Blood Princess and the Knight

9~Penetrate! (Part 2)

The ghost shark, which obeyed the bird-faced man, spread its huge penis

A big mouth with fangs and a bright red tongue like uneven bumps

The soil, flooded black water flowed out of the soil, flooding and


[The giant vine with divine veins is packed with roots]

Nim tapped the staff with his fingertips to draw out the

A ray of light blends into the mud, and a towering tree with lush branches

The tree rose instantly.

Blackwater moves as easily as a giant spear

It penetrated the huge tree, and then was cut by several times one after another.

Fan huge ice shield to block, the impact and power are here

It was greatly reduced during the process, and it still caused damage when it hit the ground.

The huge mountain shook.

"Tsk tsk!" The shaking of the ground made the attempt continue.

The people who fought back had to stop and adjust their balance.

Heng Heng, at the same time, also made them aware of a problem.

This monster is almost as big as a mountain

If the idea of ​​destroying this mountain arises, they will

No one can escape, they all have to sink into the sea to feed the fish.

Fight quickly!" Mu Ju waved his long gun and used

His best and most deadly weapon.

【Golden Divine Vein dúfalconqiāng

The long gun drags a purple light tail, like a stroke

The thunderous thunder across the sky pierced into the body of the ghost shark, and

Different from previous attacks, this attack took effect.

The ghost shark's skin turns an abnormal purple-black color

It's like being hit by some kind of drug.

"Quick victory? Haha, kid, you are very thoughtful.

Dharma. "Hearing Mu Ju's remarks, Bird Sacrifice laughed.


"Bird-faced man, you'd better take care of your big shark.

The condition of the fish. "Mu Ju showed a successful smile."

Once it is hit by my falcon's gun, until it dies,

Dusu will not be lifted in any way!"

"It doesn't have to be so complicated, you are so insignificant.

Su, I'm afraid that before the ghost shark bursts into death, you will

Let it go in one step. "The bird-faced man said nonchalantly.

"My little friend, you underestimate the tenacity of foreign objects.

If it's a degree, the damage caused by this poison to the ghost shark is still...

Self-regeneration that does not occur at any time comes quickly. "

"Tsk...Tenon seems to be very unwilling to tut."

He continued to use various magic spells on the ghost shark.

Behind, Tina and Nim’s spellcasting did not stop.

Come, help the wooden tenon approaching the ghost shark to provide various protections.

Along the way, trees, vines and ice sculptures kept obstructing them.

The attack of the ghost shark, coupled with Landrito's frequent attacks

Damn it, Ghost Shark won't be able to deal with these pairs of enemies in a while.

To him, it can only be regarded as a bunch of ants.

"What a bunch of random ants." Bird Face

The man raised his hand slightly. "Deal with them

The ghost shark has a pair of ferocious eyes without pupils and eyelids.

And covered with bloodshot eyes, a black sphere slowly rose,

Then the blast split into countless pieces of pulp and flew down.

"Oops!" Tina had no choice but to increase the size of her ice body

Mass output, creating a row of thick ice blocking the sky


"Boom boom boom!!" The extremely corrosive liquid followed.

The ice shield cracked the moment it hit the seal, and the ice shield quickly disappeared.

Melting and dissolving, I just blocked the first wave of attacks and couldn't bear it.


"Ah ah ah! Get out of the way and watch my recovery.

Punch!" At the critical moment, Huo Lei jumped out."

The punch hit the ice shield that was about to collapse, and in an instant, everything

The broken ice shield has been repaired.

"What?..." The bird-faced man was slightly startled. "This is

What trick?

The ice shield was broken and repaired at the same time, gradually taking shape.

It has become a dynamic balance, and the syrup falling from the sky can't do anything to it.

Everyone, the ice shield can only regenerate in time.

After the bombardment, the top of the mountain range was a mess.

"Ahem... Are you okay at home?" Overuse of sleep

After waking up, Huo Lei, who was about to run out of magic eyes, was exhausted.

Don’t forget to check on your companions.

Due to excessive use of Bing'e, Tina's body froze

A thin layer of ice made her faint briefly, and she was nudged

With the help of Mu, the other companions were in pretty good condition, but

It was a slight injury.

"There is no way, the wounded have appeared, retreat

Bar. "Horey gasped.

Retreat? No, no, not at all. It should have been bad

In such a situation, Mu Ju laughed.

"What? What does this mean?..."

"The crossbow has been fought for so long and so many demons have been released.

Is the absorption of the curse completed?" Mu Ju shouted towards Landrito.


"Half saturated, well, it can only be considered half saturated." Rand

Li Tuo took out a pair of glasses from behind with an expressionless expression.

It took the form of an arrow with green feathers.

"Do you have a bow? Any bow will do. Lend it to me."

I know what Landretto is up to.

Nim used magic spells to cut out a vine bow on the spot.

Thank you. Landry stopped being pretentious and took over.

Afterwards, the arrows were attached to the bow.

"Although I hold a sword, what I am best at is indeed

Where's the bow? Landrito aimed at the ghost shark, and the corners of his mouth showed

A confident smile.


Awakening Spell: Destroy the Starry Sky]

"Boom boom boom!!" A green meteor streaked across

passed, staining the sky, and in an instant, the ghost shark's belly was penetrated

There was a big hole through.


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