"Oh oh oh oh!

"Did you hear something?" Tina asked curiously.

Looking at Yana who is lying down.

"I heard it, I heard it, she's kicking me


"Yeah, I feel it, let me listen again.

Yana continued to attach the ears. "Really, really, I heard

Yes, she is really kicking, puff, puff, what a lively person

As for the active child, he must be a boy

"No, you must have heard wrong, it must be a woman

child. "Tina corrected. "The first child in the royal family is always a girl.

Boy, it's impossible to be a boy or something. "

"This kind of thing is not absolute and cannot be said for sure.

Well, he is also a boy.

It doesn’t exist. Your Highness Yana, what do you think about these things?

I don’t know, Tina is different from you, I am very

Research. "Tina said firmly.

"You make it sound like you know a lot about it, but to be honest, you don't

Have you experienced these things?" Yana said unwillingly

road. "I just read some experiences summarized by others.

From what I hear, it feels like I have been through hundreds of battles.

In fact, your experience in this area is just a blank slate.

Paper, you know nothing about it

I, I... Tina was knocked speechless by Yana

After a long time, he said with a blushing face and annoyance. "Your Highness's words

It's as if I haven't said anything. I've never been married and I don't have any lovers.

Yes, how is that possible?

"If you don't tell me this, you don't have any experience at all.

Ma? To put it bluntly, isn’t it just talking on paper and giving advice?

Make it look like you know it very well!”

"Of course I'm different from you, huh, anyway, I said

If it's a boy, it's a boy. "Yana crossed her arms and


"Your Highness Yana has no common sense as always.

Rasambo's direct royal family, the boy is impossible

"Don't rely on common sense, just in case there are exceptions

What??" Yana really argued with Tina on this issue.


"It must be a girl."

"It must be a boy!



"Bang! Bang!!" The two people who were arguing endlessly were beaten one by one.

gave a heavy blow

"Let me tell you, the two of you chatting so happily, there are exams

Have you ever considered our feelings?" Bai Ji clenched her fists with a smile on her face.

He laughed, but a big hash mark appeared on his head.

"So, it's none of your business whether you're a man or a woman.

Also, why are you sticking it on my belly? I already told you

The nature is completely different, what can you hear?"

"Ugh...sister, when will the child be born?"

Yana, who had been taught a lesson, had no memory at all.

I looked up at the little star with a face full of curiosity. “I really want to see the shrinkage soon.

My younger sister, I want to touch her head and make her cry

My aunt, hey

"Hmm, it will probably take some time." Bai Ji

After thinking for a moment, she thought of what Noni had said to her before.


Lilina is not white in the strict sense.

Ming, she is an incomplete and injured soul, so

So we can treat her as another separate individual


At least in Bai Ji's eyes, Bai Ming is Bai Ming, and that

A dull person who lacks common sense and needs care at every turn

The little girl is not alone

It’s also thanks to the fact that Lilina is just a wisp of injured remains.

The soul does not even have the body, only the first embrace of the vampire family does not have it.

How much backlash will it cause to her? Otherwise, the relationship between the Gulan bloodline and

The conflict between the Blood Spirit and Bloodline will break out soon. When the time comes, we will welcome

Hers was the body that died.

But just because there is no body, the soul is also broken

Yes, Lilina will probably need to be warmed in her body for a long time.

It's time to come out.

And after coming out, it seems that she is not sure whether she can survive.

Have memories of the past

It doesn’t matter if she doesn’t have it, even if she is just a beginner

The baby you gave birth to is so brand new, just let yourself grow little by little

Give her some color.

Thinking of this, Bai Ji's lips twitched slightly

He smiled and touched his navel with his hand, as if he was imagining something.

Next to Yanatina, even including

Everyone, including Milo, showed extremely shocked expressions.

"Sister...you, um, don't know why,

I feel like you have changed a lot, but you still feel the same as before


"Your Highness Yana, you don't understand this." Tina said

He looked very knowledgeable. "Women are becoming mothers

The changes before and after are huge. There is something called motherhood.

xìng, now it seems that with the change of identity, Your Majesty

This aspect should be fully stimulated. "

"Is that so? Being a mother will make you gentler

What? "Yana looked at Milo thoughtfully. "I really want to

Let's try it on another species, preferably in that kind of world

Rare race in the world, so that comparison can be made to prove the result

Suddenly, a big sign appeared on Milo's head

At the same time, the tail is like a signal pole

It's tilted up.

"Don't talk nonsense. I told you it's not what you think.

of. "Bai Ji really wants to explain the ins and outs to them. If

If there wasn't a very inappropriate person present at the scene,

She really wanted to solve this dumbfounding misunderstanding

"Miss Jiyue, stop looking at us like this. If you have anything to say, just

Say it straight. "Bai Ji glanced at the corner not far away, and from time to time

The black-haired girl cast her gaze in this direction.

