"Lord Sage, I would like to ask you how to destroy the Vampire Queen."

"Destroy, Vampire Queen? Oh, ho ho, you want to destroy the Vampire Queen?" The young man named Larson laughed crazily.

The elf queen and elders nearby couldn't stand it any longer, wondering if this human named Ji Bai had some similarities to Larson's head, and actually tried to believe what a madman said.

"Yes." Ji Bai looked at Larson quietly, full of seriousness.

"Oh, what, hahaha, you came all the way here just to ask such a simple and meaningless question?" Larson said with a smile.

"I just want to kill someone, is it so difficult? Just wait, I won't let you come here in vain!" With that said, Larson ran into his hut.

"Mr. Ji Bai, I think you should forget it. You have also seen Mr. Larson's condition. I think you have found the wrong person."

"No, I'm not wrong." Ji Bai said firmly. "My team member will never lie to me, he is right."

"But" the Elf Queen hesitated. At this time, Larson also ran out of the room, with a piece of white paper in his hand with child-like graffiti on it.

"Come on, come on! Kill, kill, I will fulfill your wish!" Larson handed the paper to Ji Bai with a proud look. What is this? "After reading what was written on the paper, Ji Bai Bai looked silent, and the Elf Queen looked speechless.

"Didn't you say you wanted to kill the Vampire Queen? Isn't this the Vampire Queen you are looking for? Kill her quickly." Larson said happily

"" Ji Bai silently looked at the figure drawn on the white paper. To be precise, it was a black stick figure with two black lines used as ponytails. If it weren't for an arrow next to it pointing at the match. The person was written 'Vampire Queen', and Ji Bai didn't even know who he was drawing.

"The one I want to kill is the Vampire Queen."

"Yes, this is no different from the Vampire Queen." Larson said in surprise. "So, why don't you draw your sword and kill her??"

"This is meaningless." A wrinkle appeared on Ji Bai's expressionless face. "How can it be meaningless??" Larson said puzzledly.

"It's just a piece of paper." Ji Bai replied.

"Then you're just a piece of flesh." Larson snorted nervously. Ji Bai looked at Larson quietly, and Larson stared back without showing any signs of weakness.

"Your Excellency Ji Bai, if you are looking for a sage, we elves still have many sages surviving." The Elf Queen couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't help but said.

"No, Your Majesty the Queen, this is probably the person I'm looking for." Ji Bai turned to look at Milin. "Can you please give me some space to be alone with him?"

Well, if that's what you insist on doing. Milin sighed, and the soldiers beside her looked at Ji Bai with weird eyes.

There is indeed something wrong with this human's brain.

After the Elf Queen left with her attendants, the two looked at each other for a long time, neither of them speaking. Suddenly, Ji Bai drew his sword and cut the paper in front of him in two. "Then what?" Ji Bai asked.

"Ah? What's next? What's next?" Larson said in confusion. "I did what you said, tell me, what should I do next?"

"Next step? Didn't you succeed in your revenge?" Larson looked at Ji Bai doubtfully. "I've finished venting my anger, where's the next step?"

How do you know that I am going for revenge??" Ji Bai looked solemn.

"Didn't you tell me that?" Larson pointed at Ji Bai's face. "You are dull and rigid, but filled with a hint of hostility. You place all your hopes on a fictitious sage that your companions call you. You will do whatever he asks you to do without any ideas of your own. If you're not going for revenge, what are you going to do?"

~You are indeed Sage Larson. "

"Hey, it doesn't matter whether you are virtuous or not. Whether you are virtuous or not, I am still me. Can my nature change?" Larson nervously pointed at Ji Bai and himself.

"You and I are just insignificant specks of dust in this world. Whether we live or die, we cannot change the nature of this world, so it doesn't matter whether we are virtuous or not."

Please tell me how to defeat the Vampire Queen. "Ji Bai stared at Larson closely and bent towards him. "All I can count on now is your wisdom. "

"Didn't I tell you just now? I've given you a chance. Is it possible that you haven't vented your anger yet??" Larson looked at Ji Bai strangely.

"Venting my anger? Do you think I'm just venting my anger?"

"What else? Why else would you kill the Vampire Queen?" Larson spread his hands and made a puzzled expression. "Isn't it just that you were bullied and then took revenge to vent your anger?"

"Now, you have killed the Vampire Queen once, haven't you vented your anger yet?" "I don't understand what you mean, are you kidding me?"

"Then tell me, besides venting your anger, what other reason do you have for killing the Vampire Queen?" "If you don't kill the Vampire Queen, you, you will all be enslaved by vampires."

"So you killed the Vampire Queen?" Larson asked.

"The Vampire Queen is no longer here, so naturally many problems will be solved."

"What about the vampire queen and her sister? Even if all the royal family is gone, where are the other vampires? Will they accept it?

If you want to kill all the vampires, then who will rule this world? By you?" Larson said curiously, and then suddenly realized.

"Oh! You told me earlier. It turns out you want to be the great emperor. If you didn't tell me earlier, it would be over." "I just want to kill the vampire queen and restore order to mankind."

"The human order? What is the human order? Without vampires, can humans really regain their freedom and not be oppressed?" Larson continued to ask.

"Isn't it like this?" Ji Bai wanted to say something else, but suddenly, he remembered a scene. It was the greed that flashed across Medina before.

"My friend, you can't kill all the evil wolves. This is the law of this world. Moreover, I didn't say that the evil wolf must be a vampire." Larson said meaningfully.

"Perhaps, sometimes, the members of your own race who are in power will not treat you more gently than other races." "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean? You'll understand after you really vent your anger."

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