Blood Princess and the Knight

26~The end, or the beginning of a new round of conspiracy (Part 1)

Impossible, this vampire's divine threshold shouldn't exceed mine. Could it be that

"Barand natives, how dare you deceive me..." It was not until the moment he was about to be defeated by Bai Ji that the sinner realized the whole process of the incident, but it was too late.

It is about to be killed by someone with a borrowed knife, and will fall into a state of eternal doom amid resentment and unwillingness.

Death means that the soul is gone, and the Devourer has no reincarnation or afterlife to speak of.

No, absolutely impossible.

It took countless efforts and time to create the divine path, but it eventually became a stepping stone for the mortal natives, which made it accept it no matter what.

In its view, all believers are attracted by its power, and as a being that is higher than mortals, it is unquestionable that it has the support and worship of low-level natives.

It really didn't calculate that the native's appetite was so big. But even so, that was the end of it. The only mistake he made was to put the abacus on its head.

Ignorant natives, you, and you, why do you also want to devour me? Let’s talk about it in a thousand years!

How could it, which has repeatedly invaded other planes but always escaped unscathed, not prepare its own way out?

In the red wave of annihilation, it penetrated itself with its tentacles and forcibly sucked out its soul.

As long as the soul of the Devouring Seed is still there, it can make a comeback, and it has already prepared a brand new plane for itself in advance, where it can rest and recuperate until it recovers, and then make plans.

Just wait, Vampire Queen, and the Barand natives who deceived me, I will make you pay back tenfold!

"Oh, by the way, Mr. Octopus, I'm sorry, I just deceived you." Bai Ji used radio waves to transmit the voice to the sinner's mind.

"Actually, we didn't destroy all the cards. The [Revival of the Stars] card I just showed you is not the only one left. We have one more card, but that card is not with us."

Bai Ji laughed, which made the sinner feel inexplicably uneasy.

"That card is not on us. Guess where it is."

Before the sinner could react, a card poked out from his broken navel, forming a huge rectangular cage to seal it inside.

[The Blasphemer’s Hand Card: Broken Cage]

"?! When is this..." After the war for so long, the Sinner never remembered that Bai Ji had put the card into his body, and it would never give Bai Ji this chance.

"You big octopus with no IQ likes to eat randomly all day long." Bai Ji reminded. "Remember the Devouring Seed I gave you before?"

"We thought you would wait until you have eliminated the threat before devouring it. I didn't expect you to be in such a hurry. Are you so confident in your devouring ability?"

Bai Ji had expected it long ago that it was no accident that the five warriors as devouring species defeated the sinner but let him escape.

This means that for this big octopus, it is common for him to run away if he cannot win, so he naturally prepares a lot of escape routes for himself.

With this, Bai Ji made a plan.

Before the war, Bai Ji would not easily choose to go to war without making complete preparations.

"Barand native!!" Being locked in a cage and unable to transfer his soul, the sinner's anger can only be incompetent rage. "You are all cunning beasts."

"If you don't invade Baland, you can sit back and relax at home and sip champagne. It's all your own fault." Bai Ji narrowed her eyes. "Arrogant soul, repent."

After the release of the spirit annihilation was completed, the thirteen swallowers looked up to the sky and roared.

"No, no!" The sinner already knew what Bai Ji was going to do, and the feeling that befell it now was a despair that every devouring species could only experience once in a lifetime - being devoured.

The so-called people who come out to fool around will have to pay back sooner or later. The sinner who has devoured countless divine creatures never thought that he would be devoured one day.

Thirteen giant beasts howled in the storm, as if thirteen big hands were tearing apart its soul.

If the souls of the Devouring Species are not completely destroyed, they will come back no matter how many times, and the only way to destroy their souls is to devour them.

Before devouring it, Bai Ji gathered a ball of energy source with her hands and threw it towards the barrier behind her.

That was all her remaining divine power, all of which was used to strengthen the barrier.

After being swallowed, the Devouring Species will become extremely fragile. The more powerful the Devouring Species, the more obvious the weakness will be after being devoured. At Baiji's level, the Devouring Species can no longer ignore this negative state.

Therefore, she had to prepare before this to prevent someone from giving her a fatal blow during her digestion.

"It's over, Mr. Octopus."

"Ha, ha!" What is unexpected is that in the end, what the sinner said was not a curse full of resentment and unwillingness, but a kind of mockery that made people feel uncomfortable.

"Vampire Queen, do you think it's over after you devour me?"

"No, it's far from over. As long as that ambitious guy is still on this continent, Baland will never have peace. The war is not caused by alien species like us, but by you.

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