Blood Princess and the Knight

A girl named Bai Ming 21

“According to the metrological officer’s report, heavy rainfall has occurred recently around the city of Cypriel, around the Aven Pass, and around the city of Le Brasau.

“In the recent past, there have been heavy rains throughout the Principality of Cypriel and the Principality of Lerbrasso, and not only that, the metrological officer found that it seems that not only

In the current area of ​​the empire, there is rain in other areas.” At the same time, heavy rainfall seemed to occur across the entire Barand continent, which was a very rare thing.

"After reporting the officer's speech before going to bed, Austin quickly pulled out a piece of paper.

"Your Majesty, the state affairs are heavy, so please take good care of yourself." Well, thank you very much. Have you found the source or reason?

"Sorry, not yet. We have deployed all available forces." Still no results?" Austin was lost in thought. In his opinion, there must be some connection between this abnormal Balande weather and the recent concealment of the Ancestral God Sect.


"Is there any news from the Ancestral God Sect now?"

"No, they seemed to have disappeared from the world. But Your Majesty, we found an interesting thing deep in the mountains of Lerbrazo City.

thing. ,


"It seems that there was once a small gathering place of the Ancestral God Cult. It seems that because we retreated too quickly, we found a book of Shang inside.

The notes that were not completely destroyed recorded that the ultimate goal of the Ancestral God Cult is to resurrect the true founder of Barand, the Ancestral God. "What is this Ancestral God?" Austin raised his eyebrows. There is no Ancestral God among the nine gods of creation.

"I don't know, but based on the image they painted and the temple totems we searched, it should be a monster similar to a human-like giant octopus.

do not.

"It should have a body like a human, but its head is like an octopus, with many tentacles. It is said that it is as high as the sky and as wide as the earth.

Between heaven and earth, like a walking god. "This is quite a boast. Looking at the heavy rain that was still falling outside the window, Austin couldn't help but worry. "Our sewers can withstand it.


"It is still within the tolerable range. The Imperial City's sewers have been repaired and transformed for thousands of years. The previous wars did not damage the sewer system.

This little rain is more than enough. "But continuing like this is not an option after all." Austin shook his head. "The Ancestral God Sect wants to resurrect the Ancestral God, and then after the resurrection, they

What do you want to do. "Nothing to do. According to doctrine, the Ancestral God is the real founder of Baland. He fell into a deep sleep for some reason. Now, as long as he wakes it up

This true creator, then Baland will usher in the true paradise.

"The Promised Land is really nonsense." Austin said quietly, looking at the pouring rain outside the window. “Vegetation and crops were drowned alive by heavy rains,

Bread becomes moldy, is this also called a paradise?

"Now, no matter where they go, I have a hunch that they are almost successful.

"This abnormal weather is proof that they are about to summon the monster named Ancestor God to Baland." Austin said solemnly.

"Now is the critical moment of life and death for the entire continent. All races on the continent should unite regardless of past grudges and work together to defeat these stubborn pagans.

The disciples and their evil gods were banished from this world. "

"I understand."

The metrologist exited the room, and Bai Ming came in, holding a bowl of ginger soup that was still radiating heat.

"Your Majesty, your cold will be much better if you drink this."

"No." Although he said that, smelling the smell, Austin thought of being bitten when he was naughty and accidentally fell into a pond and caught a cold.

The feeling and taste of drinking ginger soup, I definitely don’t want to experience it a second time.

"What's wrong with my hands that I hate the most is the ginger soup?" Austin asked strangely, looking at the gauze on Bai Ming's big finger.

"It's nothing. I got burned when I was making soup." Bai Ming said nonchalantly.

"You cooked this soup," Austin said in disbelief. "You know how to cook soup?" No, but you can learn now."

Looking at Bai Ming, Austin was a little moved.

"Bring it here, I'll drink it."

"Didn't you say you don't like the taste?

"Yes." Austin smiled at Bai Ming. "But you cooked it, so I like it."

"Looking at Austin's smile, Bai Ming didn't know why, but something in his heart seemed to be touched.

She was very curious about why she had such a novel reaction, but when she wanted to recall it, this feeling had disappeared.

"Really?" Bai Ming recalled what an experienced maid who had worked in the palace for many years asked Bai Ming to do in the kitchen. "Your Majesty doesn't like to drink ginger soup. If you want him to drink it, you must add something."

A piece of candy. "

"Okay." Bai Ming nodded without thinking and took out a sugar cube.

"It's not this kind of candy, Miss Bai Ming. Please help me cook this bowl of soup for Your Majesty."

"why me"

"Because you are the candy." The maid said mysteriously. "The soup we made is not good, but the soup you made is good, His Majesty will definitely know it."

for drink.

"Why?" Bai Ming couldn't figure out the difference between the soup he cooked and the soup cooked by the maid.

"You still haven't understood it yet? Forget it, just do it. If the emperor doesn't drink the soup you made, you can come to me.

So just like that, Bai Ming used his poor skills to

With limited cooking skills, under the guidance of the maid, I completed this bowl of soup, which is quite impressive.

My heart burned my fingers.

"Very well, I'll bandage it for you. You can bring it up later. You must let His Majesty see the bandage knot." The maid said again.

Bai Ming didn't understand.

Bai Ming couldn't figure it out and gave up thinking.

After she did it according to the method taught to her by the maid, Austin really drank it, even if the ginger soup stung her throat on the way

didn't care

Bai Ming said nothing, just looked at Austin quietly.

"The rain outside is getting heavier and heavier." After drinking the ginger soup, Austin lay on the bed and murmured while looking at the rain outside the window. "This rain is different from the usual rain. I always have a feeling that this rain will one day flood the imperial city and the world."

“At that time, all of us will have no escape and will be swallowed up by that huge black shadow.

After hearing this, Bai Ming remained silent. "Did you hear the conversation just now?"

Bai Ming nodded slightly. "Your Majesty, do you feel uneasy?" "You do feel uneasy, but just looking at the gloomy weather makes me feel bad."

"You said, if they really summoned the ancestor gods, what can we do?" Austin looked out the window blankly.

"Your Majesty, don't worry. If that day comes, I will resolve your Majesty's worries without hesitation." Bai Ming knelt down on one knee and begged. "At that time, I will not allow you to

I can continue to be by your side.

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