"That blond lady, please tell me your name is Isa Saint-Lun." Before the negotiation started, the tense atmosphere suddenly relaxed. From the moment Astrid asked this question, .

"Do we know each other?" Looking down at Astrid with a mysterious smile on her face, Isa was surprised. "If I remember correctly, this is our first meeting, Your Majesty?"

"Yes, it is indeed the first time we meet, but I often hear about you from my pillow person."

"Speaking of me? Your pillow person?" Isa frowned slightly. "That's weird. I don't think your bed partner would know a nobody like me."

"It seems that my little Ellie is doing well at your place. At least she is not bullied." Astrid did not explain too much about her words and turned the conversation to Ellie.

"Hmph, what do you think? We are not a group of cruel villains like you who like to torture and kill prisoners of war." The brown-haired girl snorted.

"My little Ellie, it seems like she likes you very much?" Astrid ignored the brown-haired girl's ridicule and looked at Ellie with a smile, who was tied up but remained calm and silent.

"Mom Astrid, Sister Isa is a good person." Ellie shook her legs and shouted, without any awareness of being kidnapped.

"This trip to redeem your kidnappers was really a failure." Astrid blinked her charming eyelids, with the corners of her eyes raised. "So you are threatening Lonely. Speaking of which, do you Gulan people really know how to kidnap people? Do you need me to teach you? Of course, teaching is paid."

"Hey, stop looking down on people, Astrid, don't change the subject, tell me, will you release the prisoners, or will we fight to the death?" the brown-haired girl said coldly.

"A fight to the death? Oh, that's so scary~ But I'm sorry, my happy life has just begun, and I don't want to die for the time being. And, what do you think of me, none of you are willing to make a mistake with me." Astrid De tilted his head.

"Hmph, we still know how much we weigh, but it's worth it to drag your biological daughter and heir to die together." "Oh? Then do you think you can run away after you do this?" Aisi Triede suppressed her smile.

"We have long since realized that we will never go back!"

"That's right! Anyway, our hometown was destroyed by you bastard demon, and we are already dead!"

"Ah, some people are really stupid and cute." Astrid held her forehead. "I deliberately let you go, but you don't know how to cherish your own lives. I will not do such a boring thing a second time."

"Anyway, today we are going to fight you to the death. Choose, you release all the prisoners, or we?" What does Miss Isa want? Kill Ellie?" Astrid raised her eyebrows. "I bet you. Don't dare. "

"I don't dare..." Isa was amused by Astrid's confident words. She didn't understand where the white-haired girl got her confidence from.

"Do you think I dare not??" Isa took out the silver dagger from her waist and put it in front of Ellie's neck. "Or, you don't understand our determination, and you have to make us use some force to understand??"

Hearing this, Astrid fell into deep thought.

"I see, you still don't know this yet?" After contemplating, Astrid raised her head and said in surprise.

"What do you know?" I thought Astrid was considering their request, but she didn't expect it to be such a meaningless sentence at the beginning. Isa felt that they were being fooled.

"It's strange. You must have read the letter I sent to my sister's nominal fiancé, right? But why do you still look like you don't know anything?" Astrid was very confused.

"What letter? What are you talking about? ?" Everyone on the balcony looked at each other, and they all saw the doubt in each other's eyes.

"Forget it, maybe this will be more interesting." Astrid shook her head, and then looked at Ruoisa playfully.

"So Miss Isa, your condition is that I release all prisoners of war, right?"

"That's right."

"But I remember that I have ordered the release of all prisoners of war. Even the disabled people were taken with them and thrown back to Gulan. Who are the prisoners of war you are referring to?"

"Your Majesty, are you still going to pretend to be stupid?" Isa looked at Astrid coldly as she stretched out her hand. "You said you released all the prisoners, but where is my sister Villette??"

"It's been a year and we still haven't seen a trace of her. Where did you hide her? Don't tell me you don't know."

"Oh, her, but you are talking about a prisoner of war, and she is not a prisoner of war. Why would the king return her to you?" Astrid said in confusion.

"What a strong statement!"

"No, no, you are the one who made the arrogant words, Miss Isa. To be honest, I really don't have so much time to accompany you to make trouble. If it weren't for my sister's sake, I would have cleaned you up long ago." Astrid said Spread your hands.

""Sister?" Isa was surprised. She had never heard that Vampire Queen Astrid had a sister. "You said my sister is not a prisoner of war, what is that??"

"Isn't it obvious?" Astrid grinned and pointed at Ellie. "Miss Isa, look, is this child's hair color very similar to yours and your Shenglun clan?"

"What do you mean?" Isa hesitated.

"The hair color of our blood royal family is only sterling silver, and never gold. What did you think of? ~ Isa Na Zhang Yu

It was even more shocking, as if I had thought of something absolutely impossible.

"Understood~?" Seeing this situation, Astrid's smile became even more evil. "Now, are you sure you can still do anything to this child?" "That's your niece, oh."

"Impossible, impossible!..." Isa shook her head and glared at Astrid. "How dare you insult my sister!" "Well, it is indeed an insult, an insult in every sense~~~

"You! It's impossible that you are not creatures of the same race, and you are still both"

"Besides, my sister is a highly responsible Gulan knight. There is absolutely no way she can stand on the same front as a dirty guy like you!" "Isa." At this moment, a familiar voice came into Isa's ears. Pan, making her slightly stunned.

"Sister, sister?" When she turned her eyes, the pure white wedding skirt was particularly eye-catching, and the person wearing this dress was familiar yet strange to her.

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