Blood Princess and the Knight

10~fall into the trap

Captain, what happened??" The fifteen teams of knights waiting outside the door were a little puzzled when they saw their captain and adjutant running out of the tent. "Our carriage has been moved, everyone will follow me back!" Villette was concise and to the point.

The Holy Shield Knights did not dare to be negligent after hearing this, and immediately followed the footsteps of the adjutant and Villette. "What should I do?" At the entrance of the camp, looking at Villette and the adjutant walking away, the captain of Team 10 frowned slightly.

"Send someone to follow us. They are all colleagues. If something goes wrong, it would be suspicious if we don't send reinforcements. You can send some soldiers to follow us in a symbolic way. I have already asked the sergeants in disguise to move more quickly."

"Okay, obviously it's impossible to stop it, so that's all we can do now." Astrid

Astrid's smile kept flashing through Villette's mind as she continued to gallop, and her anxiety intensified.

The pendant that Willette gave her was broken, indicating that Astrid may have encountered war or danger. But

Why is this happening? There are three regular armies of the Knights stationed here. Even if the vampires want to attack here to teach Astrid, they have to think carefully, not to mention if the vampires want to rescue Astrid. Why did the latter break the pendant?

"Captain! We found an enemy in front of us. They looked like they were an army of vampires!" Villette was puzzled, but the reality did not allow her to think too much. The sound of the sword being drawn with a clang was clear and loud under the night dishes.

Vampire!" The adjutant's eyes were splitting as he looked at the corpse in front of his property. The Holy Shield Knights who caught up later also opened their eyes angrily. "Oh no!" The vulture knights disguised as vampire soldiers saw the Holy Shield. The large army of knights rushed back and immediately retreated.

"Did you catch the target?"

"Caught!" A vulture knight said viciously, holding Astrid in his hands and sneering. "This little beast is quite cunning. I didn't pay attention before and almost let her slip away!" "If you catch me, leave quickly and don't linger! If you don't catch the handle, you will be in trouble!" The deputy captain carried Astrid and mounted the horse. , the rest of the team members also got on the horse.

"Where are our horses?"

"Captain, our war horse is in the manger now. It's too late to pull him over now," the adjutant said through gritted teeth. Looking at Astrid who was getting further and further away from her, Villette had a solemn expression and rushed forward.

"Wait, Captain, you don't know how." Before Vice Yan could say anything, Villette rushed forward desperately, chasing the strong war horse with her fleshy feet. "Tsk! Why is this yellow-haired girl so difficult to deal with??" Looking at the desperate Villette, the vice-captain smacked his tongue.

"I don't believe it. You can run as fast as a horse!" The deputy captain spurred his horse forward, urging the horse under him to speed up. Soon, the distance between the two sides gradually widened.

Villette felt her breathing quicken and her chest felt as uncomfortable as burning coals. During the days she spent with Astrid, there was blood from the corner of her mouth. No, totally wrong

These vampire soldiers didn't look like they were rescuing Astrid at all. Rather than rescuing her, their actions were more like treating a prisoner, or in other words, a bargaining chip. Absolutely not, leave Astrid in their hands.

She swore she would do what she said!

On the other side, Astrid, who was dazed by the noisy wind that passed through her hair, regained some sanity. She remembered that she was hiding under the carriage, intending to slip away during the chaos, but in the end she was killed by these vampire soldiers disguised as vampires. The knights were caught.

Still failed.

Astrid shook her head helplessly.

The failure this time probably meant being transferred from one prison to another, but not all human beings would be as considerate to themselves as Villette, even her own race.

Maybe this is fate.

Astrid, who was tied to the carriage, was a little tired. On the contrary, at this time, she missed Villette a little, so much that she had auditory hallucinations in her ears, and she actually heard the woman calling her name.


Astrid gradually opened her eyes, and at the end of the herd, she saw that extremely familiar figure.

She ran towards herself desperately, even though she was coughing violently because she couldn't breathe, and even though the frequency of her feet had reached the limit, she was still trying to catch up with herself, chasing after him at all costs, regardless of her life.

Astrid pursed her lips, and a sadness surged into Wu Jian's heart.

Why does this stupid woman treat herself so well? She obviously just wants to use her, but she is so stupid.

However, no matter how hard Villette tried, she could not outrun the war horse. The distance between her and the vulture knights was rapidly increasing, and she would probably be thrown away by them soon.

But at this moment, Villette suddenly increased her speed.

[Holy Speed ​​Blessing]

[Sacred system, universal blessing]

She used the few magic spells she had learned to increase her speed. The gap between the two sides gradually closed. Just when her speed slowed down, she jumped up and used her last strength to use her necessary power. Killing skills.

【Idea Cangheng Slash】

"Swipe!" A vulture knight at the end was hit and fell from his horse. Willette took this opportunity to hide the horse. "Damn it!" Seeing that one of the team members had fallen behind, the captain had no choice but to do so. We can only turn around.

"Why seek death??" Looking at Villette who was chasing after him, the captain smiled through gritted teeth.

Once someone supports the team, he can no longer run away. If he waits for the main force of the Holy Shield Knights to catch up and check the body, the secret will be revealed. Rather. Get rid of this woman before those Holy Shield Knights catch up.

After thinking this, the vice-captain shouted. "Stop, turn everyone around, kill that

A woman!" Hearing this, all the team members reined up their horses, got off the carriage, drew out their blades, and surrounded Villette. Villette turned over and jumped off the horse.

"There is a way to heaven, aren't you?" the deputy captain said with a sinister smile as he looked at Villette who was dismounting. "It's a pity that she is so beautiful, but her brain is not very good." "You are not a vampire." Violet frowned slightly as she bit the vice-captain. "You. Who are you??-

"Come on, kill this woman, don't be afraid, she has already been killed with the will of the sky!" the vice-captain shouted. On the other side, Villette, who was trapped in a bag, began to think.

The other party does not look like a bandit blocking the road, and he speaks Quran. He is still in the Blood Spirit Empire. It is definitely impossible for the Quran bandits to appear, so there is only one possibility.

"You guys lied to me." Looking at the group of vampire soldiers rushing towards her, a cold light rose in Villette's body. Thinking back on fallen comrades. There is no longer any hesitation in holding the sword, until it reaches the sky under the night.

Blood splattered for a moment.

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