Blood Princess and the Knight

10~Under Brewing (Part 2)

“Do they dare to light a fire at this time?…

Yes, with this momentum, the forest is on fire. "As if to make the whole

The thick smoke shrouding the forest made Yana frown slightly.

"Foreign objects have set fire to the mountain." Gordon clenched his hand.

in the wand. "That location was the former village camp.


"Do you want to go over to find them?" Xiaosha was worried.

They have probably evacuated the people. The mountain is

There are so many, we don’t know which direction they are running in

of. Gordon sighed softly. "Take care of ourselves first."


"Sooner or later the fire will spread to the entire mountain. We

We need to build a fire break before then to stop the wildfires from continuing.

Spread, what does Mr. Gordon think?"

"So far, this is the only way." Gordon

Agreeing to Yana's proposal, the four-person team headed towards the mountain

Rapidly advance into the depths.

"Miss Jiyue, it's time for us to hurry up." The obedient

Xiao Sha, who was following the two people in front, suddenly felt that the team was missing.

When I turned around, I happened to see Ji Yue holding the

Something is amazing.

"Miss Jiyue?" Xiao Sha walked up confusedly.

What’s wrong with you?"

"It's okay... Ji Yue put away the hourglass in her hand

Come and keep up with the pace of a few people.

"Um, Your Excellency Yana?

"Huh? What's the matter? If it's something like "Can you go?

Don't tell me about going to the toilet or anything like that. Hurry up.

Road, we don't have much time. "Yana didn't even look back.

the way

She...your sister, where is she now? I said no.

Maybe she can be saved. "

"Save her? Puff... these words came out of your mouth

Why are you so awkward?" Yana almost stopped laughing when she heard this.

come out. "You'd better save yourself first, you've already

I can't protect myself. "

"I am not kidding

"I'm telling the truth, you are still in the mood to say this now

In other words, do you think the current situation is not dangerous enough? "elegant

Na glanced at Ji Yue. "Stop talking nonsense and hurry up

Lu, if you want to die, please forgive me for not accompanying you. Yana still

I have to wait for someone.

"Strange." Nim looked at the burning wooden houses and said,

I can't figure it out. "Why are these fishmen ordered to set fire?

Woolen cloth

"What's weird?" Landretto asked. "perhaps

They want to drive us to a desperate situation by burning mountains. "

"You don't have to spend so much money to drive us into despair.

Zhou Zhang directly asked the ghost shark to uproot this mountain range.

We have no way to survive, so why should we resort to the efficiency of burning mountains?

In a low way?" Nim said.

"It's like deliberately stalling for us.

same time. "

"Look, these fishmen will burn the house down when they see it and even run away.

They didn’t care about the refugees who were running away, as if they were deliberately trying to push us towards

Rush into the mountains.

"Could it be that the bird-faced man thinks that we

There was still value, so we didn’t take the method of killing them all.

Style?" Landry Takuchi, who was not good at thinking about this, simply gave up.

Thinking hard and making poor guesses.

"I don't know." Nim looked at the sky with a sad face.

Kong, he couldn't guess the purpose of the bird-faced man, but he knew

The other party's purpose must not be simple. From what the bird-faced man told Bai Bai,

Ji Zhizhihei's relevant knowledge, and he was able to lure her forward step by step.

You can tell by the extreme blackness of Fang.

His purpose was simply to exclude Bai Ji

Is it an unstable factor? Anyone who thinks so must be stupid.

Stupid, how can Bai Ji, who does not have the ability to devour, fight with gods?

It is completely unnecessary for the enemy to guide him into the ultimate darkness.


His purpose is probably to use Bai Ji as a

Use it as a bargaining chip to accomplish something.

Doesn't it sound like he had no intention of doing it from the beginning?

What about killing them?

Nim feels that he is getting closer to the truth, but

It seems like something is wrong again

"Your Majesty Elder, it's time to evacuate. The fire will soon spread."

It’s spreading to us!”

After being stopped, Nim had to give up thinking and talk to the queen.

Landrito evacuated to the depths together.

"Hurry! The fire waits for no one." Another line

People, Yana shouted to the two people behind her who had not caught up for a long time.

road. "Little Gulan, don't be in a daze! It's true

This is the first time I see people who are not actively trying to escape. "

"Yana, Miss Yana..." Xiaosha touched her knees and gasped

Rough. "I can't run anymore, I'm really, really tired.

Got it

"Your Highness Sha, you really should strengthen your training.

Practicing, Milo...: Ah, I almost forgot that Milo took care of Ti.

Na went. "It seems there is nothing to do.

Can't keep up with the progress of the team

Shayana turned her attention to Gordon.

"Mr. Gordon, do you still have any energy left?"

"Yes, yes, but men and women don't have sex." Gordon


"What do you care about at this time, whether you give or take a kiss or not? Anyway,

You are half a woman, hurry up and carry Xiaosha on your back

"Half, what does half a woman mean?!" Gordon


"Sister Huang said, some men are biologically male.

She is a human being, but her heart is that of a woman. In this case, it barely counts

Half of it. "

"What half? What did Bai Ji instill in you?

Irresponsible thoughts?!"

"You guys seem to be having a great time chatting." A voice said hoarsely

The sound interrupted the communication of several people, and the jungle ahead

The gloomy bird mask appeared.

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