Blood Princess and the Knight

A girl named Bai Ming 18

They escorted Austin all the way to the border. When the border officers saw it was the emperor himself, they immediately opened the city gate.

"Your Majesty, what are you??" The border commander is a burly middle-aged knight who is a member of a branch of the Ned family.

He looked at Austin who was disheveled and his shirt and hair were even stained with a lot of blood. He was greatly shocked. He immediately looked solemn and understood that something might have happened in the Imperial City.

"Your Excellency, the Imperial City has been lost. The heretics have captured the Imperial City. The Imperial Court has been destroyed and most of the residents have been killed..." Austin looked solemn as he was placed on the chair.

"How could it be?" The commander was also shocked when he heard the news. "But, a few days ago, there were frequent good news. With so many checkpoints away from the battlefield, how could the pagans attack the imperial city so quickly?" "The local lords have rebelled." Austin said bitterly. "They forged news, defrauded the imperial army and the money allocated to them by the country, and took refuge with the cultists. As the cultists' inner guards, they were stationed in the palace. When the cultists attacked the city, they cooperated inside and outside and opened the city gate for them. "

"These traitors!" The leader pounded the table, furious. "The country treats them well, but they rebelled and surrendered to the enemy when the country and the people needed them most! It's really shameful!"

"Then how did you escape, Your Majesty? This is Your Excellency Bai Ming?" The commander noticed Bai Ming next to Austin. "Yes, it was Bai Ming who protected me out of the city regardless of safety. Without him, I would have been killed by the cultists and sacrificed to heaven." "I want to thank you on behalf of Your Majesty and Gulan!" After saying that, the commander immediately stood up. He bowed solemnly to Bai Ming.

"This is my duty, no need to thank you." Bai Ming looked indifferent. "But now even if I'm alive, it doesn't mean anything." Austin said with a bitter smile. "All the checkpoints are broken, and the imperial city has become a ruin. Now we can only guard this isolated city."

"No, it's different!" the commander said decisively. "Your Majesty, as long as you are here and as long as you are alive, those pagans will never become the masters of this land. The right to claim this land will always be in your hands."

"But now we have no way to save it."

"There is no way to save the day, but we can still fight back. At least we have to stand up to them and let the world know that Gulan is not dead yet." The commander said. "Your Majesty, the leader is right, now is not the time to give up." Bai Ming, who was sitting beside him, also said.

"At least the palace must be taken back."

"The palace has to be taken back, but one of my subordinates got some information. It seems that the Ancestral God Cult has some new activities recently." The commander said in a deep voice. "We can take back the palace and lost territory while they have no time to estimate us."

"Is there any other information? For example, what are they plotting?" Bai Ming asked.

"No, I only know this. They did it perfectly. We have no way of knowing their plan." "I don't know why, Bai Ming has some bad premonitions in his heart." I still need to be stationed here. Half of the troops will be assigned to your Majesty, and will be personally commanded by Your Excellency Bai Ming to help you fight back to the imperial capital and regain the lost territory. "

"Is this really good? The barbarians outside the Great Wall seem to be very rampant recently. There are not many garrison troops here. If we take away half of them,"

"It doesn't matter, as long as we tighten our belts together and survive this most difficult moment. There have been times in history when Gulan encountered major crises, and our ancestors got through them all." The commander smiled boldly. "Don't be too pessimistic. Think of it this way, maybe this time we will be famous in history."

"What you said is absolutely true." Bai Ming responded.

It is true that as the commander said, the Gulan Army took back the Imperial City without expending much effort. In other words, the attention of these heretics was not on the Imperial City at all, and it seemed that they only took over Cypriel City by the way. Yes, there aren't many people living in this city at all.

After retaking the imperial city, Bai Ming ordered that the worn parts of the city wall be repaired.

Although the walls of Cypriel City were built a hundred years ago, there is absolutely no doubt about their quality. A rebel army of this size alone would not be able to capture it for a month unless the insiders opened the city gates.

"Your Majesty, there are some maids who escaped in the sewers of the city. I brought them back." Bai Ming brought a group of nervous maids to the courtyard.

"Well, thank you for your hard work, but I don't have any extra money to pay them, so I'd better send them away and let them go wherever they want."

"Your Majesty! We are willing to serve at Your Majesty's side!" When the maids heard Austin's words, they thought that Austin was angry because of their disloyalty, and they all said with pale faces.

"I'm serious. Now that the palace has been ransacked by heretics, I really have no reward to pay you." Austin said helplessly. "Those who are willing to follow me now are those who follow the Quran and faith. You are still young. It is better to settle down as soon as possible and stay away from this place of right and wrong."

"But, Your Majesty, this is our home. If we leave here, we have nowhere to go and no one will take us in, even if we don't get paid. Please don't drive us away." The maids begged. "Hey, it's up to you." Considering that these maids really have nowhere to go when they leave here, Austin agreed.

"Thank you for your kindness!" They thought Austin had forgiven them, and the maids burst into tears of gratitude. However, little did they know that Austin's thinking had changed a lot after experiencing the catastrophe.

He no longer felt that he was a superior emperor because he fell in love with a just knight.

There are not many maids left hiding in the sewers. Most of the servants fled the imperial city when they sensed the danger, and the heretics did not deliberately pursue him.

They seem to have only sent a small number of troops here to capture the emperor of Gulan.

It's just that they probably didn't expect the car to overturn, but it doesn't matter to them. After looting Gulan's treasury, they finally got the final key.

The resurrection of the ancestral god is very close. "Followers of the Ancestral God! The day when our Lord is approaching has arrived. Let's offer our wrath to this corrupt world and corrupt kings!" On the dark altar, the high priest of the Ancestral God shook his hand crazily. Sacrifice utensils, and the words are murmuring.

Below is a group of believers who are kneeling on the ground and worshiping. They are full of voices and unanimous momentum.

"For the Creator, for the Ancestral Gods."

"This world has deviated from its original trajectory. Come on, everyone, let us completely purify it!"

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