Blood Princess and the Knight

25~The spirit lasts forever

Ji Bai, who was about to fall from the palace, grabbed the edge of the wall with his remaining hand, biting the hilt of the sword in his mouth, and using force, he turned over to the ground and escaped from being burned to ashes.

He climbed up to the palace in embarrassment, but his crisis did not end there.

The tree's huge fist slammed down hard. Although the movement was slow, the destructive power was huge. If Ji Bai had not dodged in time, he would have died suddenly on the spot.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Accompanied by huge smoke and dust, the huge emperor's words will soon have no place to stand.

Lilias looked down at Ji Bai who was escaping in panic below, grinning and doing nothing. She even took out the tea set and drank tea while watching. In front of this huge monster, Ji Bai was as humble as a little mouse. Gradually, he was forced into a desperate situation.

The curse lines on the tree vine glowed with green light, as if they were about to launch an ultimatum to him.

With Ji Bai's level, he couldn't use the counterattack gauntlet a second time in a short period of time, and this time, he couldn't escape anymore. Even if he could dodge this giant's attack, he would no longer have a foothold. He had to stop this attack. Facing the head that was as big as a roof, the knight used what he had learned throughout his life.

"Boom boom boom!!" With a deafening sound, the fist of the tree and vine monster fell down, crushing Ji Bai into powder without any suspense.

Is it over?" Looking at the smoke and dust that gradually lost its movement and dispersed, Lilias shook her head, with undisguised disappointment in her eyes.

"I thought you were really the person I was waiting for, but I didn't expect you to be just a passerby."

The raised sand and gravel dust dispersed, and the tree and vine monster slowly raised its fist. A rag of cloth lay quietly underneath, with no trace of Ji Bai.

?" Lilias gradually realized something was wrong. Just when she was about to make a move, the tea tray in her arms was knocked over. There was a tug on her hand. She felt something dragging down her body. When she looked up, she saw that she had disappeared. Ji Bai didn't know when he grabbed her arms and waist and threw her down hard.

If this trend continues, both of them will fall into the sea of ​​fire. Of course, Ji Bai doesn't think that he will die first. If he does, Lilias will die first... You spilled my tea and disturbed my afternoon tea time, you know How big a sin is this? "However, the situation was different from what Ji Bai imagined. Lilias did not show the panicked and unexpected expression she had imagined, but instead showed a calm smile.

~Generally, anyone who dares to touch me like this without permission will be cut into pieces by my monsters. "

Even though Ji Bai used the joint fixation technique on her, Lilias was still able to chant the curse, but to her miscalculation, Ji Bai, who had only one hand left, actually succeeded in preventing her release.

I saw that Ji Bai's head hit Lilias's forehead. I don't know if it was an acquired bonus or an innate talent. Ji Bai's head was surprisingly hard and hit Lilias's forehead. Lilias was stunned. Si felt the world spin for a while, and in an instant, the wings behind her changed direction, so that the two of them crashed into the wall of the palace and passed through the palace.

^Bang bang bang! "The two crashed through the wall of the palace and flew in a parabola to the back garden. ~ Her Majesty the Queen!" Upon seeing this, the guards rushed over.

"Haha, haha... Finally breaking free from Ji Bai's restraints, Lilias, who was hit hard on the ground, stroked her forehead with her hands. As expected, she was blushing. She sneered and looked at Ji Bai, who was getting up from the ground unsteadily not far away. .

~Her Majesty the Queen!”

~You all, step aside for me. ~Lilias’s voice was low and inaudible.

The attendants immediately stopped when they saw this situation. Anyone who was a little familiar with Lilias knew that this look meant that Lilias was really angry, and she was still furious.

In this case, instead of protecting the queen, they stepped forward and were accidentally injured by the queen. The news of dangerous trees and vines arrived, and Lilias kept chanting the window spell.

After Ji Bai stood up completely. In an instant, there were three objects beside him. Gargoyle, Evil Wings, Quicksand Ghost-

These are all intermediate levels of evil in the shadow plane, and it only took two intermediate levels of evil to wipe out their entire knights. At the moment when he was surrounded by four demons, Ji Bai understood that in this battle, he Probably lost.

The time limit was closed silently. In the darkness, the four monsters took action one after another. The only sound was the scream of the huge wind squeezing the air.

Knight, do you know why we can still appear in front of you in the form of souls after we have been dead for thousands of years?"

"There is something between heaven and earth that transcends death.

Only you can understand this truth, no one can help you. '

Your spirit will last forever, and your body will not be so important. How much you can understand this sentence depends on your own destiny. "Spirit lasts forever

I see.

With his eyes closed, Ji Bai could catch the outlines of objects in the darkness, and these outlines gradually became clearer in his perception. The giant sword in his hand had been shattered from the previous fight, and it was broken into two pieces again, but Ji Bai didn't care. He stood with the sword in his hand, and the sword in his hand continued to extend in his perception.

He waved it gently, only to hear a few cracking sounds.

The broken sword seemed to have chopped the threads of space.

The giant creatures stopped moving, and then, the moment Ji Bai opened his eyes, the giant beasts seemed to be cut by invisible threads in some space, and were broken into two.

[Shenglun Sword Technique and Sky Slash].

... Seeing this scene, Lilias took a step back slightly. At the moment when she was confined, Ji Bai seemed to have changed.

Just like people, the breath is completely different from before.

"~Spirit, body" Ignoring Lilias's reaction, Ji Bai put back his hands and muttered to himself. Just now, at the critical moment, he understood what the King of Knights said.

The reason why the knights who still exist in the tombs after thousands of years of wind and frost can stay forever is because their spirits have transcended the body, and their form of existence has changed into another more abstract concept.

In other words, their names are directly equivalent to the word "knight". They embodied the spirit of chivalry at that time, so that their spirits will last forever and their souls will live forever.

Ji Bai still doesn't know whether what he insists on is consistent with the chivalry spirit of the Gulan knights, but he has something he must do, an answer he must get, and he is burdened with the ideals and beliefs of his companions.

The so-called knights may not have any goals or beliefs themselves, but they are keen to protect the beliefs of others and carry their dreams.

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