The sun setting halfway up the mountain symbolizes the curtain call of Balland's day. For the Immortals, the change of the sun and the moon is irrelevant. They don't care too much about where the sun is, except for a poetic literary girl.

"—Over and over, it is not the sun that falls, but the lost youth." The purple-haired girl sat on the bench, and the last monsoon wind blew across the dim sky, feeling the feeling of blowing her hair, and slightly I took a sip of tea.

After the catastrophe, the world returned to calm. Except for a few people with brain problems who threatened to resurrect the ancestor gods, there was nothing worth paying attention to. In the final analysis, this world now has a queen who is so powerful that it is boundless. Then I care about it.

Tina, who had returned to a peaceful life, returned to the Duke of Leforno. The small black house she used to live in has now become a large villa. Recalling the days when she was still in the small black house, her eyes became more reminiscent.

She won't forget the girl who freed her from this.

Now, as the big celebrity in front of the queen, the real Duke of Leforno, no one dares to neglect her, and she has done her old job even though she has nothing to do with pleasure and leisure.

Drink tea, write poetry, read books, and develop some small personal hobbies. Well, Bi Jing has already retired, and each has his own life.

"Hello, where is my old wine that has been brewed for more than 500 years? Look at my memory, it is getting worse and worse, and I forget everything when I turn around." Mr. Delan bent his body and turned over. Find a cupboard.

Looking at the stability of the country, there is no room for him to be busy inside and out, so his old man went to the Yamao Kingdom to buy a manor for the elderly. "Okay everyone, are you ready?"

"Wait, wait, wait, I forgot my old centipede wine!"

"No, no, this is a specialty of Sapland. Where do you want me to buy it?"

"Okay, have you bought it now? Have all the members of the Senate arrived? When they are all here, we will start." Nim and a series of elders of the Senate said that they had not seen the world after a thousand years, so they formed a group Travel is gone.

"Well, it's all here." Before the other elders could speak, a childish and calm voice came. The elders were silent, and silently shifted their gazes to a certain little thing wearing a hat in the car.

"Wow!" Lilina originally wanted to go on a tour secretly, but she gave the Queen a Void Grip on the way, and was arrested from the carriage and returned to the palace.

"Lilina, what's the matter with the bag on your head?"

"Did you do something bad that was discovered by the imperial sister?" Yana sighed.

She didn't change much, she took her mischievous little niece with her in the palace, and occasionally had trouble with her royal sister.

"Speaking of which, did I still like to wear this style before?" The silver-haired girl compared in front of the mirror holding an A-hood. "The silk one?" "Pfft, my lord, have you forgotten that the one in your hand is the one that Her Majesty the Queen used to go fishing, and the hole was broken by a piranha..."

"Oh, I remembered." Lilias suddenly realized, and then chuckled. "So she was so cute before."

"After you reminded me like this, I seem to remember that the child was incontinent in public, hehe, I kept all the photos." "Did you still keep the photos at that time?" Ye Xiang couldn't believe it.

"Of course~" Lilias showed a devilish smile, and took out the small photo album she carried with her from nowhere.

"The first time I was tied up to eat cream cake, the first time my butt blossomed due to naughty, the first time I accidentally took laxatives, I have secretly recorded these beautiful moments."

"The time is not yet ripe, I will show her when she has completely forgotten about it, puff, I really look forward to her expression at that time~~"

""Even if she is already behind the scenes, she can control the queen to death, she is worthy of being the queen of the past generation. Ye Xiang secretly thought.

After retiring behind the scenes, although Lilias has become a bit more religious, she is still the same Lilias as before. The usual circle of the three generations of the palace is probably: Baiji bullies Lilina, Lilina cries for Lilias, Lilias bullied Bai Ji, but Bai Ji was so angry that she bullied Lilina.


Everyone in the palace is used to this kind of cycle. as for others

"If you don't want to die, do it to death! There's nothing wrong with it, brothers!" "There's nothing wrong with it!"

"Okay, look at my knight kicking, and the magical girl flying on the plane! As one of the warriors who crusade against the ancestor gods, Huo Lei was elected as the new patriarch when he returned to the clan. Now he is organizing people in his clan to carry out 'opposition to war and plunder, self-reliance' speeches on the topic.

"Plowing the field can't be done like this, don't work hard, hard work doesn't work, do you understand?" And, as the patriarch, he demonstrated the correct plowing posture, and showed some muscles by the way, showing his white tooth.

"Give a super double on the backhand, make a fortune in a muffled voice, the little king and the king are all out, just go for a two, report the bill, this one won't win, I write my name upside down!"


"" The man with glasses stiffened his expression.

"You lost." Mu Yang let out a long yawn as soon as he put the cards down. "It's up to you to train those recruits today."

"Wrong mistake, what's the matter with this broken card?! Do it again, give it another chance, okay? Actually, what I want to say is three out of five rounds, three out of five rounds!"

"Come on, at the beginning it was two out of three games, now

It becomes the best of five rounds?? ""Hey, you don't understand, I have an appointment. "

"Dating? With whom?"

"Forget it, I told you that you don't understand, you go for me today, and I'll come back to you twice in another day!" "Four times."

"Go ahead! Three times!" "Deal."

"Cut, what a snobby eye." Lin Tuo turned on the phone.

"It's so slow, why did you come here now? Don't you know that it's rude to make a lady wait?" Looking at the news, the message from the ID named 'Lilias is an idiot' is particularly conspicuous.

"You can pull it off! I only had three days of free time after the advance payment today to take you to this trap, accept it with gratitude!" Lin Tuo rolled his eyes.

""Ahhh, you dare to call Li Zi a cheater, obviously I will take you, okay?" "Cut, why don't you compare and score?"

"Okay, dare you say that, today Lizi will take you to the Heitie!"

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