"Um, Bai Ji, Huai...oh no, I want to ask

How do you feel now?" See you.

Bai Ji noticed herself, hesitated for a moment, and Ji Yue finally

Still couldn't help but asked curiously.

Bai Ji's face darkened, and then she said:

The horns are slightly raised. "Little sister Jiyue, let me tell you

It's a secret, don't tell anyone else.

"What, what secret?" Although looking at Bai Ji

Smiling, but Ji Yue always felt that the other person’s smile had various meanings

Very scary.

She had a bad feeling.

"Actually." Bai Ji smiled and leaned into her ear.

In front of the bank, he said softly. "This child who is about to be born is

The person you once loved the most. "

Miss Bai Ji, are you kidding?

Although she knew that what the other party said must be a joke, Ji

Yue couldn't help but shuddered when she saw Bai Ji's smile.


This feeling is just like what she said is true.


Bai Ji smiled and said nothing. Anyway, she brought it to

Well, it can’t be said that she deceived Ji Yue, it’s just that the other party didn’t believe her.

Xin, I can’t blame myself for this.

The local soldiers came to Bai Ji and held her gently.

He placed a black coffin in front of Bai Ji.

At this moment, everyone held their breaths

Inhaling, his eyes focused on the coffin and Bai Ji walking towards the coffin.

in front of

I saw her taking out four golden fragments, and

A loving goddess holding only an infant baby

“This is the [organ] of the god?


I had imagined what the true god’s organs would look like, maybe because I had

The actual relationship between the two is far different from what he imagined.


At the same time, he also noticed the broken pieces in Bai Ji's hand.

film, I gave her one before leaving, but she originally

There was one piece before, but now there are two more pieces. For example,

The fragments should be complete.

But these four fragments put together have absolutely no

What does compound mean? Does it mean that once the organs are broken, even if

Is there no way to restore them all?

Huo Lei, who was watching from the sidelines, frowned slightly.

Head, he always felt that these fragments were a little familiar.

It's not like I've seen it somewhere, it's like

Somehow, I received some kind of call.

The silver-haired girl still looks the same, with tight eyes

Closed, with silver hair disheveled, wearing a solemn black casket

clothes, her skin is as pale as before she was alive, as if she still has

Breathing is just like falling asleep.

"How have you been lately?" Bai Ji lowered her head.

He kissed Lilias lightly on her forehead. "Let's go back


At seven o'clock, the scene was silent, everyone screen

He watched Bai Ji's every move intently.

I saw Bai Ji clutching the white statue tightly to Lily

In Yasi's hands, she scattered the fragments in her hands like petals.

On Lilias's body, operate the divine power and infuse it with

Enter the statues and fragments.

Everyone watching there widened their eyes, fearing

Miss a crucial second

The dead can really recover with the help of divine power

Do you need to be reborn?

This is what they all want to know and are curious about


If divine power is really so omnipotent, maybe mortals

The species is really just as they described, weak and

It makes no sense.

Time passed bit by bit, and the stone statues and fragments disappeared.

There was no movement, and similarly, Lilias had no suspense either.

Signs of waking up.

Everyone's curiosity and hope from the beginning, and finally...

Slowly disillusioned over time.

However, Bai Ji did not give up, but stepped forward

With the increased output of divine power, the mountain and surrounding areas

The space gradually became clear due to Bai Ji's surging divine power.

Distortion of thoughts

"Your Majesty Baiji, you..." Nim stopped and looked at

Go down, Gordon, who was about to persuade him to retreat, shook his head at him.

All the hard work is in vain, no one will

I can tolerate it, and so can Bai Ji.

That is an unwilling persistence.

"Your Majesty Baiji, please stop. If you continue like this, Li

Miss Rias's body will be destroyed...Gordon

Still couldn't help but said.

After realizing that she couldn't succeed, Bai Ji stopped

Divine power delivery.

Lilias is the same as before, nothing has changed


"We know." The silent people around thought

When thinking about how to comfort her, Bai Ji spoke. "must

It's because we're not strong enough.

"As long as you kill all the Devouring Species you encounter, you'll be fine

Come on, it will definitely work..." Bai Ji said with a deadly calmness

His eyes looked into the distance. "Let's start with the alien octopus.


Looking at Bai Ji's expression at this moment, Yana's heart

A hint of worry arose.

A dark castle somewhere unknown.

"When my daughter grieves for her unscrupulous mother,

At this time, the person involved was eating melon seeds comfortably at the side.

I don't know what she would think if she found out. "through water

Ke'er, who looked at the picture in the crystal ball, turned to the corner jokingly.

Luo asked.

"Isn't this all arranged by you? Why is it all my fault?

What happened to the next generation?... How is the progress? It’s beyond your imagination.

Does it count?

"There will always be errors, you know, I can't

Be foolproof...even if you repeat it so many times

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