Blood Princess and the Knight

A girl named Bai Ming 19

"The flowers will bloom again, and no one will be young anymore." The cool autumn wind blew through the dilapidated courtyard. Austin, who was wearing a royal robe, looked at the falling flowers and said with emotion. The blond knight Ji who followed him remained silent. . Since his mother died, he has become more sentimental. "Bai Ming, what do you think?"

"Your Majesty, I think that when a flower falls, it will die, and the flower that blooms again will not be the original flower, so I think this sentence is meaningless." "Screaming is really what you can say in your style." Austin laughed He smiled and said nothing.

Three months have passed since they returned to the imperial city. The Gulan defenders have barely maintained the situation and have added some scattered remnants of soldiers from various places. In extraordinary times, the Forbidden Army cannot be picky.

The imperial city opened its gates to accommodate as many homeless and displaced people as possible. As long as they were reviewed and confirmed to have no problems, they could enter the city and be assigned houses.

So far, at least Cypriel City and its surrounding areas have become somewhat stable, and the residents and soldiers in the city have returned to normal. The soldiers and the people all hoped and expected that tomorrow would be better, which was indeed the case, but Austin frowned and said nothing all day long. In this prosperous atmosphere, he seemed to notice something unusual. "Bai Ming, this matter may be far from over." Austin pondered. "Yeah." "Do you think so too?" "Maybe, but there is no point in worrying about these things. Your Majesty, what should happen will always happen. All I can do is to prevent these things from affecting you and affecting the whole world. Lan." Bai Ming looked into the distance expressionlessly, the cold wind ruffling her golden hair. "So, is the reason why you protect me just out of duty?"

"I am a knight of Gulan, and it is of course my duty to protect His Majesty."

"Then, we have other relationships besides the relationship between monarch and subject, don't we?" Austin suddenly spoke, and it seemed a little awkward to say this. "I don't quite understand what your Majesty said." Bai Ming tilted his head.

"Hey..." Looking at Bai Ming's dull look, Austin sighed and smiled helplessly. "Friends, don't they count?" "Friends?" Bai Ming thought for a while. "Am I friends with His Majesty?" "After so many things, haven't you considered me a friend?"

First of all, what is a friend? What is the definition of this kind of relationship, and what kind of relationship must be in order to be called a friend? "Bai Ming suddenly asked a bunch of questions, leaving Austin speechless.

"This kind of relationship doesn't need this kind of definition. If you think we are, then that's it." Austin thought for a long time before speaking. "Really?" "Then, Bai Ming, do you think the relationship between us is just a simple relationship between monarch and minister?" Looking at Bai Ming, Austin said. "" Bai Ming didn't speak for a while, seeming a little confused. After a long time, he shook his head. "I, I don't know."

"Your Majesty, I probably can't tell clearly." "That means you think we are more than just monarchs and ministers, right?" "Maybe, right." Bai Ming couldn't explain either.

Suddenly, Bai Ming felt a warm hand on her head. She raised her head with half-open eyes like a cat, and saw Austin's warm eyes. "I know that you have never experienced the daily life of being a girl even for a day since you were a child, but a healthy person cannot be as emotionless as he is now. Don't worry, I will guide you to find it."

"Find, feelings?" Bai Ming was puzzled. "Then how to find it?" "No need to search, Bai Ming. People must have feelings, and you do too. I'm just guiding you to clearly understand your feelings." "Really?" Bai Ming heard this. nodded. "But, even if you have feelings, what can you do?" "If you have feelings, you won't be able to find the meaning of living like you are now. Bai Ming, I hope you can get your own happiness." Austin looked at him tenderly. Drinking white tea.

"Happiness?" Bai Ming murmured the word. "Well, I'm very happy now." "Do you think you are happy now?"

"Being alive, isn't this a symbol of happiness?" Bai Ming's face changed very little. "At least, I am much happier than those who died in vain in the war." Survival is different from living, and living is even more different from living happily. "Austin shook his head helplessly.

"Forget it, you probably can't understand this now, take your time." "Today is the same as usual, how about accompanying me to drink tea?" "This is His Majesty's order, and I will not have any objections."

"I told you this is not an order, but a request." Austin rubbed Bai Ming's little head. "It's a request from a friend. In terms of your subjective emotions, if you are willing to agree, just agree. If you are not willing, forget it." "The tea tastes terrible." Bai Ming showed a rare look of sadness.

"So, don't you want to go this time?" Austin didn't force Bai Ming. "Well, you go back first." Just when Austin was about to turn around and leave, his forearm was held by a finger.

"Huh?" Austin turned around and found that Bai Ming was lowering his head at this moment, his little fingers gently clasping himself, like a child trying to persuade an adult to stay. "If Your Majesty wants to go, then I will go with you." Bai Ming raised his head slightly. "Pfft" Looking at Bai Ming who reacted so cutely, Austin couldn't help laughing, and suddenly wanted to put his own kiss on this delicate yet adorable face.

Ah, it's really too early for her to do this kind of thing, so let's forget it so as not to scare her.

In the past few months, Bai Ming has completely replaced the maid's position next to Austin. The palace maids are only responsible for cleaning, washing and cooking. They can't even see the emperor's face, but Bai Ming has to be taken with Austin wherever he goes. , the two were inseparable, and everyone inside and outside the palace was gossiping about the relationship between the two. The beautiful female knight and the noble emperor, it is difficult not to make people think about it, and most people speculated about him.

Are the two of us lovers privately?

Bai Ming did not clarify these rumors, or said that she had never heard of them at all, or that she did not care. Even if she heard them and cared about them, she probably would not understand the relationship between lovers.

In the courtyard, the maid poured tea for Austin. As a knight, Bai Ming was supposed to stand in front of the emperor, but now he sat on a chair at Austin's request and was forced to drink tea and enjoy the scenery. "Won't you get tired looking at this unchanging scenery every day?" Suddenly, Bai Ming spoke involuntarily. "With you here, I won't be tired of any scenery." Austin said with a smile without thinking.

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