Blood Princess and the Knight

22~Bai Ji VS Sinner (1) (Part 2)

A battle between Devourers should end with one party completely losing its fighting power and being devoured in the end.

The tentacles that gathered into the forest circled upwards. At the same time, scarlet cards flew all over the sky and gathered into a spiral shape.

"Mr. Nim, Your Majesty has a 10% chance of winning."

"I can't tell, I just know that this battle will be the end." Nim leaned on crutches and stared at Bai Ji standing in the air. “If you lose, you will never recover; if you win, you will create greater glory again.

"So there is no need to be afraid, because no matter what, we will witness history. Whether it is the end and destruction, hope or recasting, we can all witness it with our own eyes."

While everyone was paying attention to the battle situation, only one person lowered his head and remained silent.

"The end?" Gordon muttered. "Will this battle really be the end?"

The current situation told him that the culprit who brought harm to the continent had appeared. He only needed to defeat and devour it, and the world would regain peace.

But why is he so panicked?

The tentacles rising from the sea were like a dense jungle, dizzying for everyone to see. On Bai Ji's side, she summoned the same number of qiāng chains.

The overwhelming qiang blades and tentacles collided together, making a muffled sound with each impact, and the city wall was affected. The superimposed divine impact continued to corrode the wall, and the indestructible city wall was twisting and deforming little by little.

In her spare time, Bai Ji took out a card and threw it towards the center of the city, where a semi-elliptical light shield enveloped it. To view more exciting books, please go to 38 Reading.

The vibrations caused by the muffled noises were not very high in decibels, but it felt like my ears could not bear it.

Even covering one's ears could not resolve this feeling, as if what was coming out was not a sound, but some kind of soul fluctuation.

[Divine Magic Soul Shackles]

When the tentacles and the gun chains were in a stalemate, several tangible and intangible chains stretched out, binding Bai Ji, as if directly tying her soul, and the latter unhurriedly pulled out a card.

[The Blasphemer's Hand Gudú]

The chains that bound Bai Ji dissipated, and in turn restricted the sinner as the caster. Read the latest chapters on Baidu Search 38 Reading.

[Desecrator’s Hand Card Demonic Gluttonous Egg]

Taking this opportunity, Bai Ji threw a black spear, which easily penetrated the sinner's huge body and opened a big hole in its navel.

"Did it succeed?" Everyone who was watching the battle all the time exclaimed.

"No, it's not that simple. The other party is also a divine creature."

I saw that the big hole in the sinner's navel quickly healed, leaving a gap from which black swamp gas spewed out.

Bai Ji immediately turned around all the cards and gathered them into a shield to protect herself.

[The Blasphemer's Hand Constructed Shield]

The sinner did not miss this great opportunity.

Bai Ji, who was dragged by the swamp gas, could not move. The thick tentacles still climbed up from her ankles to her thighs, and then extended to her whole body, dragging her down.

Immediately, she sank into the black sea.

The scene returned to calm, and at this moment, a braided crossbow arrow penetrated the sinner's body without causing any damage to it. However, the seeds that penetrated its body began to take root and sprout, wrapping it around it.

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[The scapegoat in the hand of the blasphemer]

[Desecrator’s hand card Evening Star Godvine Weaver]

Bai Ji, who successfully diverted the attention of the sinner using a substitute, got the opportunity to attack and successfully tied up the sinner with a braided bow and arrow.

Naturally, Bai Ji would not miss this great opportunity to counterattack. She threw the bow in her hand, summoned thirteen swallowers, and threw ten cards into their big mouths.

[The greedy devourer of broken cards is annihilated]

The eyes of the thirteen swallowers were red, and the blood-colored waves symbolizing endless annihilation spurted out like erupting fountains, converging into one point, swallowing the huge body of the sinner like a rushing flood that broke a bank.

"Close your eyes quickly!" Yana quickly closed the curtains and told everyone in advance.

The next moment, there was only a series of noises and tinnitus outside the ears, and the eyes of blood soaked the whole world.

When he opened his eyes again, only half of the body of the sinner standing on the ocean was annihilated, and he became half an empty shell.

Before everyone could cheer, the sea water gathered again and formed the body of the Sinner. The eyelidless eyes were full of sarcasm at this moment.

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