"Don't move. The poison on Sister Shenglun's body has just been cured. She is still very weak now. You can't move around casually." Astrid patted Villette's cheek, her smile full of innocence, liveliness and Gentle and tender.

However, Willette knew that the creature in front of her was essentially a cruel demon wearing a lolita skin!

For Villette, nothing is more despairing than seeing Astrid, the bastard demon king, at first sight. She struggled desperately to get up from the demon.

"Yes, Sister Shenglun is really disobedient. She told you not to move. Don't you know that this will hurt yourself?" Astrid looked helpless, as if she really couldn't do anything to you. "Sure enough, Sister Shenglun is like a newborn baby now, needing care and love."

"Quickly, let me go!" After Villette was finally able to speak, she realized that she couldn't struggle. She yelled. "I have told you that Sister Shenglun's body is very fragile now and cannot be messed with. "Astrid raised her eyebrows. "Okay, be obedient." Astrid said, stuffing something into Villette's mouth.

Huh?!" Villette was stunned for a moment. Unable to understand the situation, she inevitably licked her tongue twice. It's so sweet.

The sweet taste prompted Willette to lick it several more times unconsciously.

"How do you like it? Doesn't it taste good~? Astrid looked down at Villette's face with a smile. "This is a cheese mouth made of the crimson sugar produced in the Asian cat kingdom. It is said that this kind of thing is used for It is most effective to soothe small children. "

"Poof!" Villette quickly spat out the pacifier in her mouth. "Pacifier?? I'm not a child. What do you mean by teasing me in this way??" "No, Sister Villette, did you remember it wrong?" Astrid was not annoyed by this and said He picked up the pacifier and caressed Villette affectionately. "Sister, you are just a child."

~The little child who can’t live without me and will die if I leave him. "

"Inexplicable, nonsense." Villette said coldly. "Where is this and why am I here??"

"As I said, Sister Villette, you fainted, and then I sent you back naturally. This is your future home, which is also my bedroom." "Why"

"Fortunately, the poison worked. Sister Villette, you swung the sword with little force and didn't cut your throat. You can't do this again in the future." Astrid pinched Villette's lips.

"Sister Villette, do you know how panicked I was when you fell to the ground when you drew your sword and killed yourself?"

"That feeling is like losing the whole world, as if the world's destruction in the next second has nothing to do with me~~"

"Do you know how much my heart hurt at that time? It was as if it was torn in half. Sister Villette, can you feel it?" Astrid said, grabbing Villette's weak palm. , placed it on his heart, his face flushed.

"Let me go, you dirty and despicable vampire! How you are has nothing to do with me!" Villette cursed angrily while holding back her tears.

"Why doesn't it matter?" Astrid tilted her head. "It was precisely because Sister Villette tried to kill in vain that there were still surviving members of the Knights of the Holy Sword. In a fit of rage, I killed them all~"

"You!" Villette's blood surged upon hearing this, and the wounds on her body almost burst open due to anger.

"That's right, sister Willette, don't be angry." Seeing this, Astrid looked a little more panicked. "Be good, take good care of yourself, take good care of yourself." "You, you are in danger""

Okay, don't be angry, Sister Villette, your wound is going to bleed again. "

"Let it flow!" Villette said, giving up on herself. "Better let me die before you open your eyes and see you bastard queen"

"No, Sister Villette, do you know?" Astrid's mouth revealed a trace of inexplicable amusement. "The Gulan Empire is already riddled with holes after this battle, and now there is only the last straw left to break it."

~What do you want to do??"

"If my sister doesn't take good care of her injuries, I will kill all the Gulan people~"~You!" Villette gritted her teeth.

"I'm counting~ If Sister Villette's wound bursts, I will be a Gulan from the same village. If it bleeds, I will be a Gulan from the same city. If there are too many wounds that burst, Sister Villette will If his condition worsens, I will cut off Emperor Gulan’s head and hang it on the city gate.”


"Don't be angry, don't be angry, my lovely sister Villette, none of this has happened yet, and I only stopped the war for my sister's sake. Now, if I want to destroy the Gulan Empire, it will be easy. .”

"Please, please don't be so arrogant," Villette's voice softened and she begged.

"Of course not. As long as my sister is obedient, takes good care of her health, and stays with me, I guarantee that the Gulan Empire can continue to survive as it is now."

"For their lives, sister Villette knows what she should do, right?"

"Villette closed her eyes deeply. When she opened her eyes again, she was filled with confusion and hopelessness. "I understand. "

~I will always stay by your side and do things for you, as long as you don’t hurt my motherland.”

"You're not doing it for me, sister Villette." Astrid threw the pacifier that had been placed in Villette's mouth into her own mouth, and narrowed her eyes happily.

"That makes sense. Sister Villette is my servant. What I want is not a servant relationship. "~Then what do you want?" Villette didn't understand.

Don't be impatient, very

Sister, you will know soon. "Astrid bared her cute little fangs and smiled pretending to be mysterious.

Astrid played with Villette's hair, wrapping her soft and long blond hair around her fingertips, her eyes filled with obsession and intoxication, as if this was a toy she would never get tired of playing with.

"My sister's hair is so beautiful~" Do you like blonde hair?"

"No, you can't say that. It should be said that it's because of my sister that I like the color of gold hair. It's also because of my sister that I don't hate those dull knights so much anymore. It's all because of my sister. oh."

"In a word, I won't hate anything related to my sister. If you let me play with my sister's things, well, I can play with them for the rest of my life~"

shameless. "Speaking like this is already considered harassment for Villette, an unmarried young lady who received a traditional holy education.

"Anyway, I can no longer imagine life without my sister, so that's why"

"In order for the world not to be destroyed, sister, we must always be together."

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