
"Sister, sister?" Looking at the familiar yet somewhat unfamiliar figure from a distance, Isa's expression was dull.

That was her sister whom she had reunited after a long absence. She had imagined how excited she would be when they met again. However, at this time, Isa's heart was filled with only confusion and numbness.

All because her proud sister is now wearing a vampire-style white gauze dress, standing with Astrid, the Vampire Queen, the source of all evil, and does not seem to be restrained or threatened in any way.

"Sister, is it really you?" Isa couldn't believe it. After seeing each other for a long time, her emotions were so complicated. "Isa, long time no see." "Villette said softly.

"Captain!" The brown-haired girl and the middle-aged man couldn't help shouting when they saw Villette.

"Everyone is okay. It seems that Astrid didn't lie to me. That's great." Villette said softly, stroking her chest. "That's right!" After hearing Villette's words, Isa reacted instantly.

It must be this hateful vampire queen who threatened Villette with their lives to obey!

This must be the case, other than that, Isa can't think of any other possibility. If she wants to believe that the sister she admires most has surrendered to the vampire queen, Isa will never believe it.

"Sister, you must have been threatened by this devil Pingru, right? Don't worry, we will rescue you right away, and you will be free, believe me!"

"Isa" Seeing Isa's energetic look, Villette couldn't help but smile bitterly. "Have you been trying to rescue me these days? Thank you, but it's no longer necessary."

"No need??" This sentence stunned everyone present.

"Sister, what are you talking about? Don't be afraid. We have kidnapped the most important heir of this demon. She has no choice. She must be let go. You don't have to worry about us." After being stunned for a long time, Only then did Isa speak out.

""You misunderstand what I mean. "Villette shook her head.

"Misunderstanding? What do you mean? Sister, don't tell me that the reason why you haven't gone home is not because you were forced, but because you stayed here voluntarily." Isa smiled stiffly. "Please, don't make such a joke.~

""Villette didn't say anything, she just looked at Ruoisa quietly like this, her gaze slightly indifferent.

"Don't be so silent!" Isa said with trembling shoulders. "Please, sister, speak up, don't be so silent, it will make me misunderstand that you are now in cahoots with vampires!"

"No." Villette shook her head. "Isa, the vampires are actually not as heinous as we thought." "What?" Isa looked at Ruovilette blankly. "Sister, what did you say? ?"

"Sister, are you kidding me? I really can't believe that such words would come out of your mouth..." Villette said nothing, just waiting quietly for a few people to share this huge amount of information. The news has been digested. "Captain, you can tell me any difficulties you have. Aren't we comrades in arms?"

"Yes, yes, you can now tell us the humiliation and pain you have suffered this year. You can now repay us double the humiliation this female devil usually does to you."

Listen to me, I can't go back now. "Villette looked at everyone complicatedly, and her voice once again caused silence from several people.

"Captain, what do you mean you can't go back? Are you kidding me?" the brown-haired girl laughed. "Or do you think we would mind if you were captured? No, we, haven't we always been comrades in arms?"

"That's right, don't you even want to go home?"

"Don't tell me..." Seeing Villette's attitude, this was something Isa never expected. She stared blankly at Ellie tied behind her, and remembered what Astrid had said before. words, and Ellie also saw Villette at this time, and suddenly shouted happily.

"Mama Villette!"

"What?" After hearing this, everyone thought they heard it wrong. "This girl, what does she call the leader?"

"Are you not hurt?" What shocked everyone even more was that Villette did not have any objection to the girl's name, and her eyes were full of doting and concern.

"Isa, please untie the child first." "

"Silently meeting her sister's eyes, Isa, who used to be extremely fierce in the past, now seemed like a mother who couldn't bear it. Her pupils tightened and she took a step back. "You, you, you are not my sister!"

"Isa" Villette looked at Isa helplessly.

"My sister, my sister is not as fragile as you! She is the proud knight of the empire. She is an emerging star who has been commended by the emperor at a young age. She is a tough knight whose mission is to eliminate vampires. You, how could you It's her," Isa muttered to herself with her eyes blank.

"After hearing Isa's accusations bit by bit, Villette lowered her head in silence, but felt that her palm was held by a cold but not cold little hand.

In a blink of an eye, I saw it was Astrid.

"How could it be, how could you give in so easily??" Seeing this scene, Isa could no longer restrain her emotions, and her heart was filled with disbelief.

"This year, sister, what have you experienced this year that will make you finally stand with your enemy?!"

"I have indeed experienced too much this year." Recalling the past, Villette shook her head. At that time, she did not expect that one day she would voluntarily stand with Astrid. .

"Even, even." Isa stared at Ellie closely, her eyes filled with coldness. "Impossible, how can you even connect""

"It seems that you know nothing about the secrets of the vampires, sister-in-law~~" Astrid said with a smile.

"Although it will be a little difficult and it will take a little effort, but a vampire of my level is still within the capabilities of finding the tome."

"I, I don't accept it!" Isa gritted her teeth and stared at the two of them, and she took a deep breath. "Villette, if you still think that you are a Gulan, and you still know that you are a descendant of Shenglun, the ancestor of knights, and you still remember your honor as a knight, then immediately abandon that cunning vampire from a different origin and sect!"

"Are we your compatriots, or is she your compatriot?"

"Now, it's your time to choose. Are you the vampire, or do you want us??" Isa's tone was full of determination, staring at Villette, throwing out her choice.

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