Blood Princess and the Knight

Final Chapter~Her Vision and the Knight’s Eternal Journey

The monster's tentacles penetrated the knight's abdomen, and the blood flowed endlessly. But at the same time, it was like a long rainbow that penetrated the endless fog above the scarlet blood field.

The rusty broken sword was stained with blood at this moment, but it was not the knight's own blood, but

"You lose." The knight stared quietly at Lilias, who was very close at hand. At this moment, the end of the broken sword penetrated her smooth neck, and the dark red blood soaked the knight's hands.

The broken sword in his hand is no longer just a broken sword. It incorporates Ji Bai's thoughts, the ideals of his companions, everyone in the Knights who died for him, Tianhui, everything.

Ji Bai put all his thoughts and will into this attack. This is not a mixture of broken swords, but a condensed idea!

Physical attacks require physical defense, while mental attacks require strong mental defense.

In terms of physical strength, Ji Bai as a human could never defeat Lilias as the vampire queen, but in terms of the strength of her thoughts, Ji Bai far surpassed Lilias.

Of course, this blow defeated her easily.

Ping, got, good. "Looking at Ji Bai, Lilias smiled with blood spilling from the corner of her mouth. Her charming burgundy eyes looked at him affectionately, as if she was telling some unspeakable feelings.

For some reason, the other party's look gave Ji Bai a strong sense of disobedience, as if the sword had pierced not Lilias, but his own human knight, killing the vampire queen at this moment. Everyone fell silent.

The blood was flowing like water. Even if she was a vampire queen, the damage caused by her thoughts would be irreversible.

With such a fatal blow, she would definitely die. Now, it was just the powerful vitality that was fighting for her in the little time left under the hands of the God of Death. It's a miracle that you actually did it. "Lilias looked at Ji Bai. For some reason, he actually saw a hint of relief in the other person's eyes. This made him very puzzled.

Choose where you want to be buried. "Ji Bai spoke. As a human, he resented vampires, but as an opponent, he respected the vampire queen.

This queen did not let her attendants interfere until the last moment. She always insisted on a one-on-one duel between knights. She did not complain after the defeat and accepted this fact despite regrets.

Although he held a high position, he died calmly. Based on this, Ji Bai respected his opponent. Hearing this, Lilias showed an unknown smile.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

"Damn it!" The attendants who reacted drew their swords and aimed at Ji Bai.

At this moment, the gem in Lilias's heart glowed with a scarlet light that seemed to bleed. This light formed a sphere, isolating Lilias Jibai from the outside world.

"You" "Looking at Lilias rising slowly in the sphere, Ji Bai was shocked beyond measure.

At this moment, Lilias was holding a white nickel, several black wings spread out, she opened her eyes, and lines appeared in them.

There were rings with inscriptions suspended around her. Just looking at these rings and trying to identify the words on them would make Ji Bai feel a pain in his head.

~Why, why are you still alive?""

"Of course we are still alive.""Lilias smiled provocatively at Ruoji Bai. "If you want to kill a god, you must at least take a trip to the god's path first, right? Killing a god must also follow the basic method."

"God? What are you talking about??" Ji Bai didn't understand, but he couldn't resist Lilias's sudden change. why is that??

"Want to know why you can't resist? It's very simple. Human nature is to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. When you encounter an opponent you can't defeat, you will be like this, and you won't even be able to resist. "

"Ji Bai lowered his head and remained silent. "Then, what are you still hesitating about?"

"Don't be nervous. Dear Mr. Knight, we don't mean to harm you. In fact..." The white-haired girl threw away the white sickle and staff with a smile, took out a mallet from somewhere, and then hit it hard. It hit Bai's head.

"Are you mentally retarded? If we really wanted to do something to you, why would we wait now? I can kill you with just a snap of a finger, so can you figure it out? Is your head just a decoration? ??" the white-haired girl said angrily

What on earth do you want to do?" After confirming that Bai Ji's head was still there, Ji Bai rubbed the aching back of his head.

"Humph, what else can you do? Don't you win now?" the white-haired girl snorted. "You are indeed very strong. We used Lilias' template strength to confront you. We only used one-tenth of our fighting consciousness, and you won. Yes, you do have some strength."

"But more importantly, you are determined."

What does it mean? "Ji Bai doesn't understand. After talking so much, Ji Bai still doesn't understand what the white-haired girl wants to express.

"In short, if you win, we will abide by our promise, and the whole vampire territory will withdraw from the human realm, and then..." The white-haired girl smiled mysteriously. "You can find the answers you want."

"my answer?"

"Yes, the answer you have always wanted, and your determination." The white-haired girl looked at Ji Bai deeply, with a hint of bitterness on her lips. ~Do you know? Ji Bai, we really envy you. "

"I envy you for being able to follow the path you want to take by your own will. You don't understand how lucky you are now." ~ So, don't give up easily. "

"No matter what setbacks you encounter, please

You keep walking. "" After saying this, before Ji Bai could express all his questions, the girl disappeared.

One month later.

As the Vampire Queen said, all the remnants of the vampire forces withdrew from the human territory and handed over the various human provinces to the jurisdiction of the stronger ones among the human forces.

One day, in a certain tavern.

"Little girl~ I have fallen in love with you. How about spending the night with me tonight?" "Sorry, sir, I have someone else."

"Tch! It's your blessing that my young master likes you! How dare you disobey!"

The maid in the tavern was pushed hard to the ground by the subordinate of the young man in uniform. She was crying, but no one could hear her. The diners around him were as numb as ever and turned a blind eye to this as always.

Until, a man with a broken arm in a black cloak stood up.

*Let go. "

Yo? Someone wants to be a hero. Is this??" The two subordinates were so angry that when they saw the man's broken arm, they immediately started mocking him.

"He's still a cripple. Why, a beggar wants to be a hero to save the beauty. Don't you remember how his hand was broken?"~Shuashua!" In just a moment, the subordinate fell to the ground.

"You, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, have, you, you, you, you, you,” you, you have, do you have the dare to do something to do to us, you dare to do something to us?! Let me tell you, we are the rulers of this area, the direct subordinates of Mr. Mai De, if you dare to do something to us, you will be in trouble with him!"

"Maide?" The man with the broken arm frowned slightly. "Which Mad, that fat man?" "Wrong, you, do you know my family?" Several young people were stunned.

The man looked deeply at this familiar scene. At this moment, he finally understood his companion's words and found his own answer. Whether it's a vampire or a human, it doesn't matter who is the ruler——

None of them will show mercy to the people.

People will not object to privileges, they will only object to their lack of privileges. Come on then.

At this moment, Ji Bai made a decision.

Humans, vampires, any race.

The knight does not belong to any race. He always stands with the suffering civilians, vowing to always promote justice and always fight against injustice——

"The never-ending journey, this is the ending that Ji Bai should have." In the God Realm, the white-haired girl looked at the determined back through the crystal mirror, the sunlight a little blurry.

Ji Bai, she is no longer Ji Bai, and she cannot be Ji Bai, but at least, let her put her former vision into words.

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