"What do you want?" The pale moonlight illuminated the burning battlefield, reflecting the beautiful but embarrassed cheeks of the blonde girl. "I've been emphasizing this before." Astrid said, tilting her head. "Sister Shenglun, haven't you understood yet?"

"The reason why I started the war is so that I can legitimately be with Sister Shenglun~~"

"Do you know what ridiculous things you are talking about?" Villette shouted angrily. "For this, just for this ridiculous thing, how many people have you killed? How many people have you indirectly killed??"

"I will never accept or approve of someone like you no matter what!"

"No, agree?..." Astrid's eyes widened, and then she lowered her head slightly. "how could be?"

"I thought that if it were Sister Shenglun, she would definitely understand me, be considerate of me, and understand the painstaking efforts I put into doing this. Why? Why would you say such a thing??"

"Understand you? Killed my close relatives, killed my comrades, and yet you made me understand?﹖Are you sick, or am I sick??" Villette's eyes were also full of tears.

"I just regret now that I made a big mistake by being soft-hearted."

"If I had known you were such a cruel existence, I should have killed you in the cradle."

"Stop talking, stop talking, stop talking, stop talking!..." Astrid's bloodshot eyes widened, she covered her head and shouted. "Sister Shenglun, how can Sister Shenglun talk to me like this?!"

"How can you be like the people I hate the most, begging me to die?" Astrid looked at Villette with a pair of pitiful red eyes. "Please, don't say such sad words. In this world, only Sister Shenglun loves me!"

"You are so pitiful and pathetic." There was a trace of pity in Villette's complex eyes. "But that's no reason to ruin other people's happiness."

"In this world, there are many people who are more unfortunate than you, but you only focus on yourself and are good at defining yourself as the most unfortunate person in the world."

“Shouldn’t the most unfortunate people be those who have lost their families, relatives and friends, or even their lives because of your ridiculous ideas??

Seeing Villette's anger, Astrid panicked a little.

"Sister Shenglun, are you angry? Don't be angry. I won't do this kind of thing again. Please forgive me and let's start over, okay?"

"Forgive you?" Villette smiled miserably. Among the ruins, there were only the sounds of burning fabric and the whistling wind. "How can you ask me to forgive you?"

"Don't worry, Sister Shenglun, my purpose is just to be with you. Now that the purpose has been achieved, there is no need for me to continue attacking the Gulan Empire. Let's go back together and leave here."

"Go back? Do I still have a place to go back to?" Villette said blankly. "My home has been destroyed by you a long time ago." "Without home, sister Shenglun, you still have me~" Astrid smiled sweetly at this, without feeling any guilt at all.

"Now, Sister Shenglun, you only have me to rely on. In other words, if Sister Shenglun doesn't come back with me, she won't be able to survive."

"So, let's start over. It's not a big deal if we don't have a home. I'll prepare a new home for Sister Shenglun.

"Come back with you?" Villette moved in confusion, then smiled brightly.

"Let me go back with you, I would rather die..."_Said, Villette picked up the broad-edged sword and slashed her neck without hesitation. Blood flowed heavily for a moment, and in her blur of consciousness, she seemed to hear Astrid shouting to her in a hurry and running towards her, but none of this mattered anymore.

All her comrades were killed and the entire regiment was wiped out. As the regiment leader, she had made a big mistake and lost the dignity of surviving in the world. Just let it go

At this point, all members of the Knights of the Holy Sword declared that the group was destroyed. The war is over.

It ended in an unexpected way.

Just as the vampire army was advancing with great success, and the Gulan Empire was defeated and about to collapse, the attitude of the vampire army changed 180 degrees.

They seemed to have received the Queen's order and abandoned all the cities they were attacking. All of them withdrew from the territory of Gulan and returned to the Scarlet Blood Territory. Except for the territory that was taken away by Gulan three years ago, the rest of the land remained untouched. .

Such strange and artistic behavior made all Gulan people, including Emperor Gulan, confused. In fact, it was not just them, but the blood nobles who received the order to abandon the city they were about to capture were also completely confused about the situation. .

In their opinion, this is a good opportunity to completely eliminate the Gulan people. Why would they give up? No matter how hard the authorities think about it, the Vampire Queen will not give any explanation for her actions. This war ended with Gulan's disastrous defeat and severe injuries.

Sixteen knights, including the Knights of the Holy Shield and the Knights of the Holy Sword, had no organizational structure. Among them, the Knights of the Holy Shield and the Knights of the Holy Sword were completely destroyed, and no one was spared.

When Villette woke up, she found herself lying on a soft pink princess bed.

She found herself in a large room. The decoration style of the room was mainly pure black. Whether it was the gargoyle sculpture placed beside the door or the weird mural, it gave people an eerie feeling.

The only thing that could bring her warmth was the fireplace burning in the distance. here it is

Villette wanted to get up and check the situation, but there was no one left in her body that could move, so she had no choice but to lie down on this bed.

Stand upright. So, has she already gone to hell?

Speaking of which, will she actually go to hell? Yes, she has killed so many people. As the shame of the Holy Lun, it would be strange for her not to go to hell, right? But it’s okay if she goes to hell. At least, I’ll take care of that hysterical lunatic.

Speaking of which, what was he pillowing on? It was so soft.

"Are you finally awake?" Just as Villette was thinking this, a familiar and delicate voice came from above. After a while, Villette's body froze because this voice was so familiar to her.

Looking up for a moment, Villette looked stiff.

At this moment, the demon in loli skin was kneeling on the bed, playing with her golden hair with his fingertips, while his head was resting on her soft thighs wrapped in white silk.

"?!" Villette broke into a cold sweat and subconsciously wanted to struggle. ""Don't move. Sister Shenglun is very weak now and can't act recklessly. "

"Fortunately, the poison has taken effect. Sister Shenglun's sword didn't use any strength~"

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