"I am very willing to pass on my power to you, the next generation of knights, but before we discuss the main business, can we talk about some digressions." The King of Knights sat up slightly.

"Off topic? Please tell me."

"Your Excellency, which branch of knight do you come from? Where is the place where you are granted the title? And which bishop presided over the ceremony for you?" "Sir, I have never been awarded the title of knight." Ji Bai replied seriously .

"Impossible." The King of Knights was silent for a moment and denied without hesitation. "Even a brave man like you who is both moral and military has not been awarded the title of knight. If this is the case, it can only be said that the empire's bureaucracy is seriously ill."

"The empire has perished, Your Excellency."

Is that so? "This time, the King of Knights was silent for a long time." So that's it, then the human race is now leaderless, right? "Yes, and they were enslaved by foreigners. "

"This, I already know from your thoughts, you are here for this, right?" "Yes."

~The death of the empire means that there is no longer the concept of "knight"?" "That's right, so far, I have not heard of anyone calling themselves a "knight"." The King of Knights shook his head. Shaking his head, he looked up to the sky and sighed. "There is no eternal prosperity and glory" ~ In other words, you have not officially been awarded the title of knight? "


"It doesn't matter, it's not too late." The King of Knights murmured, stretched out his palm, and a golden sword-shaped cross fell on Ji Bai's hand. ~Later-born, your name is Ji Bai, right?"

~Yes, Your Excellency. "

Well, I would like to announce that today, in front of my former knight king, Dobas, as evidenced by the heroic souls of all the knights in the past, I entrust you with the title that should have belonged to you long ago, together with the glory of all knights. "

Ji Bai looked up.

"From now on, you will be the only knight in this world." The King of Knights looked through the slits of his helmet, and the sunlight with countless thoughts fell on Ji Bai's body. "Knight, all glory?"

"You can afford this honor." The King of Knights continued. "Tenacity, bravery, perseverance, determination, and the willingness to sacrifice for your companions, you have everything you need."

"Although you can't become a "king", you are an extremely good knight." "You can't abandon your humanity. That's good. This nobility is proof that you are a knight."

"In this world, not only the knights are knights, but not all knights are knights..."

"You will be the last knight I award, and the only knight in this world. The honor of knighthood will belong to you from now on." "Acknowledge this honor, you have been recognized by all the knights present."

Ji Bai turned around, and the knights standing on both sides gave him looks of respect or approval. ~Then, what is the inheritance given to me?”

"Knight, we have no inheritance to give you. It's a pity." The King of Knights shook his head. "Even if we want to help you, it's no use. We are just a group of incomplete souls."

~What I just said, the inheritance for you, is only one sentence, one sentence of understanding. "

Then how should I defeat the Vampire Queen?" Ji Bai lowered his head and looked at his broken arm.

In his heyday, he was beaten to death by the Vampire Queen. Now that he has lost an arm, it is even more difficult to win.

Seeing this, the King of Knights raised his head. "Knight, do you know why we can still appear in front of you as souls after we have been dead for thousands of years?" ^The junior does not know. "

"There is something in heaven and earth that can make people transcend physical death." The King of Knights raised his head. "Let me ask you, in what way do you think you can surpass a vampire?"

"Regeneration ability, magic element capacity, muscle and bone strength, strength, life tenacity?... Bai shook his head silently.

"Yes, in terms of hard strength, humans cannot match vampires anyway, but this does not mean that vampires are invincible." "When your spirit lasts forever, the survival of your body is not that important."

"How much you can understand this sentence depends on your destiny, comrade." "Then how should I kill the vampire queen??"

"Senior, everyone here is your senior. Just like you, they have also been confused. How did they face what you are facing now."

"Everyone has this process. Today, you will also face this problem. No one can help you understand it. If we tell you the answer, everything will become meaningless. If you truly understand it, everything will be easily solved."

I see. "

"I wish you immediate success, junior." After the words fell, the supporting beams gradually cracked and cracks appeared. Amidst a huge sound, the defeated temple collapsed in the violent wind and sandstorm. "After waiting for a thousand years, just for this prophesied moment, I believe you can create glory again."

"Don't let us wait in vain for these thousand years. Next, we should follow this temple and fall silent."

Ji Bai woke up from a strong wind. There was only a piece of yellow sand left in his field of vision. The storm swept it up violently, making people doubt whether he was just dreaming.

Only the golden Cross of Swords Medal in his hand told him that everything before was definitely not a dream.

Looking around, the broken walls and ruins were buried in the sand, no longer visible, as if what had once existed had gone. He picked up the cross medal at hand and wore it on his chest.

Does this mean that he has passed all the tests? So, can he now seek revenge from a vampire? Can he go, has he taken revenge?

The sound of the wind blowing away the sand brushed my ears, but there was no

He was told the answer.

The so-called trial seemed to have changed nothing. Instead, he lost his last true love and an arm, and gained nothing except this meaningless medal.

Ji Bai didn't understand what he was doing these days.

It's like spending a lot of time in the Qing Dynasty, losing a lot, but gaining nothing. Do you regret it? Regret that you listened to that sage.

However, for some reason, he had neither regret nor hatred in his heart, but he knew that there was something that had to be done now, and only he could do it. He picked up the tattered long sword at hand.

"It's too rotten to be used." He murmured to himself.

But at least it can be used for the final fight and resistance. Putting on his cloak, the knight set out again.

The target this time is his final destination, the Vampire Queen's lair, the Scarlet Blood Domain. He lost his companions, lost his armor, lost his hand but he had not lost everything.

As long as this sword is not destroyed, it can be recast again and again, just like him

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