"Okay, let's withdraw from the court." Astrid waved her hand. After all the nobles left the court, her fatigue showed.

Your Majesty, are you okay?" Joan, the personal guard and head maid, helped Astrid up.

As a king, it is taboo to show weakness in front of subordinate nobles and ministers. This will make them think that their king is no longer strong, which will lead to rebellion.

heart of.

"Nothing." Astrid said calmly, but her expression undoubtedly showed that her current situation was not easy.

"Help me go do my official duties. There have been too many official duties piled up in the past few days, and it's time to get rid of them.

"You've been sick these days. It's better to rest for a while and deal with it after this period of time has passed." Qiong Zhen felt a little more worried.

"I have been resting for such a long time in the past few days. We can't delay it any longer, otherwise, those who are interested will see the clues." Astrid's cum eyebrow


"Okay, but you must pay attention to your body." After a slight hesitation, Joan helped Astrid up.

That night, Villette, who was lying on her bed, stood up and felt slightly agitated.

She always felt that the atmosphere in the palace today was not very similar to usual. That's all. Why didn't she see a maid? No.

Soon she realized what was wrong.

Normally, Astrid Pandu would have returned to the palace at this time, accompanied by several maids. Why haven't she been seen yet?

Just when Willette felt strange, the door of the bedroom was violently pushed open with a loud bang.


"Villette's eyes widened when she saw the person coming.

I saw Joan, who was covered in blood, appearing at the door holding the unconscious Astrid. After entering, Joan immediately closed the door and locked it, dragging it with difficulty.

Then Astrid came to the bed.

"You guys, what's wrong with you?" Although she knew she shouldn't say this, Villette couldn't help but said.

Looking at Astrid covered in blood, Villette was frightened and had many guesses in her mind.

Assassinated? Also a power struggle? ?-

After reading this, Villette fell silent.

Come to think of it, it is completely impossible for the chaotic Vampires to recover and shape themselves into a discus in such a short period of time.

The plan is what method Astrid used to briefly unite this leaderless country. Now, the shortcomings of this method are revealed, and the problem is

It all broke out.

"It's harmless. The nobles took the opportunity to rebel." Qiong said calmly, as if the blood on his body didn't exist.

"Nobles? Is there more than one noble who rebelled?" Villette raised her eyebrows. "Is this also called innocuous?"

"Your Majesty, the queen only needs to play her role well." Joan did not explain to Villette.

"Play your role well?" Willette was puzzled. She didn't understand what Qiong meant by this sentence.

"How many nobles have rebelled?" Villette took a deep breath.

"You're not supposed to know this."

"Aren't you usually a queen? Don't even the queen have the right to know such things?" Although he has always regarded this title as an insult,

Villette still used this as a breakthrough.

"Not many, maybe more than ten. Well, it seems that the number is still increasing." Qiong thought.

"More than a dozen... are now asking for the Quran, and the whole country has been shocked."

But there is no Gulan here, and you are not the knight of Gulan now, but the queen of the queen. "Qiong glanced at Villette. "If something happens to Her Majesty the Queen, talk to her

You and I, who are connected, cannot escape. "

"What does it have to do with me?" Villette frowned slightly. "You and I are not originally on the same team, are we?"

"Whether you are in the same group or not, you have been marked by Astrid in the eyes of those nobles, so it doesn't matter whether you are with us or not.

Heart, they will all regard us as partners. "

, How many nobles are there in your blood clan? "

"Are you referring to the family or the nobility? Nobles, I don't know, there are countless illegitimate children, but if it is a family, plus the parliamentary family,

There are probably more than seventy of them.

"That's okay, there are only a dozen or so rebels."

"But I said, the number is increasing, and even those nobles who did not participate in the rebellion will not come to help us." Qiong said silently. "Whoever wins, he

We are the only ones who will help. If they don't add insult to injury, they are already worthy of us. "

"Where's the Xi Army? Aren't the Imperial Guards of your vampire clan pretty powerful?"

"The Forbidden Army has been transferred out." Mentioning this matter, Qiong's face turned gloomy. "There is a mole in the Forbidden Army. This is something we never thought of."

"I wonder if the current situation is one-sided?" After a moment of silence, Violet stared at Joan closely.

“Not really, at most it’s just that the Imperial Palace Forbidden Army is not here, several nobles have joined forces to break through the imperial capital, and the royalist forces have no time to support this level.

"Isn't this serious?" Villette gasped after hearing this.

Now that the palace has been breached by them, sooner or later they will be found out by the nobles' army while huddled in the palace.

"Don't you have any troops at all?


"Yes, they are just some miscellaneous palace guards. Now they are fighting bloody battles on the streets: I came here just to bring His Majesty back. By the way,

Activate the backup magical array. "

"Dharma-protecting magic circle?"

Before Willette could say anything more, Joan lifted up a piece of floorboard and smashed the sensor in it.

Dark purple magic lines filled the ground of the Palace of Decline.

"Take care of Your Majesty, it's time for me to go out and meet the enemy."

"Wait a minute, are you going to die now if you go out?" Villette didn't know why she expressed concern for a succubus, who was obviously hostile to her.

"This magic circle is durable." Qiong looked at Villette lightly. "I can't guarantee that reinforcements will arrive before it breaks, so I have to

Go out and buy time. "

Even if you lose your life for it, why don't you ask for it?

"It's really strange to hear this from your mouth." Qiong looked at Willette in surprise. "Isn't it natural to sacrifice for the king, right? The original

Miss Knight.

Zang Lite was slightly stunned.

Perhaps too much time had passed, which had weakened the vigor in her heart, so much so that she had almost forgotten the fact that she was once a knight.

Looking at Qiong's back, Villette had a complicated expression. For some reason, she saw her former self in Qiong's back.


"what happened again?"

"If you want to go out, how about you help me untie the chains first?" Villette asked. "Don't worry: I won't run away, and I can't escape.

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