"Do you want to compete with the devouring power?" Bai Ji raised the corner of her mouth slightly,

Thirteen multi-eyed dragons loom behind themselves, standing

Between heaven and earth, it seems to cover the sky.

"That's the Greedy Devourer?" The one familiar to Yana

The difference is that the appearance of the Thirteen Devourers has changed a lot.

The pure white color seems to be covered with a layer of dark silver armor.

The scales on the body are shining brightly, and the curved horns on the head become longer.

It grew a lot, and the small orange eyes turned into four pairs.

There is no doubt that they ushered in a qualitative change in the ultimate blackness.

Change and sublimation.

Facing the rapidly rotating whirlpool gears, thirteen tilts

The swallower showed no sign of weakness and showed his mouth full of salivation.

Applying scarlet red, they gather and fight with each other in that reverse airflow.

"Hehehe...are you scared?" The red monster

The object laughed, using that face without facial features.

"I can feel your body shaking, along with your

A trembling and frightened heart. "

"Give up your resistance. This Seal of Chaos is the ancestor of the great god."

A masterpiece transformed by human beings, even if you possess divine nature,

It’s also unattainable!” The red monster seemed to be trying to seal the

To prove his statement, the power exerted by the Seal of Chaos is increasing

The bigger.

Bai Ji glanced at the thirteen behemoths behind her

They have the upper hand in the competition with the Seal of Chaos, although she

He did not try his best, but the whirlpool of the red monster swallowed

The power is constantly getting stronger and stronger. If you really want to do what the red monster does,

As said, the devouring power of this mark can be infinite

If so, it may be just a matter of time before he eats himself

Of course, this is just a theory.

"The devouring ability of the mark is endless, praise

Master Meizu God's command, hahahaha!" Caught in the wind

With the crazy laughter of the red monster, the indestructible mountain

The mountains fell apart, and the deep-rooted giant trees were uprooted

Starting from chaos, as its name suggests, everything will happen

He was dragged into bottomless chaos.

"It's so noisy." Bai Ji impatiently thrust the sword into the

In the whirlpool, it was constantly being stirred and poked like a wooden stick.

The absorption of the mark suddenly stopped, and the red monster

Wu was startled, and then he saw clearly the stick of lacquer in Bai Ji's hand.

After using the black stick, it was almost blurry

Qing's eloquent grin

"So, it's like this...!" The red monster stretched out

His hand was about to grab Poliang's sword, but he was blocked by someone leaning behind him.

The Devourers bit the head first

"How, is it possible?!" The red monster was unwilling to accept

roared, and Bai Ji, who had already expected this situation, herself

However, I won't wait for it to finish its last words.

The Devourer threw it into the air and swallowed it whole,

It's as easy as a frog swallowing a grasshopper.

The steep rock wall stopped shaking, and the people on top of the mountain

The trees stopped swaying, as if for just this moment,

The world has returned to peace.

And below, several people who suffered due to the fight between gods also

I finally got some relief.

After devouring the high priest, Bai Ji showed no signs of

Pause, jump into the air, and look down from the top of the swallower's head

Throughout the mountains and islands, countless red cards gathered together to form

An exquisite red crystal shirt, and one of the cards in the hand

It turned into the book code that she held in her hand and read.

"The shadow of Ratsambo, liquidate the head of Guizhou, liquidate the

King, liquidate the hundred ghosts, liquidate the gods, liquidate foreign lands, liquidate the world. "

Divine Spell: Rasambo Blood Scourge

"Landretto, how is the situation??

"Tenon? Didn't you go find His Majesty? Why?

Are you back? Where is your Majesty? "

2.…If I found it, I would be left empty-handed.

Come back?" Mu Ju irritably punched the tree trunk next to him.

"Speaking of which, why did you retreat here?

"This mountain range has been surrounded by ghost sharks, climb up

The murlocs are setting fire to the forest, to escape the fire, I

The only option is to go up the mountain. "

"When the fire comes, you must be sure that you are not sending fire by walking to higher ground."


"What can I do? Burn the fishmen like carpets

The mountainside is now bare. "

Landrito spread his hands helplessly.

"But even so, there are times when there is no way to retreat.

Wait. "Looking at the expressions of the soldiers maintaining order,

Frightened people rushed to the mountains to escape.

The most critical moment has come, perhaps only here

Only then can Balande's creatures completely disregard race.

With ideological prejudice and the same hatred and hatred, they merged into FAW

Soldiers of different races are fulfilling their duty as soldiers

To protect the people from retreating, people of different races are in the same boat

Help each other, make progress together


Whether they are Asian cat people or troll tribesmen,

Or the surviving vampires and Gulan people, at this time

United together, putting aside the grudges and partialities of the past

See each other and support each other.

I don’t know why, Landry looked at this scene

Takumi was stunned.

"Landri, what are you doing? Why are you so stunned?

Don’t you see, now is the time to be in a daze?” Mu Ju’s voice

Awakening Landry Tuo Yuanfei's thoughts.

"Hurry up, maybe the princess and the others will be there now

They are taking refuge in the mountains. We have to find them quickly.

