Blood Princess and the Knight

10~ Under Brewing (Part 1)


The sound, this huge ocean monster is screaming and violent

It gradually submerged into the deep black water while shaking and trembling.

"It's not over yet." Wooden Tenon raised the long gun and threw it


Awakening: Piercing Thousand Demons Qiāng]

The gun thrown by the wooden tenon was divided into two parts.

It is four, and four parts are divided into eight, and the more they are divided, the more they are divided, and finally it becomes

A dizzying burst of rain

"Kakaka" means nothing but teeth to the ghost shark.

Long spears as big as a stick were drilled into every piece of its skin.


The awakening spell of the Qiāng Cross Family can deal with the

Seriously injure the enemy and cause heavy damage. This last hit, this life

The tenacious alien monster has no chance of standing up again.

Boom boom boom

The huge body of the ghost shark fell into the black

In the deep sea, together with the bird-faced man on it.

"Is this the legendary ghost shark that destroyed Gulan? But

That's it. "The wooden tenon carrying the gun said disdainfully. "Subordinates

If they are all at this level, the so-called culprit

That's about it. "

"To put it bluntly, it is true that we mobilized troops too much.

Okay, as long as we unite a little bit, the outside world

Living things pose no threat at all. "Mu Ju turned around and said, welcoming

But everyone was silent for a while.

"what happened

None of them spoke...

"Run!" Landri stepped forward and grabbed the wooden tenon.

Then he ran back, and the others didn't waste any time. It seemed that they had already

Be prepared to run away.

"In the end what happened…

"Boom!" The mountain shook and was struck by something.

Xi stumbled, and the wooden tenon fell upside down. See clearly

He knew the scene behind him.

Heavy rain fell suddenly, and a black ocean emerged

A giant shadow, bigger than the previous ghost shark, its fleshy eyes completely caught

Endless quantity to catch

"What on earth is this?" No time to care about the bird-faced man

How many ghost sharks had been brought? Mu Ju stood up and chased

He was busy running away with the large army, and the land behind him was bombarded.

zhà, the fire followed them all the way from the wasteland to the trees


"Quick! Evacuate the people. Alien species are attacking. Everyone needs to evacuate."

Retreat to the mountains!" Horatii returned to his tent.

Cunjian shouted loudly to evacuate the crowd.

The survivors in the camp put down what they were doing

We didn't even have time to carry food or fresh water, so we drove in a hurry

Start to retreat.

They have survived many catastrophes and become successful.

The beginning of panicking for fear of falling behind

Retreat toward the mountain.

"Organize order and retreat in batches, don't panic

Be careful of the people next to you!" Seeing this, Landrito shouted loudly

He said, huddled together in a chaotic manner will only reduce the efficiency of the retreat.

to the lowest. "Soldier, go and help organize order.

"Monster, monster has landed!" I don't know.

Who shouted that and restored some order?

The team became more chaotic

Standing on the rocks, with a good view, Landry

Tuo saw not far away, climbing up the cliff one after another

Sea monsters on land, they have fish-like heads and no

Eyes with eyelids are covered with scales, but they remain

human form.

They found the noisy crowd.

A sharp arrow penetrated the first person who climbed up the mountain

The fish-headed monster on the cliff.

"Mu Ju, you hurry up and find the princess to protect her.

She goes into the mountains. "Landrito calmly took out the second

An arrow.

"I know it without you saying it, so hurry up and hurry up.

Come on!" was washed away by the torrent of people, and Mu Dou had to avoid people.

The crowd looked around for Ji Yue's figure.

Landretto shouldered the shield that was covering the retreat of the masses.

heavy responsibility.

The bow and arrows in his hand are just ordinary

It is no longer an ordinary ordinary product, and it is not justified to say that it is crudely made.

However, using this weapon to deal with tenacious alien species

Obviously unable to do what he wants.

However, all monsters cannot survive until his second

The bowstring was plucked, and the sharp arrows pierced the monster accurately.

eyes of animals, destroy their brains, even though they are living things

No matter how tenacious a creature is, it can only behave obediently after one arrow.

Lying on the ground waiting to die.

However, facing a large number of monsters, only

Landrito, who only had a bow, was gradually stretched.

"The entrenched tree roots, together with the shell of Gaia...are born.


Huge birch trees grew from the ground and knocked down nearby people.

Many fish-headed monsters.


Sir, I'm here to help you.

Nim holding a cane started singing

"Thank you, Mr. Elder. By the way, have you seen me?

Lady of the house?"

"No, as for Miss Ji Yue, she probably followed

My queen must have retreated together. I don’t even know about her.

Where have the two of you gone? "Nim shook his head. "No.

With Mr. Gordon following me, there should be no problem. It hurts.

As for the members, Miss Tina was taken along by other elders.

"Huhu..." On the other side, before the war started,

The few people who evacuated chose another route.

"Why is this mountain so big?" running through the jungle

Yana complained. "I feel like we're back to that

the previous position. "

"Really, the black rain is getting heavier and heavier, and there's nothing we can do about it.

I flew up to check the general outline of this mountain range, and there was no trace of it at all.

Find a way to join them, Mr. Gordon, you have a way


"I probably know their specific location."

Gordon, who was planning to cast a spell, looked not far away and pointed.

A thick plume of smoke rose above it.

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