Blood Princess and the Knight

34~I bet you can’t do it

"How about you help me untie the chains first? Don't worry, I won't run away, and I can't escape."~Since you don't plan to run, why did you ask me to untie the chains for you?" Qiong raised her eyebrows.

~But you are short of manpower now, aren’t you?”

"Oh? Does Her Majesty the Queen want to go to battle personally for Her Majesty the Queen? After a while, a trace of interest flashed in Qiong's eyes.

"I didn't say that." Villette turned her head. "I just don't want to be buried with you like this. Anyway, I will resist." "Is that so?" For some reason, looking at Villette like this, a hint of arc flashed at the corner of Qiong's mouth.

~Okay then, just stand there and don't move. "Having said that, Qiong took out the iron lock key that she carried with her from her waist.

"You agree like that?" Violet was a little surprised by Joan's simple resignation. She thought she would need to spend more words to convince the other party. "if not?"

~Aren't you afraid that I will be harmful to your queen?" Villette raised her eyebrows. "I have a grudge against her. "~I believe in the character of the Queen as a knight. Besides," Joan raised the corner of her mouth.


"How about a bet?" Qiong said with a smile. "I bet, Your Majesty, you can't do anything to Her Majesty the Queen."

"Why can't I take action??" Hearing these words, Villette felt inexplicably irritable for some reason. "Your queen killed my parents and comrades, causing my country to be devastated. At night, in my dreams, I want to kill her!"

"Are you sure? Then you can give it a try." Joan didn't seem to be afraid of this at all, and said while untying the chains that bound Villette.

"Do you know, Queen, that the most inseparable thing for mortals is feelings, especially the more emotional women. They will not be able to forget the people who have had close contact with them. No matter how great the hatred is, it will be slowly diluted by time as they get along with each other. of."

"What do you mean?" Villette clenched her fists. "Do you think that just because of this superficial relationship, I will forget the deep hatred I once had? "

"Unfortunately, that's how it is. Whether it's a Gulan person, a vampire, or a charmer, our relationship is so fragile." Qiong spread her hands. "If this is the case, it will not stop you from not attacking the Queen. More importantly," Qiong came over and poked Willette's chest. "Love has been deeply planted in you."

~I bet you will never be able to lay a hand on Her Majesty the Queen. "

~Are you kidding me?" Villette slapped Joan's hand away. Joan was not annoyed by this, and the chain clicked heavily at Villette's feet.

"Okay, Queen, you are free, but if you want to save your life, you'd better not leave this room. After all, there is a super high-level protective spell here. If you go out, you will only die like a headless fly. One died in the rebellion."

~You look down on people too much. "Villette said coldly.

"Okay, Queen, I wish you good luck." Joan casually threw a steel sword hanging on the wall to Villette.

"If I can survive, I hope to have a good chat with you." After saying that, Qiong put on her posture and stepped out of the room door. For a moment, the room became silent, leaving only Astrid lying unconscious on the bed, and Villette silently holding a sword. She recalled what Qiong had just said to her.

"I bet you will never be cruel enough to attack Her Majesty the Queen."

~Really?" Villette looked at the steel sword in her hand, and her pretty and cold face was reflected on the sword. She walked to Astrid step by step, raised the sword, and stabbed hard

"The sharp sword tip is very close to Astrid's slender neck. Now, this evil is extremely weak. It only takes Villette's hand lowering slightly to take her life.

Villette took a deep breath and closed her eyes. The scenes of her parents' loss of life and the tragic death of her companions were still vivid in her mind. Let this nightmare end.

She was ready to wake up, kill Astrid, and then commit suicide herself.

"I just think that if it was you, my sister, who killed me, there would be no problem at all." Villette was stunned.

For some reason, what Astrid said to her that day came to her mind.

The hands holding the sword trembled slightly, and Wei Lite felt that she could no longer hold the sword in her hand. Why, it’s obviously just a little bit close, why can’t I kill myself?

This evil queen killed her closest relatives, ravaged her country, and desecrated her body. Wasn’t it natural for her to take her life??

Then why can't you do it yourself?

Is it true that what Mei Ting said is true, that the seed of love has been planted in his heart and has taken root?! No, it's impossible

Four months, just four months of decadent life, had she completely forgotten the friendship that lasted more than twenty years? Villette gritted her teeth.

She couldn't believe that she was such a cheap woman.

"Yeah!" The long sword in her hand stabbed hard, and when she slowly opened her eyes, the sword stabbed into Astrid's pillow, perfectly avoiding Astrid.

~Click" Villette took a step back and the sword fell to the ground.

"I, I" Villette looked at her hands blankly, her heart filled with inexplicable loss. I don’t know if it’s for myself or something else.

After a long time, she raised her eyes to look at the unconscious Astrid, and stood up with her sword in hand. Can't kill her, at least not at this time.

If you want to kill her, kill her openly and not take advantage of her when she is not prepared. For Dari's unscrupulous means, why don't I just follow him?

Is this one just as despicable and shameless?

Perhaps just to give herself a reason to feel at ease, Willette calmed her mind and no longer focused on Astrid. She took off her filthy floor-length skirt, cut it in half, and wore only the upper half of her body, while the lower half was used to tie around her waist.

The braided hair was untied, and her long blond hair flowed down. She took off the high heels on her feet and exposed her ankles wrapped in white knee-high socks, which made it easier to move.

I played with several swordsmen in the house and restored the swordsmanship I had learned one by one, making it easy for me to master.

She hadn't touched the sword for four months, and her skills were a lot rusty, but after being trained by her father, she felt the same way again. His eyes were no longer as dull and blank as before. The moment he grasped the hilt of the sword, the knight galloping on the battlefield was back.

There was a fire outside the window, and the smell of blood floated in the wind.

A burst of hurried footsteps came from the first floor of Xiyan, from far to near, until they roughly pushed open the door of the dormitory. The wind from the door blew up the knight's long golden hair, and she stood in the wind, her eyes as sharp as a sharp edge.

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