"What the hell happened?!" happened

The vision went beyond everyone’s imagination and common sense, so much so that

They forgot their instinct to flee for survival, and they all came together in unison

They all looked towards the clearing sky.

The dense black mist was marked by a curse that seemed to be drawn with blood.

A hole was suddenly opened, and the long-lost sunshine returned to the earth.

The scope of the curse seal is still expanding, and the dark clouds are like

All the fire ants disappeared after seeing the water.

"This is a miracle, a real miracle." Yang

The light fell on the moldy faces, as if the survivors

They saw the glimmer of hope and knelt down like pilgrims

Next, they sent praises and songs to their gods.

"Thanks to the True Ancestor, Emperor Cypriel never abandoned him

As a people, everything is a test for us.

experience, and the merciful will not lay down anything we cannot overcome

Difficulties. "

"Praise to Ratsambo, your kindness spreads far and wide"

thank you for your salvation

The light of hope shines on the faces of the people, and they look forward to

As their respective gods devoutly offered their gratitude, they secretly

There were people everywhere who ridiculed their behavior.

It's like peering into the darkness through a crystal ball

The robed man wears a silver pointed-beaked bird face.


The bloody curse seal expanded until it covered the mountain range and its surroundings

The area surrounding the sea naturally also covers the area surrounding the mountains.

The ghost sharks also raised their heads and looked strangely

The sky is filled with blood streaks and complex curse seals.

Several circular scarlet spells surround them

Wrapped, depriving the ghost sharks of their ability to move, they cannot

Move even a little bit, as if it's not the top of their heads that's imprisoning them

The blood seal, but the power of a world.

Along with a pulling force, the gray-black substance emerged from the ghost shark

came out of the body, as if being raped by an invisible big hand

Pulled out

These are their lives

The essence is stored in the deepest part of the body, only they still exist

Now, no matter what, the ghost shark will not be threatened by life.


The gray and black essence was wiped out under the pull of the spell

Submerged in the blood seal, the ghost sharks are struggling, wailing, and

As for the Black Sea, the waves are everywhere and the waves are violent.

Just like a fish that landed on the beach, unable to breathe, only

Can keep swinging the body and struggling to get the last bit of comfort

The vitality of footpath, Daozu Yuròu, of course can only

Feeling increasingly powerless in suffocation and despair.

The essence was forcibly extracted from his body, just like ordinary people

The blood of the seed is equally precious, along with the vitality

Finally, the ghost sharks' bodies like mountains seemed to have turned into

The empty shell fell towards the ocean.

As the huge body fell, the ocean stirred up

The uproar stirred up a violent tsunami, almost drowning

the entire top of the mountain.

"This...what happened?" I was almost

Landrito was stunned as the waves rolled up by the tsunami washed down the mountain.

Looking at the remaining waves of the waves.

All ghost sharks are wiped out? Are they all wiped out now??

Who triggered such a powerful spell? No, this has

It cannot be summed up in strong terms. This is not a case at all.

The world is not a one-dimensional force.

"Your Excellency Landrito." I was called by a voice.

Wake up, Landrito's face is blank

"My Lady, I finally found you. Are you okay?"


"Don't worry." Although Ji Yue was talking to Landry

Tuo talks, but his eyes always look up at the sky

"My Lady, you know that the mass in the sky is beyond us.

What is the incantation to understand the category?" Seeing Ji Yue

And Landrito is safe and sound, the wooden tenon is slightly loosened

Ji Yue just shook her head complicatedly and said nothing more.


"That's God." The injured Tina answered on her behalf.

Asked this question, her slightly meaningful smile swept across the audience.

of all people. “What is shown is naturally a miracle.

"Gods? The Nine Gods are back?" Mu Ju hesitated.

"No, it has nothing to do with the Nine Gods. Man can conquer heaven. Only

Only by yourself can you save yourself, not by praying for help

Believe in illusory gods, and those who create history are often insubstantial

The heroes you fear are not the mirror-like miracles. "see

Staring at the horizon, Tina's face was like the long-lost sunshine.

Like this, showing a heartfelt smile.

"Mr. Delan, are you okay?

"Hey, thank you so much for your help, Your Majesty Yana. Hey, old

Yue is not forgiving, the veteran's skills are indeed not good enough

Well, when I was young, it took several people to surround

I jumped up the banana tree I was holding. "In Yana's

With support, Delan was beating on crutches while



"Father, be careful." He also supported Delan.

The girl whispered, as one of the few blood spirit families

As a survivor, Melvi barely managed to survive the catastrophe.

Bloodline, although there are only a few scattered distant relatives left in the family

And a direct daughter is better than those who have a full family

An extinct family.

"Please, Your Majesty Yana, please worry about my old bones.

Yes, it’s really not necessary. "Looking at the scars after the waves,

De Lan sighed. "The longer you live, the more you witness

The more there are, the more emotions become out of control.

"The blood spirit has no life limit, but it has a long lifespan.

Sorry, I didn’t believe this before. I’ll see you soon.

I have passed the certification, but I still feel like I have nothing in this life.

