Blood Princess and the Knight

A girl named Bai Ming 17

"You have done enough for me and this empire. For a girl like you, fighting and killing is not suitable for you." Austin stared at Bai Ming affectionately, but the latter remained silent for a while. "Do what you want to do. Now, you are free." "What do you want to do?" Bai Ming tilted his head. "What I want to do now is probably follow you, Your Majesty." "You still have your own family, right?" "Family?" Bai Ming lowered his head and said nothing. "They are all dead."

"What?" Austin's eyes widened. "What about your family?..." After the Blood Spirit War, less than 30% of the members of the Shenglun clan remained. Almost all the younger generation who could go to the battlefield left. The remaining clan members who felt that this was an unjust war were also I was sent to defend my homeland and my country, but I haven’t returned yet..."

"Where are you, your mother?" "Dead." Bai Ming turned away his head. "She asked me to go to the palace to save the emperor first, not them." "..." After hearing this, Austin was silent for a long time, and shook his head with a helpless smile.

"Bai Ming, do you hate us?" "You?"

"Do you hate the Empire? Do you hate me?"

"Why should I hate Your Majesty?" Bai Ming was puzzled. "Isn't it because of us that your family was ruined?" Austin said bitterly. "If it weren't for us, your clan members and your family would all be fine."

"I once swore that my father and I were completely different individuals. I would never make the mistake of going into military force. Now it seems that we are really father and son. He has harmed the empire and the entire Shenglun family. I Woe to you."

"It's nothing." Bai Ming shook his head. "We all voluntarily follow and believe in the royal family." "But the royal family has done something wrong. Even if you know it is wrong, will you follow it?" "If this is my duty, I will."

"Bai Ming" Austin looked at Bai Ming deeply, feeling inexplicably sad.

Of course he was very happy that Bai Ming was willing to follow him. When Bai Ming rescued him and cut off his despair, he felt that he might have fallen in love with this girl.

No, it’s not like, it should be said to be a deeper level, love.

When he was most helpless, only this girl was willing to stand up and advance and retreat with him. This completely moved Austin, who had not received much care and praise since childhood.

Maybe he really fell in love with this inflexible and dull knight girl. He couldn't lie to himself. It is precisely because of love that I feel deeply sad for Bai Ming.

There was no trace of her own will in Bai Ming's blue eyes. This poor girl had always lived by dead rules and had never lived for herself in a day, a minute, or a second.

This may be a true portrayal of him in the past.

"Bai Ming, can you tell me why you want to become a knight?" "For the honor and the dignity of the empire." "No, not this." Austin shook his head. "Are you still unwilling to speak freely to me?"

"To tell you the truth, I don't like to be an emperor, nor am I suitable to be an emperor. If I had a younger brother or something, the throne should never fall on me. I was forced to the throne by them."

"So, what about you? What about you?" Austin stared into Bai Ming's eyes. "You don't seem to like the position of knight 039 very much, don't you?" Bai Ming lowered his head and said nothing.

"I don't want you to answer, because I am no longer the emperor, but today, I think all the restraints and chains imposed on you and me are broken." Austin raised his hand and stroked a strand of Bai Ming's hair. .

"I showed you the real me, can you also show me the real you?"

Knight, I don't hate it. "After a long time, Bai Ming spoke, maybe because she was hesitating, or maybe because time passed so long that she had almost forgotten her own feelings. "However, I don't like it very much either. "

"But other than that, my life has no meaning, so I will just follow it and continue living. I hope this path is right, but even if it is wrong, I can't go back." "So. "Can you slightly change the meaning of your life?" "Change?" Bai Ming was puzzled. "Well, that is, live only for the way of chivalry, instead, for me..." "Huh?"

"Uh-huh, um, I, I'm not saying it's one-sided, I will live for you too!" Austin, who was too young to talk about love, could only express his feelings clumsily like this.

"That is, the way we both live for each other may be much more meaningful than the original model." Austin put aside his blushing cheeks.

"Does it make sense?" Bai Ming fell into thinking. "Can you understand what I mean?"

"Well, I probably understand." Bai Ming raised an expression that said he didn't understand 039 at all. "Hey, forget it, maybe it's a little too early." Austin held his forehead.

It is indeed a bit difficult for Bai Ming, a girl who has been isolated from the world since childhood and knows nothing about the world except cold swords and armor, to understand something called 039 love 039, but even though it is his first time.

Thinking about it now, how could she be allowed to wander around the outside world alone? Is this idiot Knight Ji, who doesn't know anything, sure that she won't be sold by a liar and help others count money? Moreover, if she is so beautiful, she will be sold by some If someone with evil intentions catches his eye, he will be tricked into becoming his wife or something.

Austin shuddered at the thought of this possibility.

This situation must not happen.

"Your Majesty, they have been temporarily defeated by me. There should be some remaining soldiers in the city. We can find them first and then assemble them." "Soldiers."

"The Forbidden Army has all abandoned me, how can anyone stay?" Austin said helplessly. "Your Majesty's words are biased. Your Forbidden Army is very watery, and there are many people in it who have risen to power through aristocratic connections. , these people do not have the backbone and spirit of soldiers, most of them are idle embroidered pillows, and it is normal for them to run away from battle." Bai Ming explained seriously.

"But even if the water is so heavy, we should still be able to find soldiers who are absolutely loyal to you." "But so what if we find them, haven't we already run out of room for a comeback?" "Not necessarily, Your Majesty, don't you? Remember, there are border officers guarding the barbarian fortress, they are absolutely loyal to you, and as long as you are alive, they will not switch sides."

"Is that so?" Austin thought for a while and felt that what Bai Ming said made sense.

Now he unconditionally believes in Bai Ming, whether it is because of feelings or previous lessons.

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