Blood Princess and the Knight

50~The ending, embrace and sleep

(Note: This chapter is the ending of this volume. I thought about this ending from the beginning. It is a bit cruel. If you have a bad stomach, I suggest not to read it.)

"So, sister, you have already made your own choice?" In the dilapidated hotel, Isa, who had calmed down, was alone with Violet, and she looked deeply at Violet in front of her.

"With my appearance, I probably can't be a knight."

"No, sister, you and I both know, this is not an excuse." Isa stared at Violet and said."

"If it's true, as you said, that you never forgot your duty as a knight, then please tell me honestly, is it really for such a simple reason?"

"Williet bowed her head in silence, not daring to look into Isa's eyes.

"Hey..." "Seeing Ruowei Lite's appearance, the meaning is self-evident, and Isa fully understands it.

"Obviously, you have been with Mr. Bresson for a year, but nothing happened in the end, you just stayed in the street holding hands and shopping, but here, it's the same year, but you even have a child." Yi Sha looked at the door with a complicated expression, and Ellie, who was bouncing around Astrid,

"Should it be said that the vampire is the one you were destined for?"

"Fate or something, I don't know..." Violet raised her head and said blankly. "This year, she taught me to act according to my own will, to live happily, and not to knock my personality for so-called responsibilities."

"It's me who lives, not this unchanging job, isn't it?"

Sister, you have really changed a lot. The old you must not be able to say these words. "Isa shook her head with a wry smile." I don't know whether this is a blessing or a curse. "

"Perhaps, there is no point in entangled in blessings and misfortunes." Looking at Ellie, who was playing happily, and Estrid, who was full of pampering, Violet murmured to herself. "Right now, I probably just want to grasp the happiness before me."

"Happiness? Haha, have you finally admitted bluntly that staying with that vampire is happiness for you?"

Perhaps, I have always thought so. "Violet lowered her head slightly." The duties of a knight, the entrustment of the emperor, and the righteousness of the country seem to me to be something that I need to bear and must bear. But now, I have lost the qualification to bear them, but Surprisingly, I didn’t feel any sense of loss, but felt relaxed.”

"I see." Isa looked at Violet thoughtfully. "So, sister, is this the life you want to pursue now?"

"In addition, the blood race is not as bad as you imagined. They are not beasts that cannot get along with each other. Apart from the hostile relationship brought about by the war, what is the difference between them and us?"

I can't understand you, but sister, if you choose this path. "Isa stood up and smiled helplessly." I can't stop you either. "But it's good, at least I know that you are not brainwashed, but are really satisfied with this kind of life, so I can rest assured. "Don't worry, I won't mention anything about you when I go back. It's just that Violet died in the battle against the vampire queen." "Isa's expressionless face showed a trace of indifferent sadness.

Violet didn't know what to say at the moment, and the scene fell into silence and dead silence.

"Sister, you have been very kind to me since childhood. You have always been the object of my attachment and longing. Now, as an idol, my sister is married, but I can't give you my best wishes." Yisha paused.

"Because you two are destined not to have a good ending. You should have thought about this problem, right?" "You, really don't regret it?"

"I know." Willie nodded.

"Even so, do you want to go to the end with her?" Isa stared at Violet. "The only thing waiting for you is" "I've made up my mind a long time ago." Violet raised her head and showed a smile that Isa had never seen before.

The elder sister who never liked to smile since she was a child, it seemed that this was the first time in her life that she smiled sincerely, which made Isaichi sore. "Well, it's your decision, sister, goodbye."

"Goodbye, Isa." Violet had a faint smile on her lips, but the corners of her mouth couldn't stop tears from overflowing. The misunderstanding is resolved, and it's time for Yisha to take Ruoren away.

"Aunt~ Are you leaving?" Hearing that Isa was leaving, Ellie tugged on Isa's skirt unwillingly, and said in a painful voice.

"Well, listen to your mother, and another mother." Seeing this cute girl who resembled her sister when she was a child, Yisha's heart softened, and she gently touched her head .

"Well, then, can I still see my aunt in the future?"

"Yes." Isa said bitterly, taking a deep look at Violet next to Astrid. "Neither do I, this is the last time we'll see each other."

As if feeling that Isa was looking at her, Violet raised her eyes and looked deeply at the sister who grew up with her, and both saw the reluctance in the other's eyes.

This was the last time the two of them looked at each other in their lives. The time flies, and the time flies.

People have intentions, time is ruthless, no matter how beautiful the relationship is, it will be overtaken by time and thrown into the past.

In the countless years, the Gulan Empire ushered in another prosperous and prosperous age. The emperor on the throne continued to change. Heroes appeared in the troubled times and disappeared in the troubled times.

In the blink of an eye, the figure sitting on the throne that was intertwined with scarlet and pitch black also changed.

The new queen has brilliant blond hair unlike the previous dynasty. Although some ministers often say yes to her origin, they never dare to disobey this swift and resolute queen.

She is ruthless and decisive, and she will never treat the enemy

With soft hands, she governed the subjects and the nobles submissively, just like her mother.

Walk out of the palace with the attendants.

Her indifferent gaze was like the palace behind her, another boring and unchanging day. "How is your mother doing?"

"It's still the same, it's been nestling in the garden recently."

As if thinking of something, the queen shook her head, and accompanied by the head maid, she walked through the palaces and came to a quiet garden. In the garden, a silver-haired girl in a black dress sat on a bench with a silent expression, as if nothing could change her expression, her immature face was full of haggardness.


"Mother, mother?"

Ah, here you are. "It wasn't until she yelled a few times that the silver-haired girl came to her senses, like an old man in her twilight years, she set her eyes on the queen's blond hair, with a look of nostalgia on her face.

"You, do you miss your mother again?"

"I should have known this day would come." The silver-haired girl stared blankly at the stone tablet not far away.

"It's me, I'm too selfish, I always want to be the same husband as my sister, but the first chance to embrace is only this time, I really regret it now


"Your Majesty, you should have something to do, right? Let's go, let me accompany my sister."

"" Looking at the silver-haired girl with some sadness, being eaten away by endless regret and pain, the queen is helpless. For so many years, she still hasn't come out of it, wandering in the endless abyss, sinking deeper and deeper.


Just as the queen was about to leave, the silver-haired girl spoke out. "Maybe I'm not qualified to say this about my partner, I must find someone with the same lifespan as me."

The silver-haired girl smiled one last time at the queen. "I wish you happiness, Ellie." ""The tears could not be suppressed, the queen sipped her lips and left.

She can't show such a fragile appearance in front of her subjects, because she is already the queen now

The garden of "Sister" is quiet, and the silver-haired girl caresses the stone tablet and leans on it, as if returning to the time when she first saw a girl.

Until the breeze took away the last trace of warmth and breath, the girl embraced like a young girl and fell asleep.

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