Blood Princess and the Knight

A girl named Bai Ming 11

"You have been on a hunger strike for a whole day. Are you showing your anger to me??"

"No, Your Majesty, I really don't have much appetite." Although Bai Ming did not get up due to the maid's stop, he still lowered his head and saluted.

"No appetite, hehe, I think you are just angry with me." Austin stepped forward and stared at Bai Ming with narrowed eyes. "Woman, how dare you disobey me like this?

, you are the first person who gets angry with me. "I have no temper with His Majesty." "Even if that perfect face is so delicate that no flaws can be found so close at hand, Bai Ming's expression management is still there.

There was no chaos, he still looked serious.

"You didn't lose your temper with me. Does that mean you are really angry?" Bai Ming's head was tender and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

"What's going on with this ghostly expression? Are you dissatisfied with me?"

"I don't dare." Humph. "Austin said nothing more and motioned for a servant to enter the room.

Bai Ming turned his attention to this servant, who handed a gorgeously decorated box to him with humble steps. "Here, open it and take a look." Austin looked away. "You successfully defeated the blood dragon Goedoya. I still have clear rewards and punishments. Originally, this

A small reward is not enough, but as I said before, the merits and demerits are equal to each other, so as long as there is no reward for you, I will not hold you accountable anymore.

fault. "Miss Bai Ming, why don't you thank Your Majesty quickly?" the head maid said softly from the side.

Oh, thank you, Your Majesty. "

"Okay, don't thank me, just open it and take a look.

Bai Ming opened this gorgeous long box, which contained a neat gauze skirt. "This is made from the finest silk and the finest craftsmen. Jie Bie was busy refusing. Listen to me." Austin paused. "Your original one

The clothes were burned to ashes when I was in Julong. I asked the court mage to find a way to restore them, but even with the most advanced technology, I could only partially restore them.

That little material is definitely not enough to make clothes.

“So, this piece of clothing includes the remaining fabric, so let’s treat it as a replacement and compensation.

After saying that, Bai Ming gently took out the gauze skirt from the long box, held it in his hand and looked through it repeatedly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty" is just because of your hard work and merit. Don't be too sentimental. “Austin turned his head away.

Looking at Austin, and then at Bai Ming whose expression had recovered, the head maid's mouth curled up.

Perhaps, His Majesty's life-long events do not need her to worry about it at all. It is determined by fate, so let fate decide it.

After lying in the palace for a month, under the care of the palace doctors day and night, Bai Ming's injuries gradually improved. After he could walk on the ground, he planned to

Leave the palace. "Miss Maid, I'm here to ask for my resignation.

"Hey, is your injury healed?"

"Well, I can already walk on the ground." "Is that so?" Seeing Bai Ming's resolute attitude, the head maid sighed. ""You really don't plan to stay here for a few more days?"

"I don't understand what you mean. Now that the injury is healed, I have no reason to stay in the palace. What's more, if I linger, I might cause trouble again.

Your Majesty is angry. "It's a pity that Bai Ming didn't understand the deep meaning hidden by the head maid.

The good maid shook her head, looked out the window and murmured. "It seems like this kind of thing can't be rushed."


"It's nothing. Since you are in a hurry to leave, I won't hold you back. Can I send you out?"

"No need."

"Etiquette must be in place, just let me take you out."

"Okay." Bai Ming hesitated and agreed.

Arriving at the palace gate, Bai Ming bowed slightly to the head maid and thanked her for taking care of her these days.

Looking at Bai Ming's back, the head maid smiled.

As the emperor's mother, she saw Austin as her own child after watching him grow up. She also hoped that Austin could find his true happiness.

Rather than a political marriage.

"Is she gone?" After she returned to the palace, Austin, who was sitting in front of the case handling government affairs, said without raising his head.

"That's fine."

"Your Majesty, are you reluctant to part with it?"

"Are you kidding??" Austin snorted. "It's better for that stupid woman to leave, so as not to make me angry every day." "Really." Seeing Austin's appearance, the head maid smiled helplessly.

One is a coquettish person who doesn't mean what she means, and the other is a rigid person who doesn't know how to bend his mind. Can these two really get together?

"That's right, Your Majesty."

"Hmm? Is there anything else?" "The barbarians outside the Great Wall have become rampant again recently."

"Oh, they're just a bunch of uncivilized barbarians, they can't threaten the foundation of the empire.

"But I think we still need to pay some attention. After all, their habitat is close to the imperial capital. If they break through the barrier that day,

"Don't worry. If barbarians can break through the barriers in the imperial capital, they would have been broken long ago. Why wait until today?" Austin was indifferent to this matter.

“What I am most concerned about right now is the rebellious cultists and the forces behind them.

"You mean, the Ancestral God Sect?"

"Yes, Gulan has always underestimated them." Austin said solemnly. "I always thought that they couldn't afford to do something about Langya, but I didn't expect that the group of heretics had already infiltrated into the palace: they even drove Gu Lan and

The blood spirits started a war, which caused the current national power of Gulan to be greatly damaged, and even a group of

Barbarians need to be feared.

"The Ancestral God Sect, have they started activities again?"

"You can see for yourself." Austin sighed and handed a document into the hands of the head maid.

The Ancestral God Cult captured the Yacat Kingdom??”

"Yes, they provoked a civil war between the troll tribes and weakened the overall strength of the troll people. Now the trolls and sub-cat people are finished.

Probably the dying Gulan. "Austin shook his head.

"So, now?"

"We have lost the opportunity to take the initiative." Austin said with a wry smile. The empire, which has been severely weakened, can only passively defend. After all, now,

Our remaining land is very limited. If we take the initiative to attack, the front will be stretched very long, which will undoubtedly make things worse. "

"But in the end, the head maid stopped talking.

"I know, this will eventually lead to survival." Austin stared at the document for a long time. "Gulan now has neither soldiers nor generals. Ruozu Divine Sect still has the foundation."

If the cards are not drawn, then the possibility of waiting for this thousand-year empire will be

perish. "

"Haha, it can only be said to be retribution." Austin smiled helplessly. "I remember when the Blood Spirit Empire was destroyed, Scarlet Queen Solanya once laughed

He then told President Gulan at the time: Today for the vampires is your tomorrow. "Now, it really comes true." "

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