"Mom! Mom Villette, I finally see you!" The blond girl threw herself into Villette's arms and kept rubbing her, completely not giving Villette, whose brain was shut down, a chance to react.

"Wait, wait! Wait a minute!" Villette pushed away the blond lolita that was stuck like a gummy candy, her eyes filled with confusion. ~Who do you call mom?"

~You, you, who else could it be besides you? "~You, did you recognize the wrong person?"

~Is your name Villette? Then you are not admitting your mistake! It must be!" the blond girl said firmly. "Astrid's mother told me that my other mother's name is Villette. "

"Wait, wait a minute! I must have made a mistake. I'm not married yet, where did I get my daughter from?" I can't deal with Vilett now. It took a long time.

Seizing the loophole in logic, he retorted.

"Sister Shenglun, we have been married for four months." Astrid said resentfully next to her. "Obviously my sister is dead now, does this still count as not married?"

~Are you kidding? We are both girls, how is this possible?"

"~It can't be wrong! Astrid's mother said that my blond hair is inherited from Villette's mother!"

After taking a closer look, Villette was suddenly startled. Only then did she realize that no wonder this girl looked so familiar when she first saw her. Villette discovered that this girl looked very similar to her when she was a child. The biggest difference was probably in her growth. Could it be that she was really hers?

Impossible, impossible right?!

Even Villette, who knew very little about that aspect, knew that regardless of gender, it was impossible to give birth to a child in four months, and why didn’t even she, a mother, know that she had a child??

But this couldn't explain why this girl looked so similar to herself and Astrid.

~So, what is going on??" Violet, who was in confusion, turned her attention to Astrid.

"Well, actually, for this kind of thing, I planned to give my sister a surprise later, but this kid is clamoring to see you every day. In desperation, I had to make a compromise." Astrid Olive Jiao He seemed to stick out his tongue.

"Didn't I say this is good?" Villette's eyes almost turned into mosquito coils. "This, this is really my daughter?? It's impossible, right?! Why didn't I know I had a baby??"

"It's not my sister's fault."

~That's you." Villette looked at Astrid, her eyes widening.

"It's not what you think, sister. Well, it's okay for you to think so."

"I conceived this child by mixing sister Villette's blood with my blood, and then I embraced it for the first time. Well, that's about it."

Isn’t it some forbidden curse??”

"Well, of course not. This is the secret method of our blood clan. It will be very difficult to explain. In short, this child must be the child of my sister and me. The blood relationship is 100% consistent."

"My, my child." Verit stared blankly at the blond girl in her arms, her eyes dazed, and she didn't react for a moment.

"No, no, I have a child of my own, and I don't even know about it. What is going on?" Violet is a little confused.

"Sorry, I secretly used my sister's genes to create a new life, but isn't that good? The misunderstanding has been resolved." Astrid said with a smile. "Look, I didn't do anything like cheating after marriage. I was just being intimate with my daughter. This is completely allowed, right?"

Villette felt very complicated at this moment, very complicated.

She once thought she would have a normal relationship, get married and have children, but how long has this process lasted?

"Anyway, this child must be sister Villette's child. If sister Villette runs away from now on, she will be considered as abandoning us mother and daughter." Astrid suddenly picked up the girl and looked at her pitifully. Villette. "Isn't my sister such a scumbag who abandons her wife and children?"""

"Mom, Mom~ Can Ellie sleep with you tonight~" The blond girl stepped on her feet and murmured, pestering Villette.

"No, today I only promised Ellie that you would come and see your mother, and Aunt Joan would stay with you when you sleep." Astrid suddenly put on a serious face.

"No, no, no!" Little Ellie said, acting shamelessly. "I'm going to sleep with Mom Villette today!"

~Squirt, no, in this case, I won’t have anywhere to sleep. "Astrid poked Ellie's head. ~Mom, can you move out today?"

"Wow, you little idiot, you actually asked me to move out." Astrid said angrily, pinching Ellie's little finger. "Um~~Mom, are you okay?" Ellie turned her pitiful sunlight to Willette, who was still in a daze.

Seeing her daughter who had grown so big at her feet, Villette felt a little complicated for a moment.

Although it was a life created using the secret method of the Vampire Clan, it did have a blood relationship with her. She could also feel the faint connection between herself and her, as if an invisible thread connected her with Astrid. , and were connected with Ellie, making her unable to think of abandoning them.

Accepting the girl's existence in her heart, Villette's eyes gradually softened. She rubbed the girl's blond hair that was very similar to her own, using a cat-like technique.

~Your name is Ellie, right?”

Well~~Aili Lhasa Mombo. "See your first

The two mothers reached out to caress themselves, and Ellie, who was clingy, immediately put her head up and actively responded to the other's caress, like a cat trying to please its owner.

Villette pondered for a moment. Squat down.

No words?"

Don't move and let me take a good look at you. "Looking at the cute little Ellie, Villette was slightly absent-minded. She seemed to have seen herself when she was a child, and her love and affection for the girl emerged unconsciously like a fountain.

She was indeed not ready to be a mother, but this did not prevent her from unconsciously loving this child of her own blood. ~Mom~?" Little Ellie tilted her head and tried to scream.

~Hmm. ~Villette turned away her head and nodded lightly.

*Oh yeah~~ Mom finally responded to Ellie! "Hearing Villette's response, little Ellie jumped up with joy. ~Astrid, the bed in the palace is enough for three people, isn't it?"

~Hmm, that’s right too. "Looking at the fondness on the corner of Villette's mouth, Astrid smiled unconsciously.

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