"Okay, okay, let's get started, can you please play it steady?"

"Okay, okay, as long as you don't die more than eight times in a round, I'll consider you safe, okay?" "Wait a minute, let's get some friends together, we're in the fifth row."

"Fifth row??" Lin Tuo was stunned after hearing this, and the corner of his glasses fell down. "Don't drag three people on your level. I can't help you."

"Hmph, you are so powerful, why can't you say you can't lead me? That's too lame."

"Still inferior? Look for someone to lead you. Just one of you is enough for me, okay?" Lin Tuo said angrily. "By the way, who are you trying to win over?"

"They are all people you know." "People I know? It can't be" "The system prompts:

Her Majesty the Queen, who is number one in the world, has entered the team. Shirahime-chan, covered in cream, entered the team. Today is also a day when I don’t want to go to school and I joined the team.

Lin Tuo's breathing angle twitched. He couldn't guess everything just by looking at their names, but what was certain was that these people were definitely not reliable. Her Majesty the Queen, who is number one in the world: Ah~? You are very brave to dare to give me such a name, but don’t let us know where you live.

Shiraki-chan, who was covered in cream, said: Hee hee~ Then you come to me? The address is in Junlin City, Saplan State, in the harem courtyard of the inner city of the palace. Her Majesty the Queen, who is number one in the world: Squirt! Why is it you?

Shirahime-chan, who is covered in cream: Why can’t it be me?~Her Majesty the Queen, the best in the world: Don’t you not play games?

Bai Jixi, who is covered in cream: If you don't play, you won't play, but that doesn't mean you can't play. Her Majesty the Queen, who is number one in the world: Oh, what are you bragging about?

Today is also a day that I don’t want to go to school: Mother? Why are you here? Today is also a day that I don’t want to go to school. I withdrew a message.

Her Majesty the Queen, the number one in the world:????

Her Majesty the Queen, the number one in the world: Wrong, who is this? Why are you still playing games at this hour, have you finished your homework? Today is also a day when I don’t want to go to school: Who are you, have we met? Wrong? !Mother, I was wrong! Everyone:

Today is also a day when I don’t want to go to school: Grandma, help!

Baiji-chan, who is covered in cream: Okay, Baiji-chan, it’s not a big deal, let the kids play.

Her Majesty the Queen, who is number one in the world: No, we found the paper that this girl took the duck egg test yesterday. Oh, it’s not good to hide it somewhere. She actually hid it under our bed. This is not just as simple as hiding the test paper. It's already slandering our intelligence!

Today is also a day when I don’t want to go to school: The most dangerous place is the safest place (whisper)

Then there was silence.

"Hey, hey, what's going on? It can't be opened?" After a while, Lin Tuo couldn't wait and said.

""Ah, the original plan was for the five of us to play black, but now one member has ganked another member offline, leaving only the three of us. "

"Ah," Lin Tuo wanted to complain about something, but couldn't find the words to say.

"It's okay, it's okay~ My lovely grandniece was taken away to study by her mother because she didn't do well in the exam. Let the three of us come."

Is this the daily life in your palace?" Lin Tuo's mouth twitched, and he could almost imagine what these white-haired dumplings were doing in the palace all day long.

"Okay, okay, let's get started. Lizi's current life goal is to aspire to be the highest-ranked person in the Ratsambo clan!" What a decadent life goal, have you given up completely?"

"You are so decadent. Besides, you are much better than a guy who stays in the flower garden watering flowers every day to take care of his old age. At least Xiaozi still has the vitality of a young man!" Shiraki-chan, who was covered in cream: Haha.

With a squeak of successful matching, the game begins.

To be honest, Lin Tuo is very scared. It took him a month of hard work to reach the rank, and he doesn't want to give it up. If he is a Bronze 3 player, he really can't reach it.

If the former Queen is as cheating as her sister, then he will really have nothing left!

However, what he didn't expect was that although they were biological sisters, Lilias's skills were completely different from those of Li Zi. In the first twelve minutes, when Lizi was at a disadvantage, Lilias was already amazing.

Seeing Lilias killing people in the game, for some reason, Lin Tuo remembered the battlefield where the human knights were completely dominated by Lilias.

It's just like killing someone.

At the end of the fight, Lin Tuo found that he couldn't help at all. Lilias was bound to get blood every time she made a move, and sometimes he couldn't even get an assist.

"You still need me to take care of you? Why don't you just ask your sister to escort you all the way to the King?" After the game, Lin Tuo and Su Zi chatted privately.

"Tch, what do you know?? Tsk." "You can't bear to look like this, right?" "Shut up, you wretched man with four eyes!"

Lin Tuo touched his nose. Although he was scolded, he could vaguely see that somewhere in the palace far away in the Scarlet Blood Territory, a certain white-haired dumpling wearing a quilt and playing a singles game broke through.


Scarlet Blood Territory, Saplan State, King's Landing City, study room on the third floor of the Queen's Palace. Lin Mairuo's tired footsteps opened the door.

After a tiring day, she wanted to return home before the sun set, but she received a temporary notice from Bai Ji asking her to come to the study on the third floor of the Queen's Palace.

Lin didn't know what Her Majesty's plans were when she asked her to go there due to her temperament. She couldn't disobey her orders, so she went in the end.

And the moment she pushed open the door, a burst of

The gun salute sounded. "Qiang Qiang Qiang~! Lin, happy birthday!"

On the five-pointed star stall, a white-haired dumpling sits in each corner. They wore ribbons on their chests, like white ribbon knee-high socks.

The same clothes, the same double ponytail hairstyle, the same hair color, almost the same height, and even the appearance looks exactly the same to outsiders.

For a moment, Lin, who was too tired and unable to do anything, was startled, thinking that five Bai Ji appeared in an instant.

She didn't recognize it until she gradually calmed down.

These are Bai Ji, Yana, Lilias, Lilina, and her uneducated mother. "What are you doing??" Lin was stunned for a long time before speaking slowly.

"Congratulations on your birthday~ Hey, Lin, do you recognize who I am?" A white-haired dumpling approached Lin. "You're already a young man, stop making trouble." Lin looked away.

"Hmm!" Li Zi was recognized and shrank back.

To be honest, if it were anyone else, I really wouldn't be able to recognize the difference between these five glutinous rice balls. "Celebrating a birthday? Such a childish way."

"But I don't hate it"

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