Blood Princess and the Knight

23~Bai Ji VS Sinner (2) We are not alone (Part 1)

"How is this possible?" A terrifying torrent of annihilation flowed through

Finally, the giant shadow standing unscathed on the sea was shocked.

Listen to someone.

The emperor's sister's soul annihilation can directly destroy the soul.

No matter what kind of creature it is, there will be no exception, even if it is a god,

The soul can still be reborn after being damaged or even annihilated.


Divine creatures, to put it bluntly, are soul strength breakthroughs

Creatures that have reached a critical value, the body is meaningful to them

The righteousness is not great, but the soul is undoubtedly a weakness

The soul can still regenerate after being destroyed by a soul attack. It is difficult to

The nature of the Tao Sin Lord is not a Devouring Species??

No matter what happens, the struggle between Bai Ji and the sinner is very complicated.

The fight will not end here.

It's not beyond Bai Ji's expectation that this big octopus can

Invading Barand many times, he was able to escape with his whole body, which was a loss of luck.

In addition to the ingredients, it also has a lot of strength and charm.

Bai Ji also gradually became serious

"It's another broken card. After so many years, you don't have any

Are you working on some new tricks?" the sinner mocked. "I

Different from you, compared to you, a half-hearted monk who has become a monk on the way

Son, I am only one step away from the true god.

It is immortal. "

"Now, how many cards do you have left?

Few, until the donkey in Guizhou is exhausted.

While conducting psychological warfare, the criminal also did not forget to use

Tentacles for sneak attacks.

Bai Ji casually cut off the tentacles wrapped around her.

The card triggers a dizzying array of swords, which is natural.

He was suddenly intercepted by the sinner's tentacle forest.

With a wave of the sickle, the tip of the blade penetrated a card, and it was

The penetrated card shattered into tiny red pieces, destroying the entire sickle

Knife dip dye.

The crimson sickle cut through the sinner Hou like a bamboo.

Real tentacles, blood flashed past, and the huge head was

Half of it was broken.

Then the Black Sea surged up and filled the gap.

Just like tissue regeneration, a brain is reorganized

At the same time, amid the ups and downs of the river and the sea, a violent explosion

The long and slender water lines, like spider webs, imprisoned Bai Ji


crime erasure

The sinner's belly button had a gaping gap that looked like a big mouth.

Through the gap, huge tentacles came out of it and pushed Bai Ji's chest

And the navel was completely pierced.

In less than a second, Bai Ji completely regenerated

After that, cut off all the tentacles that continue to approach, and cut off one

Cards were thrown into the sky.

The Blasphemer’s Hand: Stars Fall]

The falling flint lit up the dark world


Logically speaking, such a dispersed meteorite attack would have no effect on Sin.

The damage caused by the Lord is extremely limited, but Bai Ji's intention

And it doesn't stop there.

The meteorite fell into the sea, the waves were as high as the sky, the sea

The roar was deafening, and at the same time, the high-intensity heat

The black water is continuously evaporated.

"Oh? Do you want to evaporate the sea water in me?" The sinner squinted

He raised his eyes.

The Black Sea is the source of life for it and its relatives, as long as

Bathed in black water, they are immortal

Similarly, once the black water is evaporated, they become the same as above

Like the fish and shrimp on the shore, they are dying of thirst while struggling.

Evaporate the sea water, Bai Ji once used this method to defeat

The sinner's ghost army is still planning to fight in the same way


The culprit who should have stopped this did not do anything

Sincerely, Bai Ji allowed the sea water around her to dry up without any hesitation.

What action.

Bai Ji felt something was wrong, and as expected,

The sea level that previously dropped returned to its previous height, no

It has only returned to its previous height, and is still faintly continuing.

rising trend.

"Evaporate my seawater? It's a good idea. You can do it."

Go ahead, I support you. "As soon as the sinner said these words,

Down, the water level has grown a lot higher.

Bai Ji, who was aware of the problem, did not dare to act rashly.

"I have repeatedly used this trick to defeat my subordinates.

Do you think I really have no consideration?" The Sinner sneered.

Realizing that using Shenxìng can not only dry out the sinner's

After the sea water had the opposite effect, Bai Ji had no choice but to release

Abandon this tactic and refocus your firepower on the sinner.

"Seeing as you work so hard, I might as well tell you

A way to defeat me. "Under Bai Ji's attack, Wu

The moved sinner said indifferently.

"You are right in your guess. Sea water is indeed our life.

The source of it, as long as it is evaporated dry, even I will be able to

Fei Po San.

"It is impossible to evaporate the sea water. The only way is to

It is to consume it all. "In the face of the sinner

This is what Bai Ji said

After a while, the sea water rose up and formed the left side of the broken robe.

"Well, according to your current speed, according to Baland's

Calculated by time, I will let you stand still for a few thousand dollars.

You can't run out of sea water for years.

The sinner mocked Bai with an emotionless sneer.

Ji. "Are you desperate?"

"In this case, you can't hurt us."

"Oh, really." The sinner's eyes widened, and a pair of

Golden yellow thin threads extend out, the lines converge and transform into

It forms lines like sound waves.

[Sin Soul Burning]

This is a visible sound wave that penetrated Bai Ji's hand

Card line of defense, hit her.

It's like the whole person is burning from the inside out

The feeling spreads.

It's the feeling of the soul being burned, even though it's not

It’s my first time to experience it, and it’s still so heartbreaking.

The trauma caused by the soul is not like that of the body. As God

The container and origin of xìng, once the soul is damaged, it will be


However, the sinner, who is also a devourer, is completely uninhibited by the spirit.

Under the influence of soul attacks, Black Sea can even repair its soul.

Soul, as long as the black water does not dry up, in a sense, it will

It is truly invincible.

The two sides once again fell into a stalemate, but the situation began to

Became unfavorable to Bai Ji.

One side has the attribute of immortality, but the other side will follow the battle.

The fight became increasingly weak. As the fight progressed, this

The gap will only grow wider.

The advantage was gradually leaving her.

Just when everyone was looking at the clouds, the one who flew to the dome

Bai Ji made a desperate move and began to guide one of her strongest cards.

Ratsambo's bloody disaster.

Blood seals cover the sky, and the blood light casts from above

It dyes the sea water red, and the ocean rises in a whirlpool due to suction.

Yong, including the sinner, was also cursed by two spell words.

The tape is wrapped around.

Under the guidance of the blood disaster, the sea water became less and less, and eventually

Realizing that this move was unusual, the criminal broke free.

Binding, he intervened towards Bai Ji on the dome.

Sinful Soul Burning]

Straightforward soul attacks will not be blocked by any form

The protective obstruction is used for Bai Qianshe who is in the guiding state.

Ji is the most suitable.

And at this moment, Bai Ji pulled out her penis from behind

With the black iron sword, just a clang sound is heard, and the soul attacks

Hitting the blade of the sword made a sound like glass being hit by a stone.

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