Landrito heard this and was about to make a move when an ice spear came out

It stabbed towards him. After being stunned, he slowly turned around

I turned around and saw the ice spear pierced on the tree trunk.


"Is there no fighting in your knightly code?

Isn't it a rule that you are not allowed to be stunned when you are in trouble?" said a cold voice

The voice came with a sarcastic tone. Tina was leaning on a cane and was facing him.

Cast a cold gaze.

"Thank you Miss Tina for your help." Landry

Tuo raised his bow and arrow and took care of the few who came after him.

After the fishman passed by, he followed Tina's pace.

"Instead of thanking you, you'd better have some snacks. You are now

The strength shown is the same as that of the one who blasted through the city wall with one arrow.

The time doesn't match. "Tina's words are full of thorns, Rand

Li Tuo didn't care.

He came to Tina.

"Miss Tina is injured?" I saw Tina holding a cane.

No matter what, Landrito said without hesitation.

"Huh? You should care about yourself first before me

Bar. Tina sarcastically leaned on her crutches. "Am I hurt?

You don't need to worry about it. Someone will come and pick me up later.

Go, if you continue to waste time here with me, go

Just wait for bad luck. "

excuse me.

Rito throws away his longbow

Without saying a word, he leaned down and took Tina's knees, pulling her

Hug him.

"You, what are you doing?! Put me down, shameless

The stinky gangster!

Holding her in his arms, Landrito didn't feel the girl

Unique róuruǎn body, but a burst of coldness

Like a stone with uneven and rough surfaces


"Your legs are frozen." Landrito frowned slightly.


"You don't need to worry about it. Someone will come to pick me up later.

put me down

"I'm sorry, but I obey." Holding Tina, Landry couldn't help but

Gu Yana beat her chest and followed the queue.

And at this moment, everyone felt it

With the slightest hint of disobedience, they raised their heads in unison.

Everyone noticed.

For the first time since the catastrophe, the continuous torrential rains have stopped

After resting, the billowing black clouds opened a big hole, deep and complex

The complicated blood prints of miscellaneous strokes cover the sky above the mountains.

"What is that?... The vision of heaven and earth caused everyone to

Human curiosity.

"Boom boom boom

carving, mountain collapse, mountain

The pulse is divided into two, right from the end of the line.

Landrito, who was unable to stand still, almost fell to the ground.

On the ground, when Tina was about to fall into the crack, Landry stretched out

He held it firmly with his hand, but the mountain was moving at a rapid speed

The speed of collapse caused the entire mountain's soil to become unstable.

Fixed matter, constantly vibrating.

Landrito couldn't control his balance and was going to die for a while.

Find a way to drag Yana up.

"Bow Cross!" Seeing this, Mu Dou wanted to come over and help.

I happened to see a few of them falling down because they couldn't keep up with the team.

The Asian cat child is in danger between the cracks of the mountain.

I have to go to the rescue

"Bow and cross, hold on!"

"You, don't worry about it...! It's caused by Bing'e

Tina was in extreme pain, her whole body was stiff, and her throat was frozen

The crumbs are clogged, and every vibration of the vocal cords is filled with heartbreak

Lung pain.

"Hold on tight... Uh, you don't seem to be able to move now.

Pointing fingers. "Just when Landrito complained subconsciously,

At this time, the violently shaking cliff finally made him lose his mind.


"Bow and cross!" There was a small Asian cat on the left and right.

The child's wooden tenons had no time to help, and at the critical moment,

A red phantom flies through the air, like a dragon touching water

Like a dragonfly, it flew between the gaps and caught the two people who were falling rapidly.


"Ouch!" Landrito felt his head hit.

On a very harsh rock, after landing,

Consciousness holds the head. "Sisisi...my head, this

What the hell is so hard? "

"You, get up." It's so depressing

the sound of death

Came from below.

"Ah? Oh, I'm sorry." Then he realized that he

Landry seems to be sitting on another girl's body

He quickly stood up and helped the latter up.

"I'm so sorry, are you okay?

Your etiquette instructor never taught you this, so I apologize.

You shouldn’t look at someone with a rude look,

Have you ever glanced at someone else's breasts? "Tina complained as she reluctantly got up.

"Sorry." Landretto looked away, but in his heart

The muttering began.

Tina, Yana, and Bai Ji...look like vampires

Bloodlines are quite economical on fabric.

"Are you thinking about something strange?" Tina

He narrowed his eyes.

How can there be...and the unexpected intuition is very accurate.

Fortunately, Tina didn't seem to care about him.

You can tell from the slightly upturned corners of his mouth.

"Speaking of which, who saved us just now?

"Who knows? What do you think?" Tina seemed to be in a very depressed mood.

Well, even started a joke with Landrito.

"How could I guess?...You are in a sudden mood

Has it gotten better?" Landrito noticed that at this moment,

Fang's expression looked completely different from before.

The moment was like turning the page in a book.

In a good mood? No. "Tina shook her head

He smiled and said nothing and did not discuss this topic much.

Ah, these are obviously not the focus at this time.

Ah, hurry up the mountain before you fall into a hole again later

"No need." Tina refused, looking at the sky meaning

The profound way. "There's no need to go up the mountain anymore, the war will be over soon

It's about to end.

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