Blood Princess and the Knight

13~Indomitable courage

"Now you are blinded by your own heart. After you successfully vent your anger, you will naturally understand everything." Old God Larson said these words that Ji Bai couldn't understand at all.

"Can you please make it clearer? What does it mean to vent your anger?" Ji Bai frowned slightly.

"Ah, so up to now, you still don't understand anything?? Then aren't the words I just said equivalent to telling pigs and cows?" Larson said impatiently. "You're really annoying me, this human gentleman with a brain as thick as iron that doesn't understand what it means to be flexible."

"Don't you just want to vent your anger? Apart from that, do you have any other purpose for killing the Vampire Queen? No, I've given you a chance, and you're still asking questions here."

"Okay, okay, okay! It's not fun, it's not fun, no more fun! I'm going home to take a nap!" "Wait, Mr. Sage."

"Wrong. What's the matter with you??" Larson looked at Ji Bai who was standing in front of him with disgust. "What I want to do is not just as simple as venting my anger and taking revenge."

"Ah? Really?? But this little human kid with a brain that doesn't work very well, in my opinion, you are just like a child who has a broken toy and is crying and asking for justice from his parents." Wilson tilted his head.

"Is Mr. Sage accusing me of being childish??"

"What are you talking about, my canned friend, don't you understand what I mean?"

"Having said so much, don't I just want to express that you are an out-and-out idiot?" Larson did not mince words. "Of course, I'm not just targeting you. After all, there are too many idiots who think the same as you. They stick together, naive and self-righteous, and they are like-minded partners."

"Actually, the reason why they still think so is because they haven't matured yet. After these people succeed, the evil wolves among them will awaken. At that time, they will know that their companions have always been with them. They're different bedfellows."

What did you say??"

"Ah, is this an angry expression? I see, even the most dull-witted person will still be hit by a pain point." Larson nodded thoughtfully.

"You don't understand anything at all." Ji Bai said word for word.

"Yes, yes, I really don't understand anything." Larson opened his arms nervously and breathed towards the sky. "The so-called understanding and understanding is to realize how ignorant and insignificant one is."

"So, little Ji Bai, have you realized how small you are to this world?"

"Humans, no, mortals. As mortals, no matter how hard we work, our life's deeds are effective. This applies to all mortals, including the vampire queen you mentioned. She is just drifting with the flow and a product of the times. ."

"The position she is in is not something she can stay in if she wants to, or not stay in if she doesn't want to. It's what this world and this era has given her. To a certain extent, she can't help it."

"In other words, the Vampire Queen is a product of the times, not an existence that you, a human, can end."

"You may not understand what I'm saying now, but it doesn't matter. You will understand it sooner or later, as long as you are still alive when that day comes."

"Then, Mr. Sage, what do you mean, I can't kill the Vampire Queen??"

"It seems like you really don't understand what I mean at all. Your Excellency Ji Bai is very brave, so I'll give you a chance."

"Mr. Ji Bai, you want to defeat the current vampire queen and make her give up her enslavement to humans, right?" "Yes."

"Very good. If this is your only purpose, since you have come all the way to see me pretending to be crazy, I will tell you the method I know."

"Vampires have an infinite lifespan and appear weaker in sunlight. Apart from their almost human physical strength, they have almost no weaknesses."

*The royal regeneration ability of a vampire is so powerful that it is almost impossible to kill her. Even if you cannot kill her, it is still possible for you to defeat her. ""Really?"

"Well, although the basic value of human beings is indeed shockingly low, it still depends on the person. For example, you, Ji Bai." "Luckily, unlike those ordinary people, you have the potential to defeat vampires."

"Surviving from the hands of a vampire is no accident. You are indeed different from ordinary people." "Then what exactly should I do?"

"Only a holder of a holy weapon who has experienced hundreds of battles can fight a vampire. But if she is the vampire queen, only one person among ten thousand people can compete with her."


"King of Knights." "King of Knights?"

"Yes, as early as when that empire was still there, the term "Knight King" was the highest honorary title and highest military command title of that empire."

"But now, the empire has been buried in the long river of history along with the yellow sand."

"If you want to defeat the Vampire Queen, you must first go through countless battles and fierce battles, wandering back and forth on the edge of life and death." "Then, comes the most important point."

"You have to let go of all your worries."

"Finished, all worries?" Ji Bai looked at his palm with a puzzled expression.

"Yes, looking at it now, you still have concerns. An immature knight can make mistakes, but the King of Knights cannot."

"The fetters and worries in your heart affect your thinking and judgment all the time, so the last and most critical step is to cut off all worries.

Everything, everything is right or wrong based on justice. "

Ji Bai was silent.

"The determination to survive a hundred battles and the determination to end worries. If you have these two things, it is possible to defeat the Vampire Queen. Otherwise, as a human, you will have no chance."

"Choose well."

"Please tell me what to do next."

"First, go to the Wood Forest to kill the Wolf King there, then go to the Argonian Valley. Defeat the dragon guarding the Dragon Tomb. Finally, arrive at the former ancient capital [Cypriel], find the imperial mausoleum, and accept the ancient If the baptism of the Lan Knights is unanimously approved by them, you will be the new King of Knights."

"Until then, you will have the strength to fight the Vampire Queen."

Larson said as he walked into the house and handed the map hanging behind the door into Ji Bai's hand. "This is a map of Wu Zhi Forest and Dragon Tomb. As for the last, you have to find Gulan's Imperial Tomb yourself."

"Indomitable courage and decisiveness, these two qualities are the key to your victory. I wish you good luck, Mr. Knight.

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