"Sister Huang, where are we going now?"

"Where to go? Of course, home." After hearing Yana's words, Bai Ji said matter-of-factly.

"Home?... But Sister Huang, the Blood Spirit Palace in Saplan State has been flooded and corroded. Even if it is rescued, the building will probably not survive."

"Well, that's right, so I have to rely on your help." Bai Ji rode on the dragon, and members of the vampire camp also climbed on Milo's back.

They are leaving. 38 reading updates.

"Is Her Majesty the Queen intending to reshape the world during this trip, or is she trying to drive out the alien species that linger in this world from Barand?" Gordon asked, leaning on crutches.

"Why ask separately? We all have them." Bai Ji smiled indifferently.

"In that case, please take me with you." Gordon asked.

"So, do you want to witness the reshaping of the world, or do you want to help us kill alien species?"

"My answer is the same as yours, I want it all." Gordon said confidently, leaning on his cane.

"Are you sure? Don't you care about the Witch Clan? In fact, I am very confused about this. The Witch Clan, like the elves, stay in the realm outside Barand. You can stay out of this matter, right?"

"The Witch Clan is in another dimension. Although it will not be affected, if the alien species is unscrupulous, the wave of invasion will sooner or later hit the Wizard Spire." Gordon heard the story. "Please let me follow you, I want to witness the new world you create."

"Really?" Bai Ji turned her head. "Then why don't you come up quickly? Wait for us to come over and invite you in person?"

"I'm sorry." After hearing this, Gordon adjusted his robe and walked up to Milo's back.

After that, everyone who should leave arrived as expected, but Milo still didn't fly away.

Ji Yue hesitated and said they were about to part ways, but she couldn't say anything to stay.

It was precisely because she figured out her current relationship with her that she couldn't say those words.

I would like to ask, how could the princess of Gulan say to the queen of the blood clan, "Please take me with you, I also want to witness the world you have reshaped"?

The sub-cat people have been a vassal state of the Blood Clan from the beginning. It is reasonable to take the sub-cat people away, but what about these Seven Gulan people? They were still enemies before. It is impossible for a crisis to push them to the position of relatives and friends.

Even if it is a temporary cooperative relationship, there is no need to continue to help them.

"Your Majesty the Queen, I and my people have nowhere to go. Well...hey, please take me in." Her thigh was right in front of her. How could Xiaosha let it go? She acted cute and was allowed to join the others. The demi-cat got on Milo's back.

"You bring your people up here."

When the stupid Huo Lei looked around, he was stopped by Bai Ji.

"Ah? Me?" Huo Lei pointed to his nose.

"Who else could it be if it weren't you?" Bai Ji looked at him funny. "I haven't invited you for a drink. We don't want to owe anyone else."

"Wine? Ah, is there such a thing?" Horace thought about it so much that his huge head was almost exhausted and he couldn't remember that the Queen of the Blood Race had ever owed him a drink, and he was confused. He was pushed onto the dragon's back by his tribe.

Then, only Gulan's side remained in place without making any movement. Not to mention how embarrassing the scene was.

"Why, don't you guys who stayed here plan to leave?" After a moment of silence, Bai Ji said.

"We?" Ji Yue raised her head slightly.

"If you want to continue to stay in this inhospitable place, that's fine with us, although it's really troublesome to bring more people."

"Is this really okay?" Knowing the implication of Bai Ji's words, Ji Yue seemed a little entangled and embarrassed. "You are the Queen of the Blood Race, aren't you? It will do you no good to save a group of Gulan people."

"It's not good for us to save a group of Gulan people, but there seems to be no conflict between us saving the Gulan people and saving our sister, right?"

"Sister, sister..." Ji Yue suddenly came to her senses and looked at Bai Ji in ecstasy. "You mean, sister?"

"Although I shouldn't say this, let's talk about it. The situation in the mainland is very bad now. For safety reasons, it is better for you to follow us." Bai Ji suggested.

"My Lady." Gulan's knights all turned their attention to Ji Yue, waiting for her decision.

"No need, Her Majesty the Queen of the Blood Spirit." Ji Yue raised her face, with a quiet smile on her face, and a hint of freedom and ease in her open-mindedness.

"Thank you for your help regardless of past grudges. Your great kindness will never be forgotten by Ji Yue."

Seeing this, Bai Ji smiled knowingly. "Are you really not going to follow us? In the face of life and death, you should put aside unnecessary face, right?"

"It's nothing to do with face." Ji Yue shook her head. "Although saying this is a bit overestimating my abilities, I want to try and use my own strength to see if I can win a place for my people to survive in this troubled world."

"Moving alone, the journey is difficult and dangerous. If you are not careful, you will lose your life." Bai Ji asked. "Are you really sure you want to do this?"

"I appreciate Your Majesty Bai Ji's kindness, but I still decided to lead the people out of the predicament by myself... If I want to express my gratitude, I will wait until the day we meet again." Ji Yue said calmly and calmly.

"Well, since Miss Ji Yue has made up her mind, we can't persuade her any more. I wish you good luck."

"I also wish you good luck." Ji Yue turned towards Bai

Ji showed an innocent smile. "Sister Baiji."

At this moment, it was like returning to the little sister who acted coquettishly towards her brother many years ago.

The giant dragon flapped its wings and flew away, and her black hair was blown by the strong wind.

"Sister Huang, can those Gulan people really find a way to survive?"

"Why, are you worried about them?"

"I don't, I just think it would be irrational not to follow the main force in this situation." Yana pouted.

"She has a mind of her own."

"Who? That Princess Gulan?"

"So far, she has finally grown up a little." Bai Ji showed a happy smile, feeling like she was sending away the chick that left her arms.

Physical growth will pass over time, but spiritual growth can only rely on the tempering of experience.

"Growth? I don't think so." Yana turned her head away. "At this time, you still choose to divide your troops into two groups. You are reckless and want to save face and are stubborn."

"No, she already understands." Bai Ji had an undetectable smile on her lips. "Only when you lose can you learn to cherish. It's the same principle as this."

"Understood? Well, Sister Huang, please don't keep saying things that Yana doesn't understand." Yana complained.

"You, everyone has grown up, but you are still the same as when we left. You are still a child no matter how you look at it." Bai Ji symbolically hit Yana's little head.

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