to overthrow the rule of vampires and usher in the dawn of humanity." Mad paused. "Really?" Ji Bai didn't say much, as if he didn't see the dodge in Mad's eyes.

"Your Majesty Mai De, if we have the time to meet again, I hope that when I see you, you will still be as idealistic and true to your original aspirations as you and I did not long after we met." After saying that, Ji Bai set off and left Wei. Nass City, rushed to the Elf Forest.

After five days of driving, he arrived at the forest where elves have lived for generations.

Just like what Mad said, it is not decent, just like a fortress that has been battled for a long time, it is riddled with holes from the inside out.

Dead tree stumps are everywhere, grassland is sparse, and the blood stained on the land has dried up. Except for the words 'Forest of Elves' marked on the half-remaining sign, Ji Bai can't see how this place looks like a forest. .

This is the border area of ​​the Elf Forest. There was obviously a war and the elves were defeated. Now there is no trace of the elves here.

Ji Bai felt that he got out of the car at the wrong time. The place where the elves lived was obviously not here now. After a day's journey, he finally saw some living creatures, but unfortunately, they were not elves, but vampire guards.

"Stop, the person in front of you, where are you from?" the other party scolded in sharp Vampire language. Ji Bai remained silent and drew his sword. He couldn't understand what the other party said, and he didn't want to understand.

These were just some vampire soldiers and generals. Ji Bai didn't need to use much force to deal with them.

Continuing to move forward, I suddenly found a large camp with the blood clan's flag flying on it. It was obvious that this territory had been temporarily occupied by the vampires.

Ji Bai came here to find the forest sage and didn't want to cause trouble, so he planned to avoid the vampire's territory.

Just then, a sharp horn sounded

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