Blood Princess and the Knight

A girl named Bai Ming 20

The balance was thrown out of balance and the continent was shattered. When the river bursts its banks, people will starve to death. When the empire loses power, it faces enemies everywhere. The great disaster is coming.

————————“Are you confirmed?”

"Yes, the river has risen several meters higher than before, and has now submerged farmers in several villages."

"It's strange. It's obviously not the rainy season and it hasn't rained. Why does the river water rise so fast?" The metering officer didn't understand. "My lord, not only that, I heard from other metrology officers that the surrounding sea has also risen by several centimeters."

"What?? The sea water has risen? Isn't that okay?" Hearing this, the measurement officer's face changed drastically. "Looking at the momentum, it may not be a natural rise, it's like"

"It's like something terrible suddenly appeared in the sea water, which displaced a large amount of sea water, causing it to rise." Inside the palace.

"The above is the latest report, Your Majesty." "Is there no movement from the Ancestral God Sect?"

"Not yet, at least there is no action against Gulan. They all seem to have disappeared. The world used to be full of followers of the Ancestral God Sect, but now it is difficult to find them."

"In addition, the sea water has risen. Although it has not had a big impact yet, if this trend continues, the coastal areas may be submerged." "It is obviously not the rainy season recently." Austin mused.

"Yes, the department responsible for river water management also finds this very strange. After all, the total amount of water in the world cannot increase too much." "If we continue to investigate, we must find the source of the rising water flow." Austin said calmly vocal channel. "I think this matter may not be simple."

"As commanded."

Afterwards, in the palace courtyard. "Bai Ming, do you think this matter has anything to do with the Ancestral God Religion?" Austin asked as he and Bai Ming were walking between the palaces as usual.

"Whether it is true or not, the result must be found. Your Majesty did the right thing. Even if it is not, allowing the floods to spread will threaten the livelihood of more people." Bai Ming replied.

"Well, I feel relieved with your words." Since handing over all his trust to Bai Ming, Austin will become extremely relaxed when he is with Bai Ming, not at all as nervous as in the court.

Walking side by side with the blonde knight in the palace, asking a few irrelevant questions, she would answer them seriously no matter what kind of questions, although the answers were sometimes strange, but unknowingly, Austin fell in love with her. This kind of peaceful daily life.

Perhaps Bai Ming is the only one in this world who can answer his innocent questions seriously and subjectively, without any hint of violation. One of the knight's virtues is honesty, but this knight who is not 039 pious039 in her heart has achieved it perfectly.

She sympathizes with the suffering people, she will lend a helping hand to the weak without hesitation, she is loyal to the king, she is brave, fearless, upright and kind. What those self-proclaimed noble knights failed to do was perfectly explained by a knight who thought he was 'impious039'. After spending almost a year with him day and night, Austin was so fascinated by every character of Bai Ming. He was the second son who was not favored by anyone, but unexpectedly ascended to the throne. Everyone treated him hypocritically, and no one really praised him from the bottom of their hearts.

The ancients often said that a soulmate is hard to meet and a soulmate is hard to find. Austin felt that what he needed was not a soulmate. He was once asked about the type of girl he liked, but he always couldn't answer because he didn't have an image of a woman he admired in his heart. Now, he can answered.

What he likes is a kind and dull girl who is willing to take the trouble to listen to his trivial remarks but answer seriously every time, who stays with her for a long time regardless of wind and rain, and who obviously does things perfectly but always feels that she is imperfect.

For the first time in his life, Austin had the feeling of wanting to grow old together with someone and see everything in the world until the end of the world. Looking at the blue sky that was not peaceful now, Austin was a little confused.

Can the two of them really make it to the end?

"Your Majesty, are you worried?" "Well, that's right." "You can try to speak out." Seeing Austin looking at the sky, Bai Ming, although she didn't know what was good about the sky, she also raised her head, and together Look at the sky.

"Although I may not understand it, someone told me that if you have troubles, just tell them and you will feel much better even if no one wants to listen." "Bai Ming" Austin looked at Bai Ming with relief. "These days, you seem to be more able to understand why feelings are there."

"Yes?" Bai Ming tilted his head. "Yes, I said that feelings are something you already have. You don't need to look for it. All you need to do is to clearly understand it." "Yes." Bai Ming nodded, seeming thoughtful. .

"Wow!" Not long after he finished speaking, the sky suddenly became covered with dark clouds and it began to rain heavily. "Ah, this is really unlucky." "It's some distance from the palace. Your Majesty, please wear this first." Before Austin could react, there was an extra piece of cloth on his face. "???" Austin took it away and his eyes widened for a moment.

The blond girl was wearing only an undershirt and was soaked in the rain. Her delicate collarbones and white shoulders were exposed, as well as her plump and moist peaches.

Not only that, the heavy rain soaked Bai Ming's hair and clothes, causing the clothes to stick to her body, highlighting her curvy figure.

Lean thoroughly. "You, what are you doing? Why did you take off your clothes all of a sudden?! Put your clothes on quickly!" Austin quickly turned his head away, trying to get rid of the scene he just saw from his mind as much as possible, but sniffing Despite the smell of white tea on his clothes, the alluring image lingered, like something that could make him drunk.


If you don't do this, Your Majesty, you will catch a cold.

"I'm the man, right? If you want to catch a cold, it should be you who catches it, right??"

"Your Majesty, with your body that has not undergone much training, I think you must have caught a cold after the two of us stood in the rain together for a day." Bai Ming said seriously.

"Are you still in a serious mood under such circumstances? Also, who would stand in the rain for a whole day?" "Yes," Bai Ming said seriously. "My mother used to throw me outside on rainy days to exercise my perseverance, so I won't catch a cold. Don't worry." "Are you really your mother's biological child?" Austin's mouth twitched. "Ah, you changed the subject. Go and take shelter from the rain!!" When they arrived at the nearest palace, both of them were drowned. "Ah, I didn't even have time to take shelter from the rain while I was talking to you."

"I'm sorry." "I told you it's okay, don't say sorry. I don't blame you." Austin looked at Bai Ming helplessly. "But now, I might really catch a cold.

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