"Hahaha, Captain Villette is a great person in the world! He is young, and not long after he came out of the Knight Academy, he has made many military exploits and killed the Vampire King. His Majesty the Emperor was very happy after hearing this news."

"When I go back this time, Captain Villette may not be the captain. From now on, we will all have to call Captain Villette hahahaha!"

The captains of the 11th and 10th teams of the Vulture Knights roared and slapped their chests, with a bottle of beer dangling in their hands. Since Villette was a girl, it was not easy for her to go up and put her arms around, so she could only do some things on the spot. The body moves.

"Is this wine?" Violet tilted her head and glanced at the liquid in the cup in her hand. Ling Jin sniffed it like a cat. "Don't worry, this is fruit, not beer. It's the kind that even a kid won't get drunk on."

"But drinking is strictly prohibited in the military."

"Let's talk, Captain Villette told me, rules are dead, people are alive. In fact, everyone turns a blind eye to this, even when we are fighting or having regular tasks, don't we drink? Ah, it's just now. The battle has been won. All we have to do is wait for His Majesty the Emperor to send his envoy to negotiate with the nobles on the vampire side. Nothing will be wrong." The captain of Team 10 waved his hand.

"Yes, yes, what age are we in now? It's unreasonable not to let Wan drink after the battle is over. Don't worry, we will be the ones to bear if something goes wrong. Just drink!" After that, the captain of the 11th team He toasted to Villette's arrival.

Seeing that all his lieutenants were following him, it seemed a bit unreasonable for him not to drink. Villette also took a sip. Seeing this, the two captains winked at each other and paid attention to the guards beside them.

The two guards understood and silently left the scene.

The captain ordered that it was time for us to set off. "Two guards came to the back of the camp and joined a group of black-helmeted soldiers in disguise. "Is it really okay?"

"Don't worry, everything is safe. Let's pretend to be the Vampire Guards and rob the camp of Team 15. It makes sense." "These Vampire armors that were missing on the battlefield have been put to great use." The captain of the guard gently put it to good use. Lost the ashes on his body. "As long as they don't leave any clue, they won't know who is behind the hijacking of the camp."

"Let's do it. To be honest, I'm still a little hesitant about attacking one of my own." "If you fight quickly and attack quickly, you won't have to worry about it."

The two captains of the bodyguard also dressed up as vampire soldiers. Under the cover of night, they bypassed the camp and went straight to the main camp of the 15th Holy Shield Team. "" Astrid opened her eyes for a while, under the moonlight. The corners of the slightly raised eyes were covered with frost.

"Three Belts and One"

"Crushed to death!"

"One to two, push up!"

"I asked, is it too leisurely for us to play cards here?" A knight said uneasily.

"What are you afraid of? There are colleagues guarding the door. There are three small teams of knights stationed here. Even if they encounter the regular vampire army, they can't beat us. Besides, the vampire army doesn't dare to provoke us now. Otherwise, the capital for peace negotiations will be gone. .”

"Why are you worried about all this? The war is over, and all the vampires have gone home to celebrate the New Year. Do you still expect vampires from the sky to deal with us?" Several knights laughed dumbly, not paying attention to what this knight said, until A fellow janitor's head rolled into the carriage tent

Enemy attack!" The knight deputy captain, who had experienced many battles, immediately yelled when he saw this, and immediately went to get the weapon. However, before he could reach the weapon rack, an arrow hit his heart, killing him.

At this moment, Astrid smashed the jewelry at hand without saying anything.

A group of masked soldiers in vampire costumes rushed into the carriage, and they couldn't help but cheered at the soldiers of the fifteenth team.

They were well-trained, and they all stabbed at the most lethal parts of the human body. Using thunderous means, they killed all the soldiers in the 15th team before they had time to pick up their weapons.

"Vampire, the vampire is attacking! Come on!" The soldier who was running away shouted while running. Before he could shout, he was caught up by the soldier behind him, and a long knife was stabbed into his organs.

"Damn vampire, the ghost is really lingering!" A guard looked furious, picked up the cross sword and struck at a vampire soldier who had not yet recovered. "Are you so anxious to save your own king?!"

The vampire soldier was stunned for a moment and narrowly escaped. However, he was caught off guard and his helmet was scratched off by his sword. "What?!" The guard looked at the face under the helmet in disbelief. It was obviously a human being, not a vampire. "Hey, it's exposed." The vampire soldier sneered a few times. "Then I can't let you live." "Vice Captain."

"How? No tongue left?"

"No, there were only a few minor injuries on our side, and no casualties were left."

"Don't stay too long. If everyone is dead, why don't you take the target back to serve as a target??" After killing all the people, they remembered what their captain had told them about the business. However, they looked back and saw that Not a single vampire hair was seen.

"Damn it! You can't let that little worm take advantage of the chaos and run away! -

"Search! Hurry, don't miss any corner. The captain is responsible for helping us hold it back. We have to catch that little maggot before the main force of Team 15 comes back!

All the vulture knights left the camp.

At the same time, the main business account.

Villette stood up suddenly as if she had realized something.

"Wrong? Captain Villette?" The other two captains looked at Villette in confusion.

"Adjutant, we are here to ask questions." Villette gestured.

The adjutant next to him, when the latter heard this, his expression instantly became serious and he stood up immediately. "Wrong? Captain Villette, what are you doing?" The two captains stood up pretending not to know.

"Someone attacked my camp."

"This? No way. We have a lot of knights guarding us here. Moreover, Captain Villette, how did you know about the attack on the camp?" "Yes, I see, it's Villette." Captain Li Te, you want to escape from drinking, don’t do it, sit down quickly, let’s have a good time drinking.”

"Now is not the time to drink." Villette ignored the dissuasion of the two captains, picked up the long sword and rushed out of the camp.

Ah this? Captain Villette?"

Seeing Villette and the adjutant rushing out of the tent, the captains of Team 11 and Team 10 winked.

"The situation has changed. Let them act more swiftly. Then, if you have to, let them send more people to stop these two people." "I got on the pirate ship. This is the only thing that can happen now."

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