It's worth remembering. "

"Since there is prosperity, there must be decline. On the contrary,

, after the decline will inevitably usher in new prosperity

Sheng. "Yana slapped the old man of the blood race who worked hard

back, looking at the sky that is blooming again. "Mr. Derain

I have witnessed so much, I don’t mind witnessing a flourishing


"Prosperity again? Your Majesty Yana"

"Don't call me Your Majesty." Yana smiled lightly.

"The real master has returned. If you continue to call me Your Majesty, just

Not suitable anymore.

"The real master?...His Majesty Ji is back??

As soon as Delan finished speaking, the mountain shook and the mountain was submerged.

The waist-deep seawater spirals up against the principle of gravity, and the sky

The blood seal will not reject anyone who comes, just like the mouth of a bottomless well.

"Dirty the water?" Looking at the trend, you can see it with your eyes.

The water level dropped and everyone was shocked.

Moving mountains and filling seas, burning the sky and cooking the earth, the girl in the sky is right

Taking it at your fingertips is like moving a tea cup to a special place

Setting the location is just as easy.

"A miracle, this is a real miracle." Rassam

Believers of Bo put their hands together and prayed devoutly. "Your Majesty the Queen

Returning from the underworld, Ratsambo never abandoned us. "

"Is it her? Ah, although she is a little unwilling to do so, her heart

It would not be surprising if she could do it.

feeling. "Looking at the reappearance of the sun disk, Mu Ju sighed softly.

road. "It's a miracle

"No, this is not a miracle." Landrito put his hands on his hands

On both sides of the long sword, look up slightly. "Barland is always overturning

The edge of destruction and rebirth is wavering. Although it has fallen into despair several times,

Despite the circumstances, heroes can always be shaped at this moment. "

"Just like the former Paladin Bai Ming, she also

It will become a good story and legend.

"Really, haha, speaking of it, she seems to be like Bai Ming

There is also some connection, maybe she is the Paladin

The reincarnation of a scholar. "Mulun said jokingly

"No." Ji Yue denied Mu Ju's guess and shook her head.

Head said. "She is she, Bai Ming is Bai Ming, please don't

Confused. "

"Me too, I won't get confused anymore." Ji Yue murmured

murmured to himself.

The color of the blood mark became lighter, then gradually disappeared, and then

But the sunlight peeking out like the moon through the clouds pierced the haze

The mainland has seen the light of day again. Looking around, there is only this mountain peak

Bathed in the long-lost sunshine.

Rotting and dead vegetation seems to be reborn.

The history of the continent begins over and over again, with destruction and rebirth happening at the same time.

The same thing goes over and over again, the so-called success is the best, stick to it until the end

At this moment, the light will fall on everyone's shoulders.

"It's dusk."

"Yeah, it's already evening, the sun should go down

It's gone...it will still rise tomorrow

Under the eyes of everyone, Bai Ji, who was stepping on the clouds, slowly descended.

She fell and walked towards the person waiting for her.

Sister, welcome home. "Yana smiled sweetly

Smiling, holding the tattered bird in his hand

shaped shell

Bai Ji Er engraved on it

The words are no longer distinguishable.

Even so, she still keeps him with me and never leaves

body, it’s hard to imagine what happened to her


No matter what happens, the person standing in front of you is yourself

My sister, this will not be changed by any space and time


On the top of the mountain, as far as the sun can reach, the clothes are in rags

With the poor survivors as the background, the two sisters embraced each other for a long time.

"It's okay, everything is okay..." Holding Bai Bai

Ji's body, Yana comforted her casually. "Sister, I have

Everything is fine now that we are home. You have worked so hard for us.


This respectable vampire queen must have gone through a lot

A grueling journey.

Troubling you. "It's not just the


Bai Ji's behavior won the knights of Gulan, Ya

The unanimous respect of cat people and troll warriors.

In their eyes, she is the hero of the mainland.

Nim found a place and sat down, Tina's mouth was filled with tears.

On the smile, the side effects caused by the cold seemed to be affected

The light melted away.

Landry looked at this picturesque picture

There was no words for a long time, but just now, I figured everything out

Ji Yue smiled blessingly towards the two of them.

Bai Ming is Bai Ming, Bai Jin is Bai Jin, and the elder brother is the elder brother.

After a long time, she understood her inner emotions and was no longer confused.

I am no longer persistent.

Time seems to have stopped at this moment, which is amazing

The beautiful scenery attracts everyone's attention without giving in.

People sigh... This should have been a scene like this, but it was replaced by Yayan

The next sentence completely stirred up the atmosphere.

"Think of the best, Sister Huang, will you return on your way this time?"

I also brought back a niece for Yana, which is pretty good.

La, it's okay

"Paji." Bai Ji, who was a little moved by the scene, had no expression on her face.

He let go of Yana lovingly and let her fall on the uneven ground.

On the mountainous ground.

"Goo meow!" after making a strange sound

Later, Yana lost her balance

"Ugh...Sister Huang..." Yana shouted aggrievedly.


"Ah, Your Majesty, your subordinates are here." Nimu quickly leaned on

Cane out of line.

"Where's Lilias' coffin? You have it with you, right?"

Looking at everything around her, Bai Ji realized that if she continued

If she comes a step too late, she might fall into a catastrophic situation. She

He took a breath and said.

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