Blood Princess and the Knight

25~Bai Ji VS Sinner (End) (Part 2)

"Could it be that the species has mutated?" Nim guessed.

"No, it doesn't look like a mutation, it looks like..." Gordon's words were interrupted by a violent shaking.

On the ocean, the giant shadow rose again, but the difference was that at this moment, it was in a terrible state.

The figure standing in the sky was in a state of dilapidation at this moment, with two arms missing, a large face missing a third of its body, and several holes penetrated.

On the other side, the ragged Bai Ji squatted on the head of the greedy devourer, naked.

"The natives of Baland, how crazy they are...but you still lost." The figure of the sinner gradually disappeared in the turbulent waves.

It was not because Bai Ji was defeated, but because the effect of blocking the divine nature disappeared.

This means that the Sinner can continue to heal his soul-sores by absorbing seawater.

"Sea water, reconstitute my body."

Just as the sea water was rising, the earth-yellow beam of light splashed onto the sinner's face again, and suddenly, the waves started falling.

"You, what have you done again?!" Feeling that his spirit was blocked again, the sinner was really angry.

"Sorry, Mr. Octopus." Bai Ji, who stood up with Yuehuang on her back, smiled mockingly at it. "Two forbidden spell-level gods collide, and its charge is full again."

"I will cut you into pieces."

"It depends on whether you are that capable." Bai Ji snorted coldly.

"Oh, do you think I will stumble on the same mistake twice, Barand native." The sinner said calmly. "Force me to continue to release my divine power, and then charge your sword. In this way, I will never be able to defeat you."

"Oh, you finally realized it, and then." Bai Ji put her hands on the sword rail.

"Cunning native, I will never be deceived again." The sinner straightened up. "Just wait here for the effect of blocking the divine nature to disappear. From now on, your conspiracy will have no effect."

"Well, it's commonly known as standing and getting beaten."

"Sharp-tongued, Barand native, all your cards have been shattered. What can you use to fight against me now? Even if I don't take action, what can you do to me?" the sinner said with a sure chance of victory. "As long as it lasts for a while, you will definitely lose."

"Really, in other words, if we launch a strong attack when you are most vulnerable, you will definitely lose."

"Idiot's dream, if you don't have the card, what will you get?"

Bai Ji waved her hand, and a hand card with a black background and red stripes appeared in the endless starry sky.

"Sorry, we still have one."

"It's just a card, can you defeat me in seconds??" the sinner sneered.

"Well said." Bai Ji straightened the card, and the countless particles on the front formed the pattern of the card.

"The effect of this card is"

"All canceled cards, Su Sheng."

"?! How is that possible?!" The sinner's eyes widened. "It's impossible, it's impossible to have the ability to commit such a foul. It's just a bluff."

"Are you bluffing?" Bai Ji bared her little tiger teeth.

[The Blasphemer’s Hand Stars Resurrection]

The card in his hand flickered, emitting golden and red particles, and in just an instant, countless cards occupied the sky.

"At this point, I might as well tell you that the buffer time of this card is more than one day, which means that after using it, we will lose most of our combat power for a period of time, and you will win."

"Of course, the premise is that you can survive this time." Bai Ji covered her mouth and smiled evilly. "A shot of [Ling Annihilation] in this heyday."

Bai Ji had planned the tactics long before the war started.

After pretending to be at a disadvantage in the fight with the sinner, use the fully charged Yuehuang to release the mortal xìng to the sinner, and then continue to use divine xìng release to try to solve it. If it cannot be solved, smash all the cards and use [ Spiritual Annihilation].

If it still cannot be completely killed, the release of [Spiritual Annihilation] will definitely allow Yuehuang to recharge it, and use the final trump card [Revival of the Stars], and another combination of [Mortal Xìng Release] plus [Spiritual Annihilation].

The order is release of mortal xìng, release of divine xìng, spiritual annihilation, release of mortal xìng, and spiritual annihilation.

"Gathering the power of eternity, it will bloom again."

Thirteen torrents of annihilation swallowed up the huge body of the Sinner, and this time it hit the target without any obstruction.

Every inch of the body tastes the taste of melting, and the flow of annihilation wants to banish all greed into nothingness.

Impossible, impossible, impossible! How could I lose to the natives of Baland?! Her divine threshold should still be within a controllable range.

The sinner could not accept the reality that power was constantly flowing out of his body. However, its struggle was as feeble as a fish and shrimp that landed on the beach. It gradually realized that this time, it might really be annihilated and taken away.

After figuring out what was going on, the sinner suddenly became excited, and the silver-white bird mask flashed through his mind.

"You, you dare to deceive me!"

"I won't let you, I won't let you succeed. I will not disappear."

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