Blood Princess and the Knight

9~Penetrate! (Part 1)

"My dear, is this the culprit?" A huge shadow

Covering the entire mountain range, Horei had for the first time in weight

The feeling of being completely crushed.

"Mr. Huo Lei, you underestimate the foreign gods too much. This person in front of you

He is just a nobody under the command of the sinner. "Ni

Elder Mu smiled lightly.

"Huh? A nobody can grow up to be so big. Then what?

How big does God have to be?"

"Who knows, God's size and gender are not related to his body

As mortals, we can guess. Maybe you are following this person.

Maybe the noodles will be large.

"What a powerful enemy."

"We are not strong rivals, because in the eyes of the other party, we are not

They're not enemies, they're just a bunch of insects that can be crushed to pieces.

"My Lady Queen, please retreat quickly!"

The few remaining sub-cat guards have not forgotten their mission.

"Follow them and retreat together. This place is for us."

"I...I know" I know I can't help

In order not to become a burden to her subordinates, Xiao Sha could only follow her predecessors.

The two of them chose to avoid it together.

"Did you see it, the bow and the cross?" The wooden tenon carried the big

Qiāng, nuzzling one's mouth.

"I think you can see it if you don't have cataracts." Three

Delito held the cross sword tightly and looked up at the road standing in the sky.

The figure between the ground. "This is what the rumors say, destroying in one fell swoop

Gulan’s family of alien gods, the ghost sharks. "

"Destroyed the Quran? Interesting, can destroy the Quran?

Foreign objects, I would like to try and see how much they weigh. "Wood

Tenon grinned and jumped up and down holding a big gun.

“I didn’t expect that one day we would fight side by side.

ah. "Landritu smiled at Tina beside him.

"I hope Mr. Knight can show off the momentum of the city wall that day

Come. "Tina spoke concisely and to the point.

"Miss Tina, you won't still be holding a grudge, right?

Condensation!" A thick wall of ice formed in the air

It formed quickly, but it could not intercept the huge fist of the ghost shark.

head, but also slowed down the swing speed to a certain extent, allowing

Delito and others had room to dodge.

"Huh, it's really dangerous."

"After the war begins, too much talk will lead to mistakes." Tina said coldly

reminded, already holding three finger-sized ones in his hand

Ice pick, thrown out, the finger-sized ice pick instantly transformed into

It became a huge ice spear.

The ice pick pricked the ghost shark's skin, and the latter seemed to

I didn't feel anything at all, so I just slapped it away without caring.

Got it

"As you can see, conventional tactics were used against this large shark.

doesn't work. "Speaking like this, Tina continued to explain

Release small ice particles and small ice spears for meaningless attacks.

"Tenon, please.

"Wrap it around me." The wooden tenon spun several times in the air

There was a long qiāng, and the qiāng blade was burning with fire.

Catastrophe level ghost burning qiāng claw]

The burning red and purple qiāng blade extended a red streak.

The purple sharp rays are cracked from the ghost shark's skin, so it's natural

Didn't leave any traces.

"This guy's skin is very thick." Did you see the test?

Success, Wooden Tenon did not retreat but advanced, choosing to get closer to the ghost shark

distance, facing this statue larger than myself without fear

Countless unknown monsters rushed over.

"Useless people." Seeing this scene, the high priest shook his head.

He shook his bird-faced head. "Below the golden divine vein, yes

Ghost Shark doesn't make any sense, so don't bother.

"How will you know if you don't try?" Mu Tenon ran quickly with his gun in hand.

road. "Life is about infinite possibilities

The Qiāng of Despair Stage Destruction

[Disaster level sharp blade blast]

Mu Dou continued to attack, and the long spear in his hand turned into a

An invisible shadow is like a tiny raindrop

In this way, falling on the ghost shark did not even stir up the slightest

The dàng is rippling.

"Wow hahaha! Exciting! What's wrong with this kind of scene?

How can you do without me?" Seeing a fierce fight,

In the face, Huo Lei was eager to get ready. "There are still vampires

Everyone in Gulan, I’m here to help you!”

However, Sir Leader, this monster is too powerful.

It's so big that we can't even start

"You're so scared! If you are timid, just answer it yourself

Go ahead, the flood will rise sooner or later anyway, if you don't fight

If you want to fight, then just wait to die!" After saying that, Huo Lei pulled out the root.

The big withered tree trunk moved towards the unreachable giant

The thing rushed over.

Timon Landrito is responsible for the offense, while Tiananim

Take full responsibility for defense

The crisis came too suddenly, so

As for everyone

Without a chance to react, they entered into a unanimous external battle.

fighting state.

Because the two sides were old rivals, they had no feelings for each other.

They have a deep understanding and their cooperation is surprisingly tacit.


[Disaster level ice spear penetration]

Calamity Level Storm Sword]

The blood source of the divine vein bursts

All kinds of curses are coming, no money required

Hitting the body of the ghost shark is like hitting a real bubble.

Dispersed like foam.

"What a great reward for confusing behavior." The bird-faced man shook his head.

Head, the next moment, sensing the danger omen, he hurriedly

When he lowered his head, a huge tree trunk rubbed his mask

flew over.

"Hey, it's not off the mark at all, damn it." Huo Lei

He said with a sigh of regret, then continued to pull out the tree trunk and pawed at the ghost shark.

Throw away the bird-faced man in your heart.

"Kill you first, this big guy won't be able to do this

So difficult to deal with?

"Boring tactics." The bird-faced man sat down on the ghost shark

commanded on his head. "Ghost Shark, destroy them.

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