"Listen to me, you two, you will be spared from the danger of going through the mountains of swords and the sea of ​​fire. Brothers, I am looking for you to do something. How can I let you two do something thankless? If this thing comes to pass, it will be a beautiful thing. , To be honest, I wouldn’t give this job to anyone who asked me to do it. It was because of our years of friendship that I reluctantly let the two brothers share the profits together."

"Oh?" the two knight captains heard. I suddenly became interested. "Brother, why don't you tell me?" "Do you two know that the captain of the fifteenth team of Shenghuo killed the vampire king a few days ago?" "Yes, isn't this something everyone knows now? Is there any problem? ?”

""Is it possible that brother wants to take the credit for this on his own head? I'm afraid this is unrealistic. After all, His Majesty the Emperor already knows. "

"Of course not. I am not someone who only knows that Captain Villette of the Fifteenth Shield Team killed the Vampire King a few days ago, but I must not have known that they also arrested and took in a vampire who was suspected of being a royal family." Captain Vulture Hey smile.

"Oh? What do you mean, brother?"

"That little girl from the Shenglun family wants to do something but doesn't want to retaliate." Captain Xiujiu said meaningfully.

"I guess I wanted to get more credit for myself, so I chose to hide it and not report it. Think about it, if this vampire escaped and we were caught, wouldn't the credit go to us? "

"Capturing the royal family of vampires is a great achievement. It's just that after being a small captain for so many years, the two of you really have no interest in climbing up." The vulture captain began to persuade.

Sure enough, just as he thought, his words came into effect, and the two captains, who also had ulterior motives, hesitated. Haha, with this kind of relationship, it’s really a sign of loyalty for our brothers to keep us in mind. "

"Read, as brothers should."

But that’s true. I always feel that it’s not appropriate to do this. Haha, after all, Bi Jing is still his colleague. He robbed his colleague’s camp for merit. If this is discovered, all of us will be killed. Cause trouble. "

"Yes, yes, after all, we still have some people." Looking at the two hesitant faces, the Vulture Captain snorted inwardly.

We are all our own people, aren’t we just worried about being found out and going to military arbitration? They all pretend to have a bottom line. If they really had a bottom line, they wouldn’t hang out with him!” The two of them discovered that God knows this. You know, you know, I know. Moreover, when we went to the hijack camp, we dressed up in disguise. Who would have expected that it was us??-

"Don't worry, you two, this matter is foolproof. I have already calculated everything in my mind."

The so-called wealth and liability insurance mean that if you two want to be the knight captains who work together, then just pretend that I didn’t say anything and let the three of us get together and part ways. "Hearing this, the two knight captains seemed to have finally made up their minds and looked at the vulture captain with firm eyes.

"Okay, brother, let's go all out, let's talk, what should we do?"

"It's very simple. First of all, you invite that little girl from the Shenglun family to dinner on the pretext of marrying the wind and washing the dust, and then..." "Is that possible?" Will the cancer marks be too severe if I do this?"

"Don't worry, that yellow-haired girl who smells like milk is very unprepared for this. I have 90% chance of finding out." Captain Duijiu said with confidence. ————————

"Captain, after passing the previous checkpoint, we will officially exit the territory of the Blood Spirit Empire." The convoy of the 15th Holy Shield Team moved forward between a deserted village. "Well, by the way, have you done what I asked you to do?" The blond girl riding a high horse walked to the front of the team.

"Everything is done. It was handed over to me yesterday. The captain can pick it up at any time."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

Captain! "A shout came, followed by a rush of horse hooves.

The pioneer knights who were exploring the front are back.

"Your Excellency Captain, at the checkpoint ahead, the captains of the 11th and 10th teams of the Vulture Knights happened to be stationed here to rest. I heard that you were also passing by here and held a banquet. I wanted to have a few drinks with you to cleanse you. ."

"Drinking is not allowed in the army." Willette said sternly.

"Wrong, Sir Captain, this is just a way of saying Captain. In fact, I am thinking of my feelings for you, and I want to congratulate you at the security meeting for your outstanding achievements. It does not necessarily mean drinking." The person who was following me all the way. The Eagle Knight explained. "Captain Villette, you must appreciate it."

"Okay, tell them, I will go." After a moment of hesitation, Villette responded. Inside the carriage. Astrid smiled after hearing the entire conversation.

At first I knew it was coming, that wretched man was about to take action.

They were both Vulture Knights, and they were from two neighboring teams. Didn't this big-breasted and brainless woman feel the slightest bit of disobedience? Looking at Villette on the high horse outside the carriage, Astrid shook her head. Shake his head.

Forget it, it doesn't matter, they will probably never meet again after today. Well, forever

However, for some reason, when I think back to the meticulous care that Villette has taken of me these days, I feel like I am being treated like her own sister. My biological sister?

On the vampire side, her blood relatives are either her enemies or thorns in her side, and they all want to kill each other as they covet the throne. No one had ever been so kind to her, so much so that she thought relatives were meant to be killed.

So, does she treat herself as her real relative? If she will be so good to her all her life, then it seems that it is not impossible to follow her and be a good sister.

Astrid shook off this thought as soon as it arose.

How disgusting, why would I do this?

What do you think? As the sister of a stupid Qulan, why would she have such disgusting thoughts? She is a blood noble who sells eternity at high prices!

Forget it, at worst, when he becomes the queen in the future, if he meets her on the battlefield, he will spare her life, so that no one owes her anything. Astrid thought a little irritably.

The carriage soon entered the pass, and under the warm invitation of the two vulture captains, Villette took her adjutant into their camp. Seeing this scene, Astrid couldn't help but sneer in her heart.

Isn't it just to make it easier to get started by deliberately building the tent so far back?

However, they probably never thought that Astrid had already anticipated their behavior, and even their behavior itself would become a bargaining chip for Astrid's successful escape.

Astrid clenched the jewelry in her hand, sat in the carriage, and quietly waited for nightfall.

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