In a small wooden house by the river in the abandoned harem.

"Your Majesty Queen, um, you didn't eat breakfast or lunch today. If Her Majesty the Queen finds out, she will definitely blame me." The little maid who accompanied Villette said weakly.

"Besides, it's getting late. Let's go back quickly. Her Majesty the Queen will definitely be worried if she sees you are not in the palace." "I don't need her to worry." Villette shook her head. Corrected my gradually distorted thoughts and mentality.

"Don't worry, she will forget about me soon. If you bear with it, I might be released after serving my sentence, and you won't need to serve me anymore." "What are you talking about, Her Majesty the Queen?" Maybe abandon you?"

"She is the queen and controls the entire Scarlet Blood Domain, and I am just one of her dolls. Naturally, I will be thrown away when I get tired of playing with them." Villette said casually while sitting by the river.

"There must be some misunderstanding! Why do you become so strange all of a sudden? Is it because you are jealous or something?"

"No, oh." Villette stared at the little maid emphatically. "That's how I am. She is my enemy, but I am her prisoner. There is no relationship between us in the first place. If we must say it, there is only hatred."


"Okay, stop talking. Go back and don't mention anything about me." Villette closed her eyes, seemingly planning to rest in the night wind. "How will I do my job when I go back alone? The seniors will scold me, and Her Majesty the Queen will definitely blame me." The little maid was a little anxious. ~Don’t worry, she won’t blame you. "Villette sighed. "On the contrary, I will be grateful and out of sight. "

"So, what have you been talking about since this morning?" The little maid was confused. She was obviously fine during morning exercise today, just like usual, but for some reason, it suddenly became like this.

The cool wind blew Villette's golden hair, and the moon stood overhead, adding a touch of melancholy to the atmosphere. "Sister Shenglun!" Just when the maid was about to say something, an urgent voice came from far away. "Your Majesty the Queen!" Upon hearing this, the little maid quickly raised her skirt and saluted, while Villette next to her ignored her.

"Sister Shenglun, why did you come here? ?..." Several attendants followed. After confirming that Villette did not escape and was not injured, Astrid breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is something wrong?" Villette said coldly.

"Is this okay??" Astrid's tone when speaking to Villette contained a hint of anger for the first time. "I thought, I thought I would never see my sister again."

"This is your palace. Your spies are everywhere. I can't run away." Villette said calmly. "If you've had enough of this game, let me go."

"Game?" Astrid frowned, walked up to Villette in three steps, and stared at the latter. "Sister Shenglun still thinks that Astrid is just playing a game with you, right?"

"Isn't that what it is?" Villette did not look into Astrid's eyes. "Now, you are tired of playing. I am no longer dispensable to you. Should you let me go?"

Is it necessary??" Astrid gasped, her chest rising and falling, as if she was constantly adjusting her breathing. The current situation of the two of them made the attendants and maids around them sweat.

"Everyone, get out." Qiong ordered in a low voice, asking these unimportant attendants and maids to exit, leaving space for the two of them, and she also left.

"*I asked you to take care of the Queen. Is this how you take care of her?" Joan looked at the little maid and raised her eyebrows.

I'm sorry, maid, but I didn't take good care of you, but the Queen seems to have misunderstood Her Majesty. ""Misunderstanding?" Qiong was stunned. "What's the misunderstanding? What do you know? Tell me clearly. "

~Things are like this

"Is that so?" Qiong fell into thinking, and then showed a smile. "If that's the case, it's nothing. It's just a false alarm. Come over here. I need you to do something..."

"Our relationship is dispensable. It's just a game. So sister, have you always thought so?" Astrid looked at Ruovilette heartbroken.

For some reason, Astrid saying these words with this tone and expression made Villette feel a little uncomfortable, and even she didn't know why. "Isn't it like this??" Villette reminded herself over and over again in her heart that this is a demon who is extremely good at deceiving people's hearts. She gritted her teeth and said. Astrid lowered her head. The scene fell silent for a moment. .

"Well, if, if sister thinks this is just a game." Astrid raised her head, pursed her lips, and forced a smile. "If you think this is just a game, then you can choose to quit."

"Villette was stunned. At this time, she should have chosen to quit without thinking and then breathed a sigh of relief, but why? Why was her heart aching?

"Isn't that just like that?" Villette looked away. "Am I just a plaything in your eyes? You've long been tired of it and want to abandon me, right?"

"~Tired and abandoned? Sister, what are you talking about?"

""Are you still going to keep pretending? Don't think I didn't see it this morning. "Villette turned around and looked at Astrid suddenly. "This morning? What did you see? Wait, sister, you didn't see it."

"What? You have nothing to say now, right?" Villette sneered.

"No, no! Sister, why do you think you made a mistake?

Ah, that child is "Mom!" At this moment, a cheering voice came.

Villette was slightly stunned. She felt a warm and soft wind blowing into her arms. When she lowered her head, she saw that there was a little blond lolita in her arms, rubbing against her arms.

"Mom, mom~~I finally see you!"

"Mom, Mom?" After hearing these two words, Villette asked as her brain shut down for a moment, and then she quickly pushed her away. "You, don't call me mom, have you mistaken me? I'm not your mom."

"How could it not be the case? After being pushed away by Villette, the girl looked at Villette aggrievedly. "Astrid's mother said that my blond hair is inherited from my other mother, look at it!"

Under the moon, Villette noticed the girl's appearance.

Unlike her blond hair color, which is very similar to hers, and her facial contours, which are very similar to her childhood, this girl has vampire fangs and fair skin that is not like a human.

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