Blood Princess and the Knight

21~Knight’s Blessing

"Young descendants, no matter what you are here to look for, you must first pass our assessment." The knight on the throne finished speaking. On both sides, a knight walked out with a sword, standing out like a chicken among the flock.

He stood with a sword in both hands. He put the sword against his shoulder blades and silently performed a standard knightly salute to Ji Bai.

Ji Bai turned around slowly and looked at the Shadow Knight with a pair of slightly cloudy eyes. When the opponent pointed the sword at him, he raised the inferior sword in his hand.

"Oh!" In the silent first confrontation, the knight's sword seemed to dive into the wind. In just a moment, it was as if a gust of wind could make the enemy's head fall to the ground. It was just the sword on it. The wind tore apart the pillars of the palace.

This blow with terrifying force seemed to cut Ji Bai into pieces.

This otherworldly slash has surpassed the scope of humans. Human strength, no matter how tough the armor is, cannot stop this indestructible slash.

Ji Bai, who had lost Tianhui, could not stop him.

Whether it was the knight sitting on the table or the knights watching on both sides, even Ji Bai himself knew that he would die with this blow. However, when everyone was sure of the outcome, the sword stopped firmly in front of Ji Bai.

The knights who were fighting seemed very surprised that Ji Bai was able to block the attack.

Ji Bai was silent, and raised his slightly buried head, revealing his turbulent eyes.

This man lost all his companions and everything, but he did not lose his original intention and belief. The fiery determination in his heart was still the same as that of the young man before.

He could feel the weight of "faith" in the knight's attack. It was not a magic spell or simple brute force, but something called "determination."


In terms of determination, Ji Bai will not lose to anyone. He has never learned the complete swordsmanship moves and has lost his holy martial arts. He has been retreating steadily, defeated again and again, but his ideals and original intentions in his heart will never fail.

It wasn't until the moment he took the knight's sword that Ji Bai finally understood.

The most deadly thing is never the edge of the sword. What the knight on the throne wants him to prove is not his strength, but his determination. "It's called the knight's "determination". "It's really outstanding." The knight who was fighting against Ji Bai put down his hands. The sword inside, with a little admiration in his tone -

A person's character is reflected in the sword's will. This point is most confusing to the knight facing Ji Bai.

He could feel Ji Bai's indomitable soul and courage. What he admired was not his strength, but the heroic chivalry spirit of fighting alone even to the last moment.

Bowing formally to him, the knight fully recognized his identity.

"Amazing." The knight on the throne stood up, his deep voice full of noise. "Now, we can formally express our welcome to you." "Welcome, comrade." The knight on the throne bowed slightly to Ji Bai. Following his movements, the surrounding knights also bowed to Ji Bai. Waist. "No distinguished guests have come here for a long time."

"I came here to defeat the Vampire Queen." Ji Bai bluntly stated his purpose, word for word.

"Before that, tell me why you want to defeat the Vampire Queen." The knight on the throne returned to the throne. "Tell me, you can't hide your true intentions in front of the seniors."

"I will not deny it in order to get back to you, but now, I am seeking an answer." Ji Bai looked directly at the King of Knights.

I see. "After a long time, the King of Knights nodded. "Then, Your Excellency, Knight, why do you come to us to seek answers?"

"I heard from a sage that you could help me." Ji Bai clenched his fists. "I need your power. On my own, I am no match for the Vampire Queen."

~Since you can understand my true intentions, you should also be able to understand my determination. "

"I will not give up on this wish until I get the power to match it. I have lost too much and I can't stop." Are you ready to die? "The King of Knights pondered. "Well, yes, we can indeed help you, knight. "

~However, I have to conduct another test."


"Test whether you can sit in my position." The King of Knights pointed to his seat and how to test. "

"come here."

Ji Bai walked up the steps and came to the King of Knights.

The knight stretched out his hand to him, and a mysterious halo flickered from in front of Ji Bai. For a moment, Ji Bai felt like countless images flashed in front of him.

Get acquainted with like-minded companions, form a knighthood, threaten to drive away the vampire forces and save mankind, then the group is destroyed, and finally lose his only remaining companions.

Ji Bai felt powerless and knelt on the ground, cold sweat already wet his forehead and back.

"As a knight, you are qualified, but as the king of knights, I'm sorry, Your Excellency Ji Bai, you are not qualified enough." The king of knights said every word. ~The so-called King of Knights must not have any worries. Any emotion will affect your judgment. "

~What you need to do is justice that is impartial and unbiased. Care and fetters are superfluous. "~You have indeed lost all your cares, but after all, you still have human desires and feelings..."

"Ordinary knights can make mistakes, but the King of Knights cannot, so if you are the King of Knights, you are not qualified." "Care, and, Ji Xiao" Ji Bai was silent, and he remembered the elf sage Larson's words to him What was said.

"You must settle the matter

Some worries, the fetters and worries in your heart are always affecting your judgment and thinking. Only by getting rid of your worries, you must cut off all worries and measure the right and wrong of things with absolute justice. "These are Larson's original words, exactly the same as the knight king sitting on the throne.

"If you want to become the King of Knights, you must first learn to give up your thoughts, your worries, and all your feelings." The knight on the throne said emotionlessly.

"Give up all feelings." Recalling every moment with his companions, Ji Bai fell silent. "Otherwise, you won't be able to become the King of Knights and you won't be able to bear this inheritance."

●Please forgive me, I can’t do it. "

"Then there is nothing you can do, Your Excellency Knight, if this is the case, you will never be able to break through that shackles."

"But this doesn't mean that your trip is in vain." The King of Knights said. "How much of our inheritance you can bear depends on you." "Comrade, all the knights here are willing to give you a helping hand to teach you what you have learned throughout your life. But how much you can learn and how much you can use depends on you. Your own creation